Zhong Feng listened to his mother explaining the situation without a change in his expression. He had not expected that Song Lili would become impatient so quickly and seek out an alternative way to use her blackmail material.

However, he had considered the possibility.

Still, when he heard the demands that Song Lili had presented, he raised an eyebrow. Fifteen per cent of Zhong Industries was not a small figure. After all, the corporation had a lot of subsidiaries in numerous industries around the world.

This demand was quite bold.

Unfortunately, there would be no negotiation. Song Lili had no power.

"What do you think we should do?" Chu Ling asked with caution. She was willing to accept Zhong Feng's decision because she felt that it was her fault that Song Lili had taken the drastic steps that could destroy their family.

"I am a little busy at the company right now." Zhong Feng while pressing his forehead lightly to ward off the stress headache. "Xiao Lei will come by the house within the hour and sort out the matter."

Chu Ling wanted to ask her son what Hu Lei could do to deal with Song Lili. In the end, only Zhong Feng could convince Song Lili to drop her ridiculous attempt at blackmail or encourage her to raise other demands.

However, she did not dare to speak her mind.

The subject of Hu Lei had brought tension between her and Zhong Feng in the past. After she and Zhong Tian had apologised to Hu Lei, their relationship had improved a little bit. He had even been willing to leave them with Hu Fai.

If she started questioning him about Hu Lei and how she could deal with Song Lili, there was no doubt that Zhong Feng would be displeased.

So, Chu Ling chose to trust her son.

"Alright. I will be waiting. For now, we will hold Song Lili. But we can't do so for too long, or it might be considered kidnapping." She sighed.

After Zhong Feng ended the call, he texted Hu Lei, letting her know of the general situation. He did not want to call her because he was afraid that he would distract her. He knew that she was already on her way back from the Song's ancestral home.

After a careful search, she had found a memory stick and a few other things. If they were right, they had all the blackmail material that Song Lili had hidden. Moreover, if they didn't, they had enough dirt on Song Lili to shut her down permanently.

Hu Lei did not know that Zhong Feng had also created and dispatched a little program to detect the video. If someone uploaded or sent the video, the program would delete it automatically from the source.

It was time to get rid of Song Lili permanently.

Zhong Feng smiled as he put his phone away. Despite the circumstances, he had enjoyed the week with his cute wife. He had never thought that cooperating on something nefarious with Hu Lei could be so much fun.

"Your relationship with my junior sister is truly something special." An annoying voice said before laughing vulgarly.

Zhong Feng looked at the man who was walking around his office as if he owned it, touching this and that with interest. The simple process seemed innocuous, but Zhong Feng was not fooled. As soon as the man left, he would have the room swept for bugs.

"Don't you have any other place to be?" He asked the pompous and suspicious person.

"How can you ask that, brother-in-law? I came here specifically to accompany you. If you would like, I can help you with your work." Kaito struck a pose. "I might be handsome, but my brainpower is incomparable."

Zhong Feng massaged his temples. Even if he lost his mind, he would not allow this person near his work. This type of small-minded person would probably destroy Zhong Industries just for the sake of seeing the fallout.

Unfortunately, even though he was left to do nothing, he would still affect the progress of his work. It was difficult to relax when one of the deadliest assassins in the world was walking around, even though he did not have an interest in killing him.

Suddenly, an idea came to him.

"Now that you are in Supreme City, shouldn't you relax a little?" Zhong Feng spoke uncharacteristically. It was obvious that his little wife had influenced him quite a bit.

Kaito felt like there was a trap in the words, but he could not help taking the bait. "What do you mean?"

"It must be hard for a busy man like yourself to have a relaxing and enjoyable trip without all the work." Zhong Feng emphasised 'work'.

"What do you have in mind?" Kaito was intrigued, and his face was saying 'keep talking'.

"I have some friends who can give you a taste of Supreme nightlife." Zhong Feng smiled.

Kaito's eyes lit up.

Even though he was an assassin who knew everything about the cities he visited, he had never had a casual night out without worrying about targets, other assassins and various government spies around him. A common experience like that could be exciting.

"Make the call." He said while pretending to be reserved.

Zhong Feng did not waste time before calling Furukawa Shun.

"Hero, I thought you had forgotten me." The man whined immediately after picking the call. "You abandoned me just like the main character abandons his childhood friend and sails off with a motley crew to become the pirate king. I thought you would only return to avenge my unfair death."

Zhong Feng wondered why he was surrounded by people with abnormal psychology.

"Come to my office. Hu Lei's," He paused. "god-brother is in town. Maybe you can show him around."

"Are you going to be there?" Shun asked with excitement.

"I am quite busy at the company with the anniversary party coming up."

"Oh yeah, I got the invite."

"Maybe you can invite Wang Che. He always seems to know about the latest parties." Zhong Feng said casually.

There was a pause on the other end. "I don't know if he will agree to go out at night. He has been quite busy lately."

Zhong Feng felt a tinge of guilt but looking at the guy who was now touching his books, he felt that he had no choice but to pit his friends. And there was only one way to make sure that things went perfectly so that he would finish his work.

While Shun was a fun guy, he was like a small animal. He would get excited and begin anything at a high note but run out of energy almost immediately. Moreover, his alcohol tolerance was abysmal. He was not a party-all-night kind of guy.

"Then, don't force him. Just tell him about Hu Lei's brother and ask him if he knows about any good parties tonight. He doesn't have to come if he doesn't want to." Zhong Feng was certain that Wang Che would not allow Shun to go alone.

"Fine, I will ask." Shun sighed. "What is this guy's name anyway?"

"He is Kaito. He is from your homeland." Zhong Feng replied in Japanese with a fox-like look in his eyes.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" The bunny became energised immediately. "I will be there soon."

After Zhong Feng hung up the phone, his facial expression became cold and neutral again. Kaito stared at him with an unwavering interest in his dark eyes.

"The more I know you, the more I like you," Kaito spoke with an amorous gaze and a seductive smile.

Zhong Feng felt a strange chill.

Being liked by the leader of the Shadow Brotherhood couldn't be a good thing.

And he had heard how Kaito had treated his apparent favourite junior sister.

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