Diana stepped out of her car, her hand clutching her bag. She walked mindlessly to her front door, pushing it open and walking in, her mind lost in thoughts.

When she left her house, she had been thinking of the man she had spent her whole life loving, but now she was returning, she was thinking of another man? She did not even remember Greg for one second throughout the ride back home.

She didn't know why but she was thoroughly smitten by Michael's charisma and manliness. Everything about him, from the way he spoke, smiled, or laughed; she couldn't help but admire him. Too bad they wouldn't even meet again, in this vast city, the possibility of meeting the same person twice was slim to none.

Diana changed into something comfy and sat in the parlor with a bucket of popcorn watching Netflix; or rather that's what it looked like because her mind was deeply engrossed with thoughts of the man she met earlier.

Now she thought about it, he didn't mention having any girlfriend, did he not have someone? She thought as her brows creased. No, someone like him could not just be single. He was gorgeous and the way he spoke could sweep any woman off her feet, so surely, he must have someone.

She pouted; his girlfriend must be very lucky, very lucky to have someone near perfect as him. She thought as she bit into her popcorn. Suddenly her phone buzzed by her side and she picked it, when her eyes fell on the message on the screen, her mood dampened instantly.

It was a message alerting her of the reshoot of Mia's scenes by a new actress. Even till that moment, she could not believe that she was gone. Mia was a carefree soul, who had little to no trouble at all; she couldn't believe that there was someone who wanted her dead.

She had never appeared tense or looked like she was in trouble so she could not believe it when Michelle said someone had a hand in her death. 

Alex was a suspect, but deep down she knew he was not the culprit. If she wasn't sure of anything, one thing she was sure of was that Alex loved Mia, to a fault even. But there was no proof of that, and the evidence gathered all pointed to him as the culprit and if no evidence saying contrary was submitted, he was going to be charged with her murder. And the fact that there was no other suspect made it more frustrating.

She dropped the bucket of popcorn by her side, losing appetite to eat more.

 ''Never thought you could one day be head over heels for a woman, Nicklaus. This time last year, there were rumors about you being a gay, I'm pleased by the drastic change that woman has on you. '' Grandpa chuckled as his eyes glanced at the document containing a check and the documents to the house he had given Tiana.

Nicklaus glared at him quietly; did he think this to be a joke? He had been to hell and back because of what he had done and he was here laughing like it was some comedy show.

''it's just a matter of time and you'll come back to your senses, I'll be waiting for you. I'll let you have fun with her for a while, but you should know that I won't let you get married to her. ''

''That's not your choice to make Grandpa. The last time I checked, I did everything you asked of me, so I don't see reasons why I can't get married to the woman of my choice. ''

''You can still keep her by your side, but you shouldn't let your emotions get in the way of business. ''

Nicklaus sighed, pinching his nose; ''Grandpa, please just stop.'' He paused, wanting his words to sink in;

''I'm going to let what you did pass because you are my grandfather, but I can't say this would be the case if you try to harm Tiana, or make her cry again. I don't need any marriage alliance to make this company successful, and I'm not going to let you dictate who I get to be with. Grandpa, I have a lot of enemies I'm up against, i beg of you, don't add to the list, I don't want to fight with you, if there's any goal you hope to achieve, tell me, I'll reach it, but please, don't hurt the only family I have left. ''

Grandpa fell silent as he watched his grandson. Nicklaus exhaled, shutting his eyes briefly;

''If there's nothing else, I'll be on my way.''

He stood up and turned to the door;

''Nicklaus… '' grandpa stopped him, and Nicklaus turned to look at him;

'' don't die. '' Nicklaus stared at Grandpa who had a small smile tugged on his lips, and he nodded before walking out the door.

Grandpa stared at the shut door and the smile on his face replaced with a sorrowful gaze. After Douglas met him, he knew Nicklaus was not going to be safe anymore. He knew Douglas would do everything in his power to get the company for himself, even if it meant killing Nicklaus.

From childhood, he had always been this greedy, wanting what belonged to his elder brother and the only reason why he let him handle the company at that time was that he fell ill after Jeffery's death.

And that had become his greatest undoing. He wished he could go back in time; he would not have made that costly mistake.

Douglas would do anything in his power to get the company; Nicklaus would do everything in his might to protect it. He could not imagine the hell that was about to befall his family.

Just that moment, he heard a knock on the door, and a maid stepped in with a tray in her hand.

His brows creased because he didn't order for anything;

''what is this? '' He asked, as he watched her drop the tray on the table in front of him.

''Grandma asked to get you green tea. ''

'' mm, okay… ''

He picked the cup and took a sip; a small smile appeared on the maid's lips and she turned and left the room.

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