His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 404 - I Want You, Badly, Beautiful

''I want you, beautiful. I want you so badly, it's making me go nuts, baby girl.'' Nicklaus stood up, still holding her. His hands held her neck, and he kissed her, roughly and passionately. Tiana felt like she was floating. Her brain was spinning. Her hands grabbed his shirt, and she kissed him back. Suddenly, she heard plates crashing on the floor, but that was the least of her worries at that moment. Her legs hugged his hips as she quickly undid his buttons.

She pulled the shirt off his hands, their lips still connected, Nicklaus' fingers pulled her red gown up, his fingers finding their way into her panties.

''Fuck…'' Tiana groaned as she tried to clench her legs close, but Nicklaus was standing in between them, so it was impossible.

''Damn, you're wet. '' he groaned, she made his boner go harder.

Tiana moaned, biting his neck as he worked in and out of her; her fingers grabbing his hair.

''Oh my god,'' she screamed when his fingers hit the right spot, her legs wrapping around his waists.

Nicklaus pushed the rest of the plates to the ground and placed her on the dining table. Tiana lay like a baby. She didn't even resist when Nicklaus pulled her legs up, pulling her panties off her. His lips instantly replaced where his fingers had been, and Tiana screamed in ecstasy. Her fingers pushed and pulled on his hair until she was squirming around on the table.

''Oh my god, '' Tiana squealed. She was having multiple spasms of pleasure all at once, and Tiana thought she was going to faint any minute. She panted when she saw him stand up; she stared at him with passion in her eyes and all she wanted to do was get naked in front of him. Stark naked.

She sat up and pulled her gown off from her head, letting her boobs dangle in front of him. She wasn't putting on a bra.

Nicklaus seized her waists, as his lips covered her nipples, one after the other. Tiana's legs wrapped around his waists, as she felt him lift her from the table, and in seconds her back was against a bed, in a room, she was too sex-drunk to notice.

He kissed her again, as he slowly entered her; Tiana moaned against his mouth as her eyes instantly shut. He moved slowly and then a little faster, her legs clasped around his waists, as her moans rang in the room.

Tiana's eyes shut like so many emotions filled her, her heart raced as tears gathered in her eyes and she kissed him passionately, tears falling from the side of her eyes.

God, she couldn't explain what she was feeling, but she missed him. She missed him so much.

She couldn't remember anything, but all she wanted to do was hug him tight and kiss him like it was the end of the world.

''I love you. I love you so much. '' She whispered in his ears, her fingers clasped around his neck. She couldn't explain this feeling, but she just knew she wanted to tell him she loved him. She had an overwhelming feeling to tell him how much she loved him.

''I love you too, beautiful, so very much.''

Nicklaus kissed her cheeks, lips, and neck as he reached his climax.

Little pants left their lips as Tiana hugged him tightly, not wanting to be apart even for a second.

Tiana slept like a baby till the next day. She only woke up when the sun rays hit her face. Her eyes opened slowly as she took in the strange surrounding and in seconds the events of the previous night came rushing to her.

A faint blush colored her white face as she looked to the side to see Nicklaus but he was not there. Tiana frowned and looked around the room, and he was still not there.

Standing up, she walked naked to the door, but before she could reach it, someone pushed it open, and there he stood with a robe on, and her naked, stark naked to be exact.

Well, it wasn't like he had not seen her naked, but then it was awkward seeing her walking to the door without clothes on.

Tiana's hands flew across her breasts in reflex. ''hey; ''

Nicklaus' face lit up with a smile when he saw her; ''hey; '' he replied.

''Um, was looking for you when I woke up, '' Tiana said, trying to ease her shyness, but she was sure her face was red already.

Nicklaus beamed and closed the gap between them, kissing her on the lips.

''I went to get my phone from the dining table, didn't want to wake you up. How was your night? ''

He asked, a smirk on his chin. Tiana smiled, taking her hands away from her chest so he could feel her breasts.

''Eventful,'' she replied, and he laughed.

''I know, but I meant your sleep,''

''Good, I slept like a baby,'' she said, and he kissed her again before letting her go.

''There are no clothes here,'' he said, as he walked to the wardrobe,  ''it actually skipped my mind, didn't think we would sleep over, but I already called home, so they would be here with clothes any minute.''

Tiana nodded;

''So what's for breakfast? '' she asked. ''I didn't get to eat dinner because of a certain someone; ''

Nicklaus laughed as he joined her on the bed, pulling her close to him.

The workers just arrived now, already told them to prepare something, they would be done in an hour or two, so we can stay in bed and wait for them.''

Tiana smiled as she watched him bury his head in her chest as he closed his eyes to sleep.

He looked peaceful and happy. She was happy too. There were only a few times in her life she had wanted time to stop s she could enjoy the beauty of the moment, and this right here was one of them.

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