His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 170 - Let's Start Over

''Oh my god, I'm late for work! '' Tiana exclaimed, jumping out of bed when she realized she had been carried away with everything that happened and had forgotten about going to work. 

They finished eating breakfast and had snuggled in bed, talking about random things. It wasn't until her eyes swept past the wall clock that she saw the time.

Nicklaus stood up and helped her put on her shirt.

''Uh… when are you moving in? '' he asked, not looking in her eyes. Tiana saw the faint blush on his cheeks and she smiled;

''I don't know, I made a deal with Grandpa not to see you again, so we have to settle with him first, I can't just move back in like nothing happened. ''

''That is not a problem, I'll talk to him. '' He paused for a second; ''How much did he give you? '' His eyes rose to hers as he wondered;

Tiana raised her hand and showed him her five fingers;

''Five hundred million? ''

Tiana's laugh resonated in the room; ''What, no!''

''Okay fifty Million? '' Nicklaus asked again, surely, she wouldn't accept anything less than that…

''No just five million. '' Nicklaus's thoughts were cut short by her words and his eyes widened instantly;

''Wha… what?! You left me for five million?! '' his face drained of all color as he watched the laughing woman in front of him. ''Is that my worth?''

Tiana shook her head immediately; ''No, no, far from that. You know I was sad and angry then, so I wasn't even thinking straight, I just took what was offered and left. Tsh, now I think about it, I should have asked for more, you're the heir to a multi-billion dollar company, I should have received up-to five hundred million to leave you, I was surely underpaid!''

Tiana grinned as she laughed jokingly,

''So… what am I worth to you? '' Nicklaus asked; walking back to her;

''Uh? ''

''I mean, all things being equal, how much would you take to leave me? ''

Tiana chuckled; ''Why would I leave for some sum, when I can have all? '' she asked grinning;

''If someone offers me money to leave you, it means that you're a very significant person, more important than any amount of money willing to offer, so I'm not gonna leave, no, I'm not that stupid. ''

 Nicklaus pinched her nose, ''Silly! ''

Tiana smiled, and then reached up and kissed him on the lips briefly and looking into his eyes, she spoke;

''Even if I'm offered all the money in the world to leave you, as long as you want to be with me, I'm not going to leave, what is money worth when you can never be happy? I'll choose a hundred years with you, than a thousand years without you. ''

A faint blush tainted Nicklaus's cheeks, raising his hand, he cupped her face; ''you're making me love you more Beautiful, at this rate, I won't be able to breathe without you. ''

Tiana laughed, looking back into his eyes.

''I love you. '' Nicklaus pecked her severally on the lips, kissing it finally before pulling away.

Tiana pouted her lips; ''I'll move in today, but I'm going back downstairs. ''

Nicklaus's brows creased; ''why? ''

''Because I want us to start all over, I should have asked that I don't live with you at all, but you'll be overly worried, so I'll just go back downstairs. Let's start all over, you'll ask me out properly and we'll go to dates like normal couples do, okay? ''

Nicklaus smiled; ''I love that. Let's do that. '' He understood her. The foundation of their relationship was badly made, so she was right to want to start afresh.

''we'll move in when I come back, I have to go to work now, don't miss me too much. ''

''Too late, because I'm already missing you too much. ''

Nicklaus groaned and she chuckled; '' don���t worry, I'll try to come back early. I shouldn't tell Claire about us yet, right?''

Nicklaus thought for a moment; ''No, let me do it. She should hear it from me first. ''

He said and held her hand, taking her downstairs. Nicklaus gave her a final kiss before telling his guards to take her to the company.


''You're late,'' Claire said, trying to sound angry but the smile on her face gave her away. Tiana forced a smile, just seeing Claire made her feel like a bad person;

''I'm sorry, I woke up late. '' Tiana explained, but she didn't understand that there was a hidden meaning to her words until Claire exclaimed;

''Oh wow, seems someone was busy throughout the night. '' Claire grinned, tapping on the couch beside her, signaling Tiana to sit.

''Liam very good looking; you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend? ''

''Uh, he's not my boyfriend… '' Tiana smiled awkwardly, she didn't know how to explain the situation to Claire, she would just wait for Nicklaus to tell her herself, they might never be friends again, but at least she would have a free conscience.

Claire laughed; ''you don't have to be shy, he's good looking, and the two of you look good together. '' she smiled, trying to make Tiana feel comfortable talking about him to her.

Tiana felt her stomach churn at Claire's words; she wished the discussion would just end because she couldn't take the guilt feeling anymore, thankfully, Leo walked into the office with a file in his hands;

''Tiana, you're here. '' He smiled at her, and she apologized immediately;

''I'm sorry for coming late. ''

''Oh, don't worry, you're right on time, the script just arrived now,'' he said, waving the file on his hand.

Tiana opened her mouth to speak, but she was interrupted when the door to the office flung open and Larissa walked in.

She held her head up high as she stepped into the office, not bothering to greet, she walked straight to a couch and sat down.

The room turned quiet at her grand entrance, suddenly Claire cleared her throat.

''Tiana, Larissa would be joining us, the director would be here soon, but for now, Leo would brief us on the script. ''

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