Chapter 183. Me and the seven hukou (1) Princess Pena's spiritism class was proceeding without any problems.

As an elite who has been receiving education for gifted children since childhood, he has excellent basic understanding.

It means that you are an easy student to teach.

In addition, since spiritism itself was a field that relied on talent, it is only natural that she, who has excellent affinity with the basic spirits, would grow faster.

It didn't look like there would be a big problem if I just kept an eye on it and paid attention not to stray.

I'm sure I'm hoping it will go smoothly.

As for Pena's class, after deciding to teach slowly and without haste, I decided to take care of one thing that bothered me on my own.

And right away, I secretly went out to avoid everyone's eyes.

“...If you're here, you won't get noticed, right?”

Now I'm sneaking into the place where I used to practice magic.

A vacant lot between the mountains located in Pahilia.

This is where I used to practice magic before.

It's been a long time since I sneaked here.

I still feel strangely nostalgic for the traces of the destruction that still remain.

Although the construction of the city addition is in full swing, it is still useful as a practice place because the workers have not reached this point yet.

And it won't be a big deal since it's not going to be blatantly smashed like the previous magic practice.

“where? Then let’s just point out one thing that bothered me and move on.”

I checked once again to make sure I didn't feel any presence nearby, and started drawing a magic circle on the floor.

It is a magic circle for summoning spirits that Princess Pena taught me before.

“...I guess I can do this roughly.”

After accurately drawing the magic circle, I sighed.

Summon spirits.

In order to do that now, I deliberately found this place again.

If you don't want to be seen by others, is it safe to summon it in my secret house?

Summoning in a clear and open nature is much more likely to succeed than in a stuffy confined space.

This is subtly influenced by the surrounding environment.

That's why I don't like it very much.

“Originally, I wouldn't even think about summoning spirits...but it's annoying to do.”

? ? ? ? ?

I checked the magic circle again and sighed.

I'm not doing this because I need a spirit now.

However... one thing needs to be pointed out for sure.

Moreover, it is something that Pena must do before reaching a higher realm.

“I mean, that's what bothers me.”

What the spirit of Pena said about me.

can i believe

I guess that really bothers me.

To be honest, there are things that I don't really like when people who don't know me properly say that they can trust me.

It feels as if my identity has been stolen without my knowledge.

Judging from my experience so far, if you just ignore it as annoying in this case, more annoying things will happen later.

That's why I tried to take advantage of Pena's distraction from spirit training for a while and check it out.

“Can I just ask the spirits themselves?”

Why bother guessing, reasoning, and investigating?

If they talk like that, you should make them explain themselves.

cancer don't

I made this place now to summon the spirit for that purpose.

“where? There is no problem with the magic circle.”

If you're just summoning spirits, there's no need to go through each one like this.

But I have to be a little careful to get someone who can at least have some intellectual conversation with me.

“Then where should I call you?”

Standing in front of the magic circle, I calmed down and slowly began to circulate the mana circulating in my body according to the surrounding nature.

The most important thing to summon a spirit is your affinity with the spirit...

In other words, how familiar you are with natural mana is an important point.

Fortunately, thanks to the existing training method, the quality of the mana I possess is infinitely close to the natural nature.

Personally, I have a low level of affinity, and I am not a style that the spirits like very much.

However, unlike the body, mana is different.


After drawing enough mana and recognizing that I had assimilated to the senses around me to some extent, I slowly began to infuse mana into the magic circle.

I used an artificial spirit stone when teaching the princess, but I don't need it now.

The magic circle is starting to work properly and now all I have to do is cast the appropriate spell.

Remaining as reverent as possible, I approached the magic circle and uttered the great incantation.


Oh, it was a big deal. suddenly got bored

Can I just omit it?

“Me and these bastards!”

As it was, he reached out his hand violently toward the magic circle and muttered.

Summon order?

Actually, you don't need that.

As long as the method of conveying the ritual is correct, there is no problem in memorizing the order somewhat moderately.

this is my style

When I put my hand into the magic circle, it went right in.


It is proof that you are properly connected to the spirit realm.

“Can’t you come out quickly without procrastinating?”

With the sense of pulling out clutter from the inside of the drawer, I stirred my hand inside the magic circle, grabbed them, and forcibly pulled them out.


I heard a scream in my head, and one was dragged out first.

A spirit in the form of an aqua-colored woman.

“First of all, I ignored the water spirit that wanted to say something after looking at this side for some reason, then I put my hand inside the magic circle again.

This time, he brought out the black spirit.

[What are you! Wow?!]

It was noisy, so I hit it with the back of my hand to make it quiet.


Ignoring the two spirits staring blankly at me, I put my hand in again.

....take it out.

...throw it.

.. take it out again.

....toss again.

....If it's noisy, I'll step on it.

....take it out again.

Let's repeat that a few more times.

“okay. Everyone is gathered.”

