His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 257 - You Hurt Me, Leo

''where were you? ''

Hazel was standing in the middle of the living room when Leo walked in. Her eyes stared at him pointedly as she folded her arms in front of her. Leo's steps faltered when he saw her.

''Hazel, I was at a friends' '' he swallowed, he could see the look of betrayal on her eyes and the way she bit her lip made him know that she knew who the 'friend' was but she didn't want to say it, afraid that it might be true.

They stood still staring at each other for a while and then Hazel breathed; '' I came over last night and you weren't home, been calling you ever since and you weren't picking my calls. '' She swallowed, staring at him as though waiting for an explanation.

Leo breathed out in frustration, he wished he could turn back the hands of time; he wouldn't have lied to her in the first place.

''Hazel, we need to talk. '' Hazel's eyes searched his expression and the look on his face told her that what he was about to say was not anything good. She watched him walk to the couch in the living room and sit down,

''Hazel... ''

Leo palmed his face, his hand brushing through his hair. Hazel watched him for a moment before she walked slowly to the couch and sat down beside him a little far way.

''What is it? '' whether it was what she wanted to hear or not, she would still hear it, it was clear that she didn't have a choice.

Leo palmed the sides of his head with both hands as he thought of how to tell her. He wished it didn't come to this; Hazel was such a good person.

''Hazel, I like someone else. ''

The room reduced to pin drop silence after the words left his lips. Hazel could hear her lashes blink. She had always suspected that he was in love with that person but he denied it over and over again;

'' It is Claire right? '' she asked after a few minutes of silence, Leo did not respond but he did not deny it either. Hazel took in a deep breath, her hands fisting on her thighs.

''I asked you several times… ''

''I'm so sorry, I didn't think I would ever be with her, I never wished to hurt you this way, I'm so sorry. ''

Hazel stared at him for a long while, and then she chuckled; ''so why are you telling me now? You should have just ended things without telling me, it would have been easier to deal with, Leo. ''

Leo's heart shattered, he wished he didn't have to hurt her this way,

''Hazel, I'm so sorry; '' that was the only thing he could say, that he was sorry, nothing else.

Hazel did not speak, she just watched him as though he was a television screen, after a moment, she smiled;

''Okay; '' Leo's eyes widened in shock;

''Okay? ''

''Yeah, do you think I'm going to fight with you? Or fight Claire because of a man who doesn't love me? '' she laughed.

''You hurt me Leo, not because you love Claire, but because you lied over and over again, because you just used me to get over an infatuation. ''

''I'm very sorry Hazel, I never wished to hurt you… ''

''But you did; '' she cut him off, and smiled; ''and to think I asked Claire and she told me to my face that there was nothing going on between you two… '' There was a flash of anger in her eyes but she masked it immediately;

''because there was really nothing going on, we've never had anything intimate before I met you, it had always been a one sided crush, until she realized she liked me too, but then I was already together with you so she stayed away, it wasn't until yesterday, when we met… ''

''Its fine, I don't want to hear the details; '' Hazel said, standing up from the couch and made to walk out the door, then she remembered something;

''Right, I left some of my stuff here; I'm just going to get it now. '' Hazel went into the room and came out after a few minutes with a small bag;

''Have a nice life, Leo. '' she smiled and walked out the front door.

Leo didn't know he was holding his breath until she left. He heaved a sigh and slumped back on the couch. It was over now?

He didn't expect her to take it lightly, given the number of times she had queried him about Claire and he lied. He knew Hazel liked him, even if she wasn't drunken in love, she liked him to an extent, so he was a little shocked that she took everything lightly.

His hands reached to his phone from his pocket and he called Claire;

''Hey; ''

''Hey; '' The question was on the tip of her lips but Claire didn't want to ask it, she was scared of what the outcome was.

''I've told her… '' Leo's voice sounded on the other side of the line and Claire breathed in sharply;

''what did she say? '' her heart raced nervously, if Hazel wasn't having it, then she might go meet her herself.

''She's gone. '' Leo said and Claire's brows creased;

''Gone? ''

''Yeah, she was mad but she said she wasn't going to fight over a man, so she left. ''

''Just like that?'' Claire was surprised; she didn't expect it to be this easy.

''Yeah, I think so. '' 

''Wow, I didn't think she would be so forgiving. ''

''Me too ''

''Should I meet her, apologize in person? ''

''Claire, she wouldn't want to see your face. ''

''Yeah, that's true. '' No matter how sorry she was it would seem as though she was mocking her if she went to apologize.

''She'll be fine. ''

Claire breathed out from her lips; ''I pray so; ''

''You are coming over after work, right? '' Leo asked, changing the topic.

''Yeah, I just left the house now, about to get into the car.

''Alright, talk to you later, I love you. ''

Claire felt a blush stain her cheeks, she didn't think she would ever feel mushy hearing those words from him; ''Love you too. ''

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