Tiana blinked her eyes, wondering if she was dreaming; but the more she blinked the clearer Nicklaus face became. His eyes were unwavering as he watched her intently. That instant, Tiana's heart skipped a beat.

He was staring at her!

She instantly pulled her gaze from him; a deep redness flushed her cheeks.

How long did she sleep? She wondered, sitting upright immediately. She picked up her phone and pretended to be busy. The air in the room was so tense; Tiana was finding it difficult to breathe. After a while, she lifted her eyes to Nicklaus again, and she regretted doing that instantly;

He was still staring at her!

''if you want to sleep, you can go into the bedroom. ''

Nicklaus said with a calm voice. Tiana glanced at him;

''I'm awake now. '' She said and dropped her eyes to her phone. Nicklaus did not reply to her and the room returned to its original quietness.

In about 6 hours more, they arrived at the airport. After taking their luggage, they walked a little before a car pulled up in front of them; the driver stepped out and took their luggage from them.

''Welcome, boss. ''

He said, pulling the luggage to the trunk of the car and putting it in. Nicklaus opened the door for Tiana to get in but before he could tell her to, she had walked over to the other side and entered. His lips thinned into a straight line, and he sat down, closing the door after him.

She was still sitting the way she sat when they were going to the airport; Nicklaus glanced at her briefly and quickly pulled his eyes away.

Tiana cherished the city's view as the car drove on the busy road. London was a real beauty; everywhere looked magnificent; Los Angeles was beautiful too, but London had a different feel.

In a few minutes, the car pulled to a stop; Tiana looked in front and she saw that they had stopped in front of a high-rise building, obviously a hotel.

Nicklaus came out of the car, and she stepped out too. The driver took out their luggage and gave it to them, and they both walked into the hotel.


Tiana mumbled to herself. There were really beautiful places in the world; the whole place was so luxurious and reeked of money, pounds sterling to be exact!

''You're welcome sir, your penthouse is ready, this is your card. ''

The receptionist said with a beautiful smile as she handed Nicklaus the keycard. Nicklaus took it from her and walked towards the elevator, and Tiana followed quietly.

A penthouse; does the hotel belong to his family or something? It seemed he was a frequenter because he didn't even ask for directions.

Tiana thought as she watched the numbers go up. The numbers stopped after a moment and there was a clinking sound and then the elevator doors opened.

He walked to a door and placed the keycard on the door, a green light flashed and then he opened the door.

Tiana stepped in quietly, and she stopped right beside the door.

Her eyes widened at the magnificent décor of the house. The furniture was clear as glass, and it was as though she just entered paradise. At that moment, she didn't want to go back to California.

''This is your room, you can order anything you want, and we're meeting a client tomorrow. ''

Nicklaus caught her off from her thoughts as he pointed to a door, then he walked into another room, closing the door behind him.

When he closed the door, Tiana walked deeper into the living room. She wished she could afford a place like this and live there for the rest of her life, away from the problems of the world. Leaving her bag in the middle of the living room, she walked around the house, aweing at the beauty.

Oh my heavenly! A pool in the sky!

Tiana's lips fell in shock as she pushed open the balcony, only to be greeted by a luxurious swimming pool.

Too bad she would not get to swim in it. She thought to herself as she admired the poo. After a while, she walked back into the house and took her bag to her room.

Her room was luxurious too, and the bed was king-sized. She kept her luggage on the floor and opened it, taking out her pajamas, towel, and toothbrush. She pulled her clothes off her body and tied her towel around her chest, then she walked into the connected room;

There was a Jacuzzi bathtub with blue lights inside it;

Tiana raised her hands to her cheeks;

''Just when I thought I've seen enough! '' She grinned excitedly and jumped into the bath.

After taking his bath, Nicklaus wore his clothes and opened his bag to take his pills. He normally placed it in the small part of his bag, but when he put his hand in, he felt nothing. His eyes widened in shock and he searched more, but he couldn't find any pills.

He poured his whole box out, yet there was nothing; there were just a few packs of cigarettes and a lighter.

He fell on the bed when he remembered that he had forgotten to put the pills into the box. A frustrated sigh left his lips.

He couldn't sleep without them and the hotel was not a pharmacy shop, they could not possibly have sleeping pills, so he had to go buy them himself.

Quickly, he dressed up and stepped out of the room. Just as he closed the door, his eyes fell on Tiana. She was sitting on the dining, munching on food.

Her bulgy eyes locked in his, and she immediately looked down to her plate.

''I'll be stepping out for a moment. ''

Nicklaus said calmly as he walked towards the door.

Tiana squeezed her brows.

Why was he telling her?

It was not as though he needed her permission to leave or something?

And come to think of it, he's been behaving strangely lately;

She thought as she continued eating her food; remembering what she had seen on his phone a few weeks ago, she looked towards the door;

Could it be because of his illness, he is no longer frosty all the time?

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