Hokage Master

Chapter 352: Teleportation?

The Hokage abruptly took off and rushed to beat back a volley of Shin's blades. He attacked directly from the air with a hundred of his blades. No more talk - surprise attack!

The space was pierced by whistling knives guided by the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan!

The eyes of the Uchiha burned red, and the toothless grin expressed the excitement of battle!

The sound of steel! The chakra-covered fingers easily beat off the sharp blades. Moving through the air, the Hokage instantly appeared next to the enemy, hitting him with a surprise attack!

One hand seal and... Wood cracked!

Uchiha's face changed dramatically!

Thick branches shot out of Naruto's hand, but... Shin's Mangekyō flashed and a clone appeared in its place.

"Wow…" - Shifting sharply to the side, Naruto extended his hand and a Rasenshuriken instantly appeared on it! He did not waste time and attacked this pitiful copy without any pity!

A terrible roar filled the space!

Like a doll - the lifeless body of the clone was blown to pieces! Crimson rain fell from the sky, mixing with pieces of torn flesh!

Naruto dodged the blood drops easily, furrowing his brows in annoyance, and then shifted abruptly. His cloak shook non-stop as his chakra pressure increased with every second. He wasn't going to stop at such a petty failure. The bastard sacrificed the clone, well then...

One seal and two hundred spears, like a scattering of shining stars, filled the bright sky!

Shin Uchiha was instantly surrounded.

"Damn…" He immediately darkened. The Sharingan implanted in his flesh moved warily. The right hand trembled and all the blades spread out in space began to return to the owner.

The Hokage didn't stop him, while Sasuke finally began to react. Unfortunately, he could not fly, so he intercepted his sword and ended up near the dead remains of the clone.

"Hmm…" He was a little surprised by what had happened. Naruto killed the child, and so ruthlessly! Even if it's just a clone...

The bloodied head of the dead man rested not far from the pieces of his body. The light in the boy's red eyes had long gone out.

"Has he really changed that much?" It seemed too impossible. For such a naive fool to suddenly become so cold-blooded? He behaved almost the opposite of himself in the past. Although, in some ways, it still remained the same. At least he was still annoying and behaved as openly and brightly as before. It's definitely Naruto, but different...

Finally, for the first time since this little clash, Shin Uchiha showed his mocking voice:

— Impressive. Seventh Hokage, you're really strong... Ha, I'm surprised even the First Hokage's Element, I didn't foresee this...

"Hmm, really? - Naruto snorted, looking down at the enemy: - Well, you are so-so ... So many Sharingans, but in your hands they are of no use. Sorry sight. It looks like you weren't taught by Izanagi... And Susano... Although, no wonder, you're not a real Uchiha. He grimaced contemptuously.

"It's just pathetic garbage thrown away by Orochimaru."

Shin's face twisted sharply in rage!

- Bastard! Shut up!

It obviously pissed him off...

"Haa..." The Hokage sighed in disappointment and turned to Sasuke.

"That freak has a lot of copies. Take the eyes from the dead while I deal with this.

- What? Take your eyes? For an Uchiha, to hear that...

Is he serious?

But Naruto didn't care. His eyes didn't really bother him, but why not pick up a few? The opportunity is right. Then you can kill the rest.

This Shin turned out to be a complete weakling...

"What a disappointment..."

One collision was enough. The Hokage hadn't even used half his strength, and had already finished off one of that freak's life cards. If he used all his abilities, he wouldn't even be able to react...

What a pity.

But he still turned to Sasuke and added:

- What good is lost? I don't know how he propagated the Mangekyō, but throwing them away is stupid, don't you think?

Sasuke frowned. He could not argue with that, but still... Although, his opinion on this matter was clearly not taken into account.

Naruto didn't say any more - all of his clones rushed forward to attack! He did not even move, but simply watched from the sky as Shin fought back and literally drowned in the enemy environment. He wasn't too bad at it, he moved quite tolerably, and his control of the scalpels was not so insignificant. He cut down the clones one by one, only… In the beginning, they just rushed at him with their bare hands, and then different techniques were used. Rasengans, dozens of different elements... Until finally...

— Ha! - Shin Uchiha flew out of the crowd, spilling a whole streak of blood behind him!

Didn't even last a minute...

Sasuke didn't even have to intervene, as Naruto's clones beat the enemy half to death. The jutsu, one after the other, rained down on the poor fellow without stopping! In this world, few people would ever be able to escape something like this... Even with his blades and Dojutsu, this fake Uchiha couldn't defend against the wave of aggressive shadow clones.

As a result, the owner of dozens of Sharingan was on the verge of death. Several of his eyes went completely blind, and his body was pierced by dozens of holes and a sea of burns. In a matter of moments, he was in a pitiful state, so it is not surprising that he had to hastily retreat ...

"What it is?! Your mother! Panic gripped the tire! Chaos reigned in my head! This was not what he expected from the encounter with the rusty Seventh Hokage! He did not even have time to replace his body with clones ...

A terrible and humiliating defeat.

Suddenly, space began to distort - the Uchiha was about to run! But then Sasuke suddenly reacted. Lightning flashed on his blade, after which he charged sharply, but... Naruto suddenly shifted and blocked his path.

- BUT?! What... What are you doing?! He almost broke down...

It was then that Shin Uchiha finally escaped.

"Wh-what are you…" Sasuke gritted his teeth in anger, "What the hell?! Did you let him go?!

"Well, yes…" The remaining shadow clones one by one began to dissipate, and then the chakra around the Hokage's body completely faded. He straightened his collar and calmly glanced at his friend.

- What are you angry about? We need to end everyone. This guy's kids are still alive. Now he will lead us to his hideout, and we will deal with them once and for all.

Sasuke didn't say anything and then nodded grimly.

"I would have said right away… Damn. He turned away in embarrassment and muttered:

- What's the matter with you? I don't recognize you at all. You used to be a jerk, but now...

An icy spark flashed in the Hokage's eyes. Hearing insults from some crippled stranger was not his style.

And the answer was not long in coming...

"You know, Sasuke, I heard from Sakura that you're having trouble with this one... That's why you're so gloomy, huh?" - Naruto mockingly chuckled: - Poor fellow, I would have said right away!

— What?! The Uchiha's face twisted in outrage. Of course he took the hint!

- What you said?!

The Hokage laughed and patted his "friend" on the shoulder. That reaction was enough for him, this time...

- Come on, let's go already ... - And suddenly, the space opposite trembled and distorted!

Angry Sasuke changed his face dramatically!

Teleportation?! But how...

The smirk never left the Hokage's face, and then they ended up in an unknown space together.

Everything went perfect...

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