"Anya, can you call me mother?" Indah didn't tell Anya that she would have her surgery today.

She was afraid that the operation would not go smoothly. She was also afraid that she would never see her daughter again. Until now, she had never even heard Anya call her mother.


Anya pursed her lips tightly and took a deep breath. But the word 'mother' couldn't come out of her mouth.

She knew that Indah was her mother, but calling her mother was not easy.

For Anya, her mother was Diana and nobody could replace Diana in her life.

Seeing Anya looking confused, Indah took the initiative to change the subject. "How are you after being discharged from the hospital?"

"I... I'm so fat right now," Anya deliberately brought her camera closer so that Indah could see her face clearly.

Indah nodded. "Aiden must be taking very good care of you."

"You also take care of your health," Anya wanted to ask when Indah was going to undergo the operation and why Indah asked her to call her mother. But she couldn't bear to say it.

"Don't worry. I will take care of my health." When she saw a nurse come into her room, Indah knew that it was time for surgery. Then she said to Anya, "Anya, when I'm healthy, I'll be with you more often."

"Yes, auntie," Anya nodded,

"I will undergo an examination. When it's finished, I will tell you the result," Indah smiled as she said it.

"I'll be waiting for the good news."

Anya didn't think much about the call. She spent her time reading books and listening to songs, and then she would fall asleep not long after.

It was already noon when she woke up. But she still hadn't heard any news from Indah. Was the examination not finished yet?

Anya looked at the clock on the wall. It'd been more than three hours since she hung up her call with Indah. Why was there still no news?

Anya rang the bell near her bed. It was a special bell to call for when she needed something.

Aiden immediately came to the door. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"No, nothing. Do you know where my cell phone is?" Anya asked.

Aiden took Anya's cell phone that was on the dresser. He was the one who moved it there because he didn't want Anya to be exposed to radiation.

"Who do you want to call?"

"Around 8 o'clock earlier, Aunt Indah said that she would undergo an examination. It's half past twelve already, but there is still no word from her. I want to ask the result of her examination," Anya looked worried.

"Auntie Indah might've been tired and is resting after her examination. It's already lunch time, maybe she's taking a nap. Try calling her again later," Aiden didn't give the cell phone to Anya.


Hana also heard Anya's bell from below and immediately went upstairs.

"Anya, let's have lunch..." Hana said with a smile. "I made roasted sweet potatoes for you. You can eat while drinking tea later in the afternoon."

"Aiden, I want to eat lunch downstairs. Can I?" Everyday, Anya always slept in her bed and didn't dare to move much.

But after being cooped up in her room for quite a long time, she felt so bored. She also wanted to come down.

Aiden then carried her downstairs. After lunch, Anya sat on the living room sofa for a while. Then she returned to her room reluctantly not long after.

Aiden sat beside the bed massaging Anya's feet, while Anya kept looking at the clock on the wall. The man knew that she was waiting for news from Indah.

"Should I wait until evening? Can't I call her now?" Anya suddenly asked.

Aiden lifted his head and looked at his wife. "Who?"

"Aunt Indah," Anya answered.

"She is your mother," Aiden immediately corrected Anya's way of addressing her mother.

"I can't call her my mother," Anya said helplessly. "This morning, Aunt Indah asked me to call her mother. But I couldn't do it."

At the same time, Aiden's cell phone rang and he got a message.

Galih: "The operation went well!"

Seeing the news, Aiden let out a sigh of relief. He looked at Anya seriously, "Try to practice calling her mother."

"I can't," Anya frowned.

"Your mother actually underwent surgery this morning. She was afraid that something might happen during the operation so she wanted to see your face first before entering the operating room," Aiden said in a low voice.

Anya was stunned to hear this. "She had her surgery today?"

She had been wondering why Indah suddenly asked her to call her mother since morning. It turned out that this was the real reason!

"The operation took about six hours. Maybe she just came out of the operating room now and hasn't been awake. Anya, she must really want to hear you call her mother. Would you like to try?" Aiden asked softly.

"I didn't know that she had her surgery today. If I had known, I would not have refused," Anya's eyes turned red when she said this.

Aiden immediately held her hand gently, "It's okay. The operation went smoothly. After waking up, she will want to hear your voice."

Anya nodded. Indah wanted to hear her call her mother, but she couldn't do it. Anya couldn't do it because she felt that she'd betray Diana.

"I have two mothers. Isn't that strange?" Anya asked.

Aiden stroked her head gently and said, "That's not strange. You have a mother who raised you to be a great woman you are today. You also have a mother who gave birth to you and never forgets you even after she lost you for so long. I want you to get lots of love from them. They are both your mother and they love you equally."

"What is my mother doing right now? I want to talk to her," said Anya.

"I'll ask Mrs. Hana to invite her over here," Aiden got up and came out of the room.

Diana had just finished taking care of the park when Hana came with Abdi to pick her up.

It didn't take her long to get ready. She brought some red roses that she planted for her daughter.

The beautiful flower made Anya's mood even better.

"What's wrong? You miss me?" After placing the flowers that she brought in a vase, Diana approached Anya and sat beside her.

Anya nodded and held her mother's hand.

"You're going to be a mother soon, but you still need me to hold your hand," Diana teased. But she still held Anya's hand tightly.

"Thank you for raising me, mother," Anya said in a low voice.

"I heard that Indah underwent surgery today. You know how difficult it is to conceive and care for your child for nine months. You also know how difficult it is to give birth to a child safely. After giving birth to you, Indah never once forgot you. She has been looking for you for years. Don't blame her and don't feel sorry for me if you want to acknowledge her to be your mother. I am your mother and she is your mother too. We both love you so much. You know that, don't you?" Diana said with a smile.

"I know," Anya nodded and in a choked voice said, "You're the best mother in the world."

Diana laughed and stroked her daughter's head. "Of course I will be the best mother for my daughter. By the way, I heard Keara would be in labor soon. What will Aiden do?"

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