As Song Lili entered the Zhong home, she was once awed by the opulence. She had studied a little bit of art appreciation, and she could see that the house was filled with extravagant paintings, calligraphy pieces and priceless artefacts.

Her hand clenched in determination as she was shown into the sunroom by the butler. She could not give up everything she had always known to be hers.

"Would you like some tea or water?" The butler asked.

Song Lili frowned. She had never been asked this question before. She was simply served with a range of goodies whenever she visited Madam Zhong. It seemed that her attitude had really changed.

"Some hot water is fine, thank you." She smiled.

The butler nodded before stepping out of the room. Instead of heading to the kitchen, he went to the garden where Madam Zhong was to inform her of the arrival of the visitor.

"Auntie, we should plant some medicinal herbs next." The voice reached the butler as he came into the garden.

Chu Ling laughed. "You are quite ambitious, aren't you?"

"Of course, I am going to be a powerful doctor."

"You know… your father was a doctor. He was a very good one. He once helped your big brother-in-law."

"Really? Then, I will be even more powerful than him."

Chu Ling laughed again. "I like your spirit, young man. Should we add a few more classes for you?"


The harmonious scene of the short and cute Hu Fai planting flowers with Madam Zhong reached the butler's eyes and warmed his heart.

Since the boy had become part of the household, the house had become more lively. Unlike the young Zhong Feng, Hu Fai was interactive and talkative. Everyone loved him.

"Madam Zhong, the visitor has arrived." The butler finally interrupted them.

Chu Ling lost the sparkle in her eyes, and Hu Fai looked at the house with curiosity. The home rarely had visitors. They had restricted most movement into the Zhong ancestral home for the sake of Fai, to protect him.

When Zhong Feng had sent him to live with his parents, he had explained a little that the exposure of Hu Fai's identity could bring a lot of problems. Chu Ling and Zhong Tian had, at first, thought that it was because of the scandal in the Murong family.

However, they had realised that Zhong Feng was quite serious about the matter. He had changed their security guards and vetted the household staff once again before warning his parents again about Hu Fai's protection.

After a little discussion between the old couple, they had concluded that the matter was probably related to Hu Lei. Even though she had been casual about her life before returning to Supreme City, their eyes could see that she had probably suffered in the job she had been doing.

When they remembered the comment about her father's employers being sticklers and preventing her from leaving until she finished the contract, they drew their conclusion.

Those employers probably had something against Hu Lei and might harm Hu Fai to get whatever they wanted. With that thought, the old couple had only revealed the identity of Fai to the butler for security purposes.

As far as most people in the household knew, Fai was a distant relative of the Zhong family staying to keep the old lonely couple company.

"Fai, finish up tending to the flowers while I see the guest." Chu Ling stood up and removed her gardening gloves and apron.

Hu Fai looked a little forlorn because of how he had been treated in the Murong family. Every time an important guest came, he would be locked up and forbidden from coming out in case he disgusted distinguished people.

Chu Ling understood the sadness in the boy's eyes because they had investigated his history with the Murongs. She felt sadness in her heart.

"Fai, we talked about this, didn't we?" She pinched his cheeks lightly. "Some bad people might be coming after you because they want to harm your sister."

Hu Fai thought of his little big sister, and his heart filled with happiness, and his mood became a little better.

"I know." He responded.

"When you finish tending to the flowers, I will be done. I will teach you how to make tea, alright?"

Hu Fai nodded and turned his attention back to the garden.

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