"Right before my eyes?" Jia looked around, noticing the Ancestral Staff of Death. "Does it have something to do with that?"

"No." Alion shook his head. "As I said, the answer was right before your eyes. It just depends on whether you are capable enough to find the answer or not."

"Right before my eyes? Does it have something to do with you?" She asked. However, she herself wasn't convinced with her answer. "I don't think you're capable enough. Then what else could there be?"

"Argh, I'm getting a headache! Just tell me what it is!"

Alion didn't speak. He simply raised his head, pointing toward the sky.

Jia also looked above. Her eyes suddenly lit up. "You mean... The World Tier Spell?!"

Alion nodded. "That's right. He took the help of the World Tier Spell. For most people, the spell appeared as if it was a barrier that Karyk cast to protect this world and the people. However, it was more than just that."

"Only Karyk could succeed through those methods as well, since none of the gods have control over the dead and the souls which was a must for it to succeed," he further explained.

"H-how did he do it?" Jia asked with eyes full of fascination. Even though no one other than Karyk was able to use this method, she was still extremely eager to know how it worked in the first place.

Unfortunately, it was as if Alion was taunting her. After bringing her curiosity to its peak with some hints, he closed his eyes with a satisfied expression on his face.


For five days straight, none of the people could move at all! They were all forced to be on their knees due to the suppressing aura that covered the entire world, as if it was to welcome the arrival of the gods.

However, to everyone's surprise, during those five days, they didn't feel hungry or thirsty either. Whether it be old, or young... They all felt as if during the five days, under the suppression not only did their physique become stronger, but also their soul and body was being nourished constantly.

It was as if there was some force that was preventing them from dying during the five days where they couldn't move. What was even weirder was that in this world, there was not a single day where not a single person had died.

However, during those five days, there was not a single death! No one knew why that was the case, but it was quite fortunate for Gabriel.

Since there were no deaths, the balance between life and death was maintained for the five days where Gabriel was recovering all his memories and strength.

It was unclear if it was intentional or unintentional, but it really helped Gabriel. As everyone was on their knees, there were no fights. There were no battles with the risk of people dying. There were no accidents either!

It was only after five days when the aura disappeared and everyone was finally able to move. Most people were grateful that they were finally free of the suppression and could ultimately move.

The weak went back to their ordinary lives while wondering what could've caused the strange phenomenon while the strong tried to find the cause.

Unfortunately, even the Holy Lords couldn't find the reason behind the strange phenomenon, unable to even locate the aura that the aura came from.

Unfortunately, this aura wasn't limited to the world. Traces of it could be felt far and wide, surpassing the limits of this world as well, even reaching the people that it shouldn't have.


It was early morning. The sun rose high in the sky yet its direct sunlight couldn't touch Gabriel who had been sleeping peacefully under the shade.

Two more days had passed since Gabriel was brought here and he hadn't woken up yet.

Throughout the two days, Alion and Jia hadn't slept for even a single second, keeping an eye on Gabriel, especially Jia who wanted to be ready to escape as soon as she saw something wrong with Gabriel.

In the forest, chirping of birds could be heard every morning. However, ever since Gabriel was brought here, it was complete silence.

"Could it be that he'll sleep for years?" Jia asked.

Alion opened his lips to respond. However, before he could even speak, he noticed Gabriel's eyelids moving slightly, as if he was finally waking up.

He stood up and prepared for whatever the outcome. His fists were tightly clenched behind his back as he stared at Gabriel, wondering if he succeeded or failed.

Noticing the strange reaction of Alion, Jia also gazed back at Gabriel. However, just as she looked back, she saw Gabriel's eyes open.

Her heart skipped a beat as she subconsciously stepped back. She didn't even dare to look into Gabriel's eyes.

Gabriel sat up straight. Even now, he looked nothing different than a mortal with no unique aura around him. His figure was athletic yet he looked frail and weak when it came to physique.

Gabriel first looked at Alion before glancing at Jia.

"Looks like your crazy plan really succeeded."

Alion sighed heavily in relief, patting his chest. Even though he wasn't showing, his heart was so scared that he wanted to escape faster than Jia if something was wrong. Fortunately, Gabriel hadn't gone crazy after awakening and remembering his past.

"Since you're still alive, that seems to be the case." Gabriel stood up. He took off the two gloves, sending them back in his spatial storage.

Previously, Gabriel used to talk to Alion with great respect, as if Alion was his senior. However, his tone now was slightly different, as if he was talking to a junior.

His voice was filled with authority like he was the only monarch in this world.

The attire that Gabriel previously treated like great treasure burned around Gabriel's body, turning into dust as a new set of clothes appeared around him, as if Gabriel created them out of thin air.

What was even more surprising was that the new set of clothes that he had created was a Numen that was even higher level than Jia's sword!

Gabriel's attire was completely black now which created a beautiful contrast with his long silver hair. His robe looked like it was made of real black flames of death!

The robe and the flames looked alive, as if whoever dared to even touch his robe was going to burn to their death, even if it was a Demigod! It was a God Level Artefact that had a spirit of its own!

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