Chapter 178. The princess is a spirit consul (2)

“...the problem is this.”

Damon pointed to another machine in the workshop.

Unlike the printing press, it was a machine that simply looked at the outside and did not know what to use it for.


“...Yes, Arell-sama told us to prioritize development.”

When I threw out the blueprints to our personnel, I prioritized the order of development.

The printing press wasn't the first priority.

On the other hand, this machine is of paramount importance.

It is very valuable in terms of benefits and utilization.

“It’s a mana engine.”


It is a power engine devised by referring to various designs such as existing steam engines and engines and combining magic theories here.

At first, it was studied to refer to a simple cylinder engine, but now it has been further developed into a plausible form.

“Does it work?”

“It will perform to some extent as instructed by Arell-sama.”

However, listening to the explanation, there are still many shortcomings.

“There is no problem with the instrument itself.”

Archen also noticed that something was not going well.

“Then what is the problem?”

The operating principle has been reproduced, but it is difficult for us to complete it more perfectly.”

” also??????

A half-anticipated problem was brought up.

Developing a mana engine itself is not a problem.

But another problem arose.

As a test piece, it's going well, but it's too short to develop it to the point where it's actually applied.

“As for parts, we can do anything. But I can't handle the magic theory applied here.”

Archen said as he thumped the engine.

As you can see, he seems to have lost his self-confidence quite a bit.

It was simply a lack of manpower on the lines of the technicians.

“Well... even our wizards can't afford to do anything more than this.”

I put my chin on my chin and wondered for a while what to do with this.

“But where are you going to use this?”

“There are many places to use. The problem is that manpower is not enough to apply this in earnest.”

“Yes, especially we need wizards.”

But if we increase the work of our mages, everyone will surely run away.

What's more, I'm not the kind of person who gets screwed up like that.

“Should I borrow their hand for this ideal?”

“...It's a magic tower.”


I nodded.

“I wanted to borrow their hands as little as possible. There is nothing you can do about this.”

I had in mind right away that I had to make a request to the Mage Tower anyway.

That's why at the last banquet, I made a promise to the owner of the mage tower in advance.

“okay. Then put the mana engine on hold for now. Sooner or later, I'll talk to the Mage Tower. Let’s proceed even then.”

When I made my decision, the two of them agreed saying they would understand.

“By the way, I thought Arel-sama would go straight to the Mage Tower, but I’m surprised.”

“…I want to do that too.”

I mean, I just can't stand it.

But right now I don't have time to go there.

That's the problem.

“But for now, I need to pay attention to something else.”

“What is going on?”

“not a big deal. Just...

I pretended to be looking at one place and said it as if I was shy.

“Sooner or later, a guest will come to my castle. It is also a guest who will stay for a long time.”

“Guest... That's the person Arel-nim should take care of himself.”

Knowing that I didn't pay much attention to a tolerable aristocrat, Daman seemed quite curious.

“Who are you?”

“Well... you'll know when you see it. If you look...

I added with a playful smile.

“A very noble lady is coming.”

Even for the sake of the young lady, it was necessary to decorate our castle somewhat.

and ten days later.

The guest was now standing in a daze in front of the gates of Arel, looking up at the sky.

The scarlet-haired girl had just got off the carriage, wearing a coat over a dress for going out, and stood blankly looking up at the sky.

“???? It's clear.” In the clear air and sky unique to cold regions, she was just blankly idly.

However, it was quite strange that it was not cold.

It was partly because she was tired from riding the carriage for a long time, but the reason she was in such a mood right now was because she was looking back on her situation.

The servants who served her were quickly moving the luggage and reporting on what to say, but the person himself was simply replying, “Yeah... uh... uh....”

Just looking at it, the mind is different, but it is sold.

‘How did I come to this place...?'

It was just a thought.

And Arel appeared in front of her to greet her.

“welcome. Her Highness Princess Pena Amret Janil.”

Guests planning to stay here for a long time.

Arel greeted Pena, the princess of the Merman Empire, with a casual smile.

When Arell called her name, she looked back at him as if she had suddenly come to her senses.

“...was it Arell Ernesia'?”

“You remembered.”

“Of course you can't forget it...

She answered with a slight sigh.

“I didn’t know you could summon people like this.”

“It’s an overstatement.”

“Isn’t that a compliment?”

For some reason she seemed a bit fed up.

It was worth it.

If you think about how you got here, everyone will have the same reaction.

“Wasn't it none other than the princess who found me first?”

“...I'm sure it was me who found you first.”

Pena nodded.

“But I never thought it would end like this.”

she sighed.

It was true that Pena had contacted her to find Arell for some reason.

But somehow it came to this point.

“You couldn’t believe… that it would proceed with you taking over my new recruit…?”

For her, it was nothing but a sudden event.

Even if it wasn't, it was a form of studying abroad right after the war, and half of it was a time when I was living in the royal castle as a hostage.

