Nicklaus made her sit down on the bed, and he gave her a glass of water to drink.

''How much do you remember?'' he asked her.

''Everything. I remember everything. ''

Nicklaus sighed; "I was scared that you would only remember the times that I hurt you. I didn't know what I would have done if that was what happened.''

Tiana sighed;

''I'm happy I didn't. I can't imagine causing you more pain, we already lost one year, I won't be able to bear another day apart from you.'' She paused; ''who was it that hurt me?''

He mentioned taking care of the person who hurt her, but now she remembered the accident. She wanted to know who it was.

''It was Liam. He did not die as we had thought and had teamed up with Gwen to hurt you. Gwen had told him where you would be on that day, that was how he knew you would go for your mom's anniversary and had planned the accident beforehand.''

Tiana nodded;

''Oh, so that's what happened.''

She wanted to ask how he took care of him, but there was no use. She didn't even want to have such knowledge in her memories.

Tiana grew quiet. Before regaining her memories, she had thought that Gwen had a reason for betraying her, and doing all that she did, but now the only reason she could find was the fact that she had suffered for her.

She loved her so much to take all the pain in her place, but what was she rewarded with?

Betrayal? Pain? And almost her death…

Tiana breathed out. What did she do to deserve such a sister?

Nicklaus watched her. He knew what she was thinking now, so he took the glass from her hand and kept it away, then he hugged her.

''Don't worry, everything will be fine,'' he said, kissing her forehead.

Tiana hugged him back and closed her eyes, not wanting to think of anything else. Gwen didn't deserve her tears, not even a drop.

The next day, they both took the day off from work. Tiana stuck to his side like glue. They showered together, cooked their meal themselves, slept, played games, and watched movies. Tiana basically ignored all her calls till it was dark.

After brushing her teeth, she picked her phone.

Several missed calls from her manager and Claire, and she called Claire first.

''Baby girl, '' Tiana called with a giggle, as though she had not missed about six of her calls.

''Where were you? You weren't picking your calls, and neither were you replying to your texts; You had us all worried!''

''Sorry, my love. I had to take a day off to spend time with the love of my life. ''

she said, smiling sheepishly.

Claire rolled her eyes.

''You had basically spent the last month stuck to him like gorilla glue, you didn't have to take the entire day off from work, Tiana Howells.''

Tiana laughed when she heard Claire call her full name.

''I remember everything, Claire. '' She said and Claire was quiet.

''Seriously? You remember Nicklaus now, and me? ''

''yeah, everything. ''

''I'm happy for you, baby girl. Take your time with your hubby. Who am I to interfere.''

Tiana laughed out loud; Claire always knew how to make everything fun.

''Yes, I will. ''

They both laughed.

''But you should have told me earlier, you just made us worried for nothing, and you have to be kind to your manager. She spent the entire day worrying about you. ''

''I will; will call her right after this call. ''

''Please do, and you're coming to work tomorrow, right? ''

''Yes, I am. ''

''Alright then goodnight, Zayn just woke up, it's time for me to feed him. ''

''Alright, see you tomorrow. ''

Tiana ended the call and called her manager; she apologized for ignoring her calls, saying there was a personal matter and that she would be at work the next day.

After the call, she joined Nicklaus on the bed.

His eyes were closed, but she wasn't about to sleep that night without having sex with him, so she planted kisses on his neck slowly and her hands inched down to caress his dick. Nicklaus opened his eyes with a low groan as he pulled her closer to him, and Tiana smiled. The rest was history.

The next day at the office, her manager briefed Tiana on her schedule. She had two interviews that day. Her fans and the public had been looking forward to her come back after waking up from the coma, so she had to be in her best appearance.

She went to the dressing room and changed her dress and her makeup artists touched up her makeup.

''You are ready. '' her makeup artist said and Tiana smiled and stood up; turning to her manager, she asked;

''What's the time for the interview? ''

''Twelve, and it's already 23 minutes past 11. We have to get going now. ''

Tiana nodded; ''Okay; give me a second, let me use the restroom. ''


Tiana stepped out of the dressing room, but her steps stopped when her eyes met the person she had wanted to see in forever.


Surprise flashed through Gwen's eyes when she saw Tiana. It was as though she wasn't expecting to see her, more like she was in a hurry to avoid her, she had intentionally come late so as not to bump into her, but she didn't think she would come out of the room at that moment.

Tiana stood still for seconds, staring at her sister, who had turned into someone she didn't know.

Finally, she walked forward and stood in front of her. Gwen blinked and looked away.

Tiana smiled. She didn't want to believe that her sister was that heartless and unrepentant, even when she didn't call her all these while, she wanted to give her the benefit of doubt, but after regaining her memories and seeing the arrogant look on her face, she knew, she couldn't keep giving excuses for her.

''We need to talk, don't you think so? ''

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