I lined up the seven spirits standing in front of me and nodded my head in satisfaction.

still me

Summoned all 7 Elemental Kings of each attribute.

At first glance, even if they look like this, they are all spirit kings.

Originally, as soon as they appeared, they sprayed a huge amount of mana, took all forms, and pretended to be in front of the contractor.

But now all seven of them were in a daze, perhaps not understanding the current situation.

I guess so.

I can't even guess why all the 7 spirit kings were suddenly gathered here.

In addition, now I have blocked their power by creating a barrier with magic in advance to prevent them from rampaging.

It seems that the spirit kings noticed the fact too late and were embarrassed.

No matter how much I do, if the seven of them rampage with full power, there is a possibility that I will have a hard time subduing them a little.

Although he looks like seven friendly hukou, he is first of all a spirit king.

never weak

If I don't, there's a risk that even my city will be destroyed.

The spirit king, who was so great, was just bewildered, perhaps for the first time in a situation like this.

[Why are you forcibly tying us up?]

The spirit, emitting earthy mana, asks me.

[Is it for a contract? Or.....]

“No? You don't need it?”

What nonsense, I snorted.

Now, what do you need those powers for?

I admit that it's quite a lot of power, but there's no particular advantage I want to have.

I don't even like spirits there.

“I don't need anything else. I called to ask you one thing.”


I called these things to solve the question of what the spirit of Pena said.

Whether it's in terms of intellect or ability, it's most certain to go over to these.

“Shut up and listen. Recently, one of the spirits said something a little difficult to overheard to a certain elemental lord I know.”

[Elementalist? Are there still people like that... in this era?]

Well, it's not like they're monitoring each and every spirit, so don't you know that one elementalist has been newly born?

“First of all, it’s a low-level fire elemental… Oh, then I’d better ask you.”

I turned my gaze and pointed at a spirit that emits heat and red mana.

[ me?]

“Yes you. The same fire spirit, when it becomes a king, the public will know. It seems that the spirit told the spirit sergeant that he could trust me. What does that mean?”

[Human being, I can't understand what you're asking...]

The fire spirit king, who was about to ask again, suddenly stopped thinking because he didn't understand what I was saying.


Now, if I'm not mistaken, I think those guys are afraid of me?

The mana they radiate is fleeting, but extremely unstable.

Just as humans' emotions are disturbed, their senses are revealed in Mana.

[What is your true identity?]

“What is it? Are you asking that now?”

It's been over 5 minutes since you called.

Well, it seems that he didn't even have time to look at me properly because he was embarrassed.

And this reaction convinced me.

“As expected, I see myself a little differently in your eyes.”

These guys don't judge people by their appearance.

It was clear that I understood it as an inner state rather than as I guessed.

[Your soul is fixed.]

The white spirit said so.

He is the spirit king of the light attribute.

“The fixation of the soul? Does it look like that? Is that all?” that what it looks like?

[It's like thousands of years... By human standards, this time is right, right? It looks like it passed that time.]


[Even the Balaur's Lords probably aren't like that.]

“A Lord? ah? Those lizards?”

You have good eyesight.

I was just admiring it inwardly.

It seems that these guys are recognizing the traces of my past life in the form of a soul.

After all, the assumption that even the spirits cannot be fooled is roughly correct.

As expected, in the eyes of the spirits, it was clear that I looked different from other humans.

“I am not too surprised, though. Isn't this the first time you've seen it?”

[...A similar person has called us before. He was a human with a hardened soul like you.]

“Ah... did you have a partner?”

After hearing that explanation, I roughly noticed the circumstances.

That's as expected.

“When is that?”

However, I had to pay a little attention to this.

In some cases, you may have to revise all your future plans.

[By your standards, it would be a thousand years... Possibly.]

The ambiguous tone is because they only knew the human time standard as a rough knowledge, but did not properly recognize it.

At least these guys can properly understand and speak the concept of human counting time.

A thousand years ago though.

“Then it has nothing to do with me.”

It was almost as if he knew his true identity.

I guess there were other reincarnated people besides me.

There are people like me, but there is no law that there won't be other cases like me.

and.... In fact, it is surprisingly common.

I've even met them a few times in my previous life.

Still, it was rare to have lived so many lives like I did.

Most of the time, even if you reincarnate only five times at most, you will hear something gross.

When business partners meet occasionally, most of the reactions are surprised when I tell them the number of my past lives.

However, he was not interested in a partner that existed once upon a time.

It's a problem if it exists now.

It's a thousand years ago.

it's too old

That partner must have already gone somewhere else.

Or disappear altogether.

If he was born as a human anyway, he wouldn't have lived that long, and even if he were alive, these seven Hogu kings wouldn't have reacted like this.

From what I can see, it seems that he died right away and all contracts were destroyed.

Just in case, I asked them again, and they said that they no longer exist.

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