Because I was informed that the place where I was supposed to stay suddenly changed.

Even when I heard that it was Arel's territory, I couldn't help but be genuinely surprised.

“At least I think this place will be more comfortable than the royal castle, right?”

“...When you were riding in the carriage, the moment you saw your eyes, the first thing you thought was that you were trying to freeze me to death?”

She said in a half self-deprecating tone, perhaps knowing where Fahilia was.

It wasn't a complaint about Arell, it was a joke to slightly pessimistic about his situation.

There's nothing I can't understand.

Arel didn't say anything different.

However, in the end, it was Pena herself who accepted the current measures.

So there is no reason to just complain.

“First, eat inside. How about sharing the details slowly?”

All the while, Arel spoke politely.

Those who know him normally would know how rare he is now.

It would probably still take time for this princess to know that.

Princess Pena Amretzanil of the Merman Empire.

Almost as little was known about her as I was before she rose to prominence.

There are only three members of the imperial family.

current emperor.

and Princess Pena.

and the youngest princess.

There are only three like this.

I wonder if the number is too small for the imperial family, but that's just the circumstances of someone else's family.

It wouldn't make any sense if I questioned it.

Maybe the former emperor is a bad guy.


Since the last war, the Empire has been forced to pay the same price under the pretext of an absurd declaration of war.

That is to leave the imperial family hostage.

Of course, if you openly call a hostage to the public, there is a risk of resentment.

Therefore, citizens who do not know anything only know that the imperial princess came to study to strengthen friendship.

The eldest son had to inherit the empire, and the youngest was only nine years old at the time.

As a result, naturally, she would have had no choice but to come.

‘If you think about it that way, it's a very strange fate... but

I was sitting across from the table with the princess in the middle on the terrace.

Now we are having tea time to take a break and talk.

‘Despite the pity, he himself is carefree.'

She doesn't feel pessimistic about her current situation to the point where it's hard to believe that she's a pawn.

Even when we first met at the royal castle, he seemed quite relaxed.

Maybe it's because he's from the royal family, so he's proud, so he might be deliberately showing a calm appearance.

“....oh? This tea smells good.”

It doesn't seem like that when I see them leisurely drinking tea.

Even if I see her true nature with my own eyes,

just in case, she is truly peaceful.

“You seem to be comfortable studying abroad.”

“oh? I have to say I'm a pawn. Ho ho ho ho.

It’s very comfortable to eat, sleep, and do nothing else, right?”

You speak very self-deprecatingly in a very pretty way.

But is it comfortable being a hostage?

Oh, that's really attractive... Fuck. Shit I almost believed it was real.

It's just that our kingdom treats us well.

Long live the advanced kingdom of Ernesia.

“It is as rumored. The cars...and the scenery are great.”

The princess admired as she looked towards the city.

“At first I thought it was a lie.

It's a big city in this place. Usually you won't believe it.”

“Everyone says so. Until I saw it myself. Oh, try this too.”

“I heard this...! What about chocolate?”

He is really happy while tasting the chocolate he recommended.

No matter how I look at it with my own eyes, I see nothing but enjoyment of being a hostage.

No, before that.....

“The Princess?”

“Yes, what are you doing?”

“Let’s get rid of the pretense.”

The princess froze as it was with a smile like a flower.

“I still haven't forgotten the princess's rude behavior in the garden last time?”

Don't you try to shut people's mouths, don't you talk openly.

Haven't people changed so much since then? I really.....

“What kind of pretense is there between us?”

“…I don’t know what you mean?”

“Are you going to write it on the city gate and stick it up? You mean the princess is a spirit sage?”

“....okay! I really... I like it when other people smile like this...

“My taste is a bit peculiar.”

I shrugged and smirked.

Yeah, what kind of pretense are we talking about?

For the sake of the future, it is convenient to leave useless pretense aside.

“That's Arel... Shall I call you Arell?”

“as you please.”

“Arell, why don’t you stop pretending?”


“I think Arell is no worse than me.”

“You have a good eye for that.”

I don't have to hide or hide it.

“I’ve said it before, but take it easy.

She's a princess anyway, but in the end, it's a pitiful fate to be taken hostage to a place like this during a blizzard.”

“I have nothing to say to the lord of this blizzard.”

Having said that, there is no need to be harsh.

“good. Then call me Pena.”

I looked straight into the eyes of the princess... no, Pena, and continued.

“I’m sorry you will be tired as soon as you come, but show me that.”

“that? Ughhhhhh.”

Pena was a little perplexed for some reason.

“I want you to show me in a place like this.... No matter how..

“Don't gloss over it because it sounds ugly. I know what you're worried about.”

There's no way I'm not aware of Pena's sneak peek at our servants.

“don't worry. Our side has a heavy mouth.

I guarantee it.”

“Because we deal with so many secrets. Basically, it is suggested by magic. You can never reveal what you see here.”

When I said this, my expression softened a little.

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