His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


Akira looked at the handsome face and felt that the good features were completely wasted on him. If he had a better personality, he could have been something.

"Indeed, I feel a strong fate," Akira responded with her eyes on Kaito.

The group of people were shocked by her words. Elder Takahashi frowned a little because he did not like brazen girls. He preferred reserved girls with a graceful demeanour. Chairman Yamazaki only looked at Akira a little more closely because she surprised him.

As for Sayaka, she was a little embarrassed. She thought her daughter was moved by the handsome face and had become a little foolish. She needed to plan for a few lessons for Akira so that she could learn how to relate well within upper-class society.

Akira continued after the short pause. "We should go to a temple to dispel it."

Kaito laughed merrily at the audacious girl. She did not disappoint him. Other girls might have hidden their animosity, acted scandalised at his words or even behaved in a shy manner.

But his Akira was straightforward and unabashed just like himself.

How could he not like her?

Elder Takahashi looked between the two of them with suspicion.

"Do you two know each other?" He asked.

"Yes," Kaito said.

"No," Akira responded at the same time.

The two of them looked at each other. Akira glared while Kaito retained the teasing twinkle in his dark eyes.

The other people looked at the two of them with increasing suspicion. It was obvious there was something strange going on. Even if Akira acted annoyed by Kaito, that reaction was unusual. They must have had a prior connection for her to behave like that.

It was unlikely that they did not know one another.

However, the more peculiar thing about the situation was that the two of them were long-lost family members of affluent families who had just returned to Mountain Ridge.

That point was enough to trigger a few more thoughts about the pair.

Chairman Takahashi thought about this connection and felt that the coincidence was too much. The chances of a rich family discovering a long-lost relative was low. And now, two families had found direct descendants in the same period.

His eyes narrowed a little. He wondered if his father was stirring things up or if he was plotting something new. It was obvious that Elder Takahashi was dissatisfied with the current state of things.

It was not unthinkable that he had taken action to address his grievances. After all, it was strange that this relative who he had claimed existed ten years ago had appeared again out of the blues.

Maybe he was plotting to have this unknown nephew take over the company from him. If this Kaito was interested in the company, he could band up with the new Yamazaki daughter to fight against him.

Of course, these were his casual imaginative speculations.

He did not think that his nephew had the capabilities to fight with him over the company. Even if his background was unclear, he was not a person who had been raised in the family. His understanding of the business would always be inferior.

He could not beat himself or his children at harnessing the control of the Takahashi empire.

As the level of awkwardness rose, Hanae took the moment to make her presence known.

"Grandpa Takahashi, Uncle Takahashi, I am Ito Hanae. Nice to meet you." She spoke softly and sweetly.

She helped in dispersing the discomfort that the people were feeling at the strange behaviour exhibited by Akira and Kaito.

Chairman Takahashi looked at Hanae with a strange intensity. As a seasoned veteran in the business world, he could detect underlying things about others. So, he could see that the girl was not as pure-hearted as she portrayed herself.

However, she seemed useful.

"Sayaka, you seem to be blessed with a wonderful daughter and niece." Chairman Takahashi spoke up.

"They are quite ok." Sayaka responded coolly.

"I foresee a union between our families soon." The man continued with a strange smile.

In his mind, he was already plotting how he could use Hanae to stimulate his foppish son. Even though she did not look incredibly smart, she seemed to have enough means. He had heard that she lived with the Yamazaki family even though her parents had bought a house in the locale.

Her scheming mind is exactly what his son lacked. It was a shame. Both of his daughters were extremely brilliant and had made him proud since they joined the company. However, his son was mediocre and unambitious.

Sayaka felt uncomfortable at the words, but she had to consider Elder Takahashi.

Kaito could see his uncle was plotting something strange, but he did not care too much about the man for now. His primary focus was teasing his little panda.

"Thank you, Uncle. Akira and I accept your blessings." Kaito said with his mischievous smile.

Hanae, who was waiting for Kaito to acknowledge her, felt like she had been stabbed in the heart. From the beginning to the end, he did not pay attention to her.

His attention was completely stolen by Akira.

"Behave." Elder Takahashi rebuked his grandson before turning to Sayaka. "I have not yet introduced you to my grandson. This is Takahashi Kaito. His parents met a misfortune when he was a child, so he has been wandering outside. Please do not take offence at his manners."

"It is good for children to be a little livelier," Sayaka responded with a polite smile.

"Nice to meet you, Kaito." Hanae was happy with the official introduction.

She had thought things through quickly and decided to target Kaito as a love interest. Naturally, she liked him because he was handsome and as a member of the Takahashi family, he was a good candidate for a long-term relationship and marriage.

The most important thing was that he seemed to like Akira.

How satisfying would it be if she could snatch him?

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