His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


The next morning, the Yamazaki couple woke up a bit late. The previous evening had been a little tough for Sayaka. On one hand, she was worried about her niece because of her attempted suicide. On the other, she wanted to keep up with her new decision.

She did not want to welcome back Hanae with open arms.

She had already noticed the pattern. Every time Hanae did something wrong, she would throw a tantrum, give her the silent treatment or do something reckless, and she would forgive her.

She needed to stand firm instead of allowing a little girl to lead her along. It was best to keep the distance.

As for Daiki, he had been unable to sleep because of his overwhelming anger after Sayaka told him about the things that happened in Saffron Garden.

When he remembered that Ito had been in his office at the same time asking for his help, he became even more steamed. He always knew that the family were ungrateful moochers, but he had kept them around for the sake of his wife's peace of mind.

Now that they had hurt his wife, there was no need to be polite.

In the end, the couple slept in the wee hours of the morning and woke up late.

When they came downstairs, they did not find Akira or Seiji. Sayaka felt a little worried. Maybe Akira could not process Kazuo's accusations and felt overwhelmed.

"Maria, is Akira still sleeping?" She called out to the butler.

Maria was a tall woman with the imposing air of a librarian. She was not unattractive, even in her forties, but she always held her hair in a tight bun and wore cat-eye glasses. She looked like someone no one wanted to mess with.

She could be considered the deputy butler in the house because she handled the home when the main butler was not around.

All the workers respected her, especially because they knew that it was a matter of time before the old man retired, and she rose to the position.

"The young miss and the second young master woke up a few hours ago." Maria pushed her glasses up her nose. "They had breakfast and decided to explore the neighbourhood."

Sayaka realised she was worrying for nothing. Once again, she realised that Akira was not a helpless little girl. She was an independent girl with a life, a career and probably, a lot of friends. The thought made her a little sad.

"It's a good thing." Daiki comforted. "At least, she is interested in the surroundings. It means she likes it here."

As they were having breakfast, the two missing 'children' returned.

The two faces were good-looking, but they were both quite cold. Their parents, who were having breakfast on the patio, marvelled at the similarities in the expressions. Of course, it would be better if they had matching beautiful smiles.

Akira lifted a hand in greeting before walking into the house. As for Seiji, he did not even nod at them. The parents felt dissatisfied with their children, but it was a sweet kind of dissatisfaction.

In the house, Akira walked to the kitchen and found Maria.

"Maria, I am having some of my items delivered to the house at two. I will need assistance." Akira said.

"Of course, young miss. I will have a few people available." Maria touched her perfectly perched glasses. "Do you have a lot of heavy things?"

Maria did not make assumptions about Akira's situation.

Akira remembered the conversation she had with Hina the previous evening while she was preparing the hotpot ingredients and felt a bit of a headache.

"The heaviest item is probably a grand piano." She responded.

Seiji, who was standing behind Akira, lifted a brow. His little sister was full of surprises.

"If I may, young miss," Maria said. "The music room already has a grand piano. Perhaps, we could transform the suite opposite your own into your private leisure room."

Seiji nodded in approval. Unlike the old butler, Maria did not go with the flow when making decisions. She had a clear mind and was not afraid to offend.

"Thank you." Akira accepted the suggestion.

"You should both wash up for lunch," Maria said before turning away.

Akira's lips lifted in a smile. "She is quite a character."

"Shh, she had the ears of a bat," Seiji whispered.

Maria turned her head a little, but she did not say anything. Seiji gave Akira a look that said 'I told you so'.

Akira could not help it as a giggle flowed out of her lips. The bubbly sound was soft and adorable, and it was infectious. Before long, Seiji also laughed.

"What are you both laughing about?" Sayaka asked.

The laughter stopped after the interruption. The two donned their cold faces like they were masks.

"Fine, fine. Refuse to laugh for your mother." She looked at them. "I came to tell you that your uncle and his family have come over."

"Is that so?" Seiji asked with a strange expression. "Oh, I just remembered that I have a patient to check on. I will see you all tomorrow."

Akira had not met this uncle's family, but she had gotten the report on them. Yamazaki Isami was Daiki's third sibling and his only brother. He had three children, a son and twin daughters. He worked in the company alongside his brother as the vice president.

There was nothing unusual or extremely unpleasant about them. However, if Seiji wanted to leave, something was not right.

Akira stretched her hand and caught her brother's wrist before he could turn. The hold was like a clamp, making him unable to move.

"You have the day off." She said in her soft voice.

"Hehe, the life of a doctor is unpredictable." Seiji laughed awkwardly. "We are always on call."

Akira smiled and blinked a little. Her clear eyes were like a pure and undisturbed spring.

"If necessary, you can take a sick leave." The hand around his wrist tightened.

Seiji looked at his innocent-looking sister, but he felt like he was looking at a demon. She was clearly threatening to break his hand if he decided to leave. Why did he still find her so lovable?

"I am not the only doctor at the hospital. They cannot always rely on me." He changed his tune immediately.

Sayaka looked from one child to the other and felt jealous of her son. But at least, Akira was bonding with someone in the family.

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