Call his name?

Did he wake up on the wrong side of his bed today? What's with all the strange attitude? Or was he really considering sleeping with her?

Her face paled so much that it looked like she would faint from shock.

''Are… you serious right now? ''

She asked, raising her eyebrows slightly.

Nicklaus smiled, tilting his head;

''What? You don't want to do that? ''

Tiana thinned her lips. She didn't say a word.

When he saw that she would not reply, he pulled her seat closer to his, his eyes locking on hers. Tiana wanted to look away, but his gaze was so captivating that she could only stare right into his eyes.

''I was thinking, '' He whispered. Raising his hand, he tucked in some loose strands of her hair to the back of her ear. ''I should start treating you more like my mistress than an employee, ''

His words which filtered into her ears made her hairs stand straight on her skin;

Tiana stared at him like she had seen a ghost.

As though she was not shocked enough; Nicklaus held her hand lying on her laps and squeezed it gently,

''I know I haven't treated you well since the past months, I regret my actions and I want us to start off on a new page. ''

Nicklaus couldn't find a better time to tell her that. Although he had done her wrong, he really wanted to change and even though they might be nothing better, they could at least be friends_ good friends, who could have a decent conversation.

Tiana was stupefied.

Did he think he could change everything by just holding her hand and telling her how much he wanted to make amends without even directly apologizing for what he did?

With all his actions today and not even giving her a chance to oppose showed that he would not take a no for an answer, and she couldn't even imagine what could happen to her if she dared to reject his wishes.

She knew he just wanted his way with her, but she would show him she was way smarter and wiser than he could ever imagine.

Instantly, she blinked her eyelids and a sweet smile slanted her lips.

''I… I've been waiting for you to say that. ''

She spoke quietly, her eyes filled with emotions as though she meant what she said. In the next second, she threw herself at him and hugged him tightly.

''I forgive you, Nicklaus, I forgive for everything, just please don't hurt me anymore, ''

She cried on his chest, clinging onto his shirt.

Nicklaus couldn't believe his eyes,

Does that mean she had liked him too?

His heart banged against his chest uncontrollably. Did she like him ever since but was just waiting for him to apologize?

He couldn't contain the joy that flooded his heart. He never imagined that it would be so easy to win her over.

He had just been hurting himself when all he needed was to apologize?

A smile washed his features and his hands hugged her closely;

''I will never ever hurt you again, Tiana. I promise. ''

He replied, kissing her hair.

Tiana chuckled in her heart;

That's better. Now she would feed him his own medicine. He loved breaking people, right? She would break him till he wouldn't find any remains of his crushed soul.

''Diana, where does he stay? ''

Mia asked as they walked into her room. Diana turned to her with creased brows.

'"Who? '' She asked, as though oblivious of whom she was referring to.

''Nicklaus, of course! Who else am I here for, your father? ''

Mia concluded, laughing mockingly. Diana rolled her eyes at her;

''I told you, he has a woman already and she's beautiful and Nicklaus only looks at her, he doesn't even speak to me, so you better keep your ass up and look somewhere else. ''

Diana warned as she unpacked her stuff from her bag.

''Too bad that makes me want to chase him more, ha-ha. ''

Diana shot her a glare and shook her head. Mia was Michelle's sister, the last child of her family. She was very beautiful, and she had always thought she could get everything with her looks, well until Nicklaus. She had liked him ever since she saw him. Although she was dating an actor at the moment, she didn't mind throwing it all away for Nicklaus. He was like her idol.

Well, it was said that no-one was perfect, because Mia had everything, but falling for Nicklaus was her undoing because it was an unreachable desire.

''Oh well, I heard that he is gay, I think he hired that woman, so they are just pretending. He'll dump her soon and then I can have him all to myself. ''

Mia said, smiling happily as she slumped on the bed, her eyes watching the ceiling;

''Right, you know he's gay and yet you are still going after him? ''

Diana asked, her expression amused;

''Why not? Come on, look at me. Even a gay can't resist this beauty. ''

She exclaimed, sitting upright on the bed and pushing her hair backwards. She arched her back, pushing forward her boobs.

''Mmm, that's true, but the last time I checked, the woman he's with is prettier than you.''

Diana explained and burst into laughter as she saw Mia's shocked expression.

''That's a lie, Diana. I have seen no person prettier than me in years now. ''

Mia's face was red as she sulked; she didn't like that Diana wasn't supporting her.

''That means you weren't even looking well, because, I mean, I've been standing right here. ''

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