"Why? Why didn't she want me? I am her child, right?" Anya asked tearfully.

Aiden wiped her tears and hugged her tightl., "No matter what the result will be, I don't suggest you donate your liver."


"Aiden, I don't want to look for my parents anymore," Anya buried her head in the man's arms and cried.

"Good. Then we won't be searching for them anymore," Aiden patted Anya's back gently, trying to comfort her.

After that, he did not continue his investigation.

He already investigated the DNA test results two years ago and found out about Anya's parents, both of them involved the Pratama Family. Aiden was absolutely sure that Galih and Indah were Anya's parents.

Two years ago, Toni helped Keara to manipulate the DNA test result to prevent Anya from returning to the Pratama Family. He was worried that Keara would be rivalled over the rights for inheritance.

Three days later, Galih called Anya. At that time, Anya was watering the plants in the garden so Aiden answered the call for her.

"Anya is watering the plants outside. What do you want?" Aiden asked coldly.

"Aiden, I don't know if Anya told you that she went to the hospital for a liver compatibility test with my wife. The result is out now," Galih answered.

"The result is obvious, right? Do you want to ask Anya to return to the hospital for a physical examination before surgery?" Aiden said in a low voice.

"Yes," Galih replied briefly.

"Do you know why Anya wanted to go to the hospital and have the compatibility test?" Aiden asked.

"I heard that Anya is looking for her biological parents. Unfortunately, the DNA test result shows that she is not my child, but… "

"If she is not yours, why should she donate her liver?" Aiden interrupted before Galih could finish his words.

Galih was stunned to hear that. "Is that Anya's real intention?"

"I asked her what if I forbade her to donate her kidney. But she was considering the chance if your wife is her real mother," said Aiden.

After pausing for a moment, Galih finally asked, "Why did Anya suddenly think like that?"

"I also asked the same question. She said because her face was very similar to Keara. She also really respects you and your wife. Anya also said that even if Aunt Indah was not her mother, she was still willing to donate her liver if that meant she could save her. However..."

Aiden paused and then continued. "I will never let you take advantage of her kindness. Uncle Galih, you have your own daughter with you. Why don't you just ask her to donate her liver? Please don't talk to Anya again."

"I understand. Sorry for bothering you," Galih hung up the phone in confusion.

When he returned to the hospital room, he didn't know what to say to his wife who was looking at him hopefully.

"How is the result? What did the doctor say?" Indah asked excitedly.

"The compatibility test was successful," Galih said with difficulty.

"Who cares about that test? I asked about the DNA test result. Is Anya…"

"No," Galih shook his head. "Anya is not our child, but the result of the compatibility test was successful. We have to ask her to come to the hospital for a physical examination before undergoing the surgery,"

Indah laid back on the bed looking somewhat disappointed. "I don't want surgery."

"Indah, you have to do this. The doctor said…"

"I don't want surgery. I just want my daughter back. Give my daughter back now! Even if I have to die, I still want to see her. Just let me die already..." Indah covered her face and cried.

"I'm going to find Keara. I will tell her to abort and schedule the surgery now," Galih looked at Indah anxiously.

Indah didn't answer and kept crying.

At the same time, Anya returned to the living room and pretended she didn't know anything.

She actually heard everything when Aiden received the call earlier.

She did not deny that her heart was a little doubtful when Aiden and Galih discussed her being the donor.

But right now, she had to think about her own physical condition. Her mother had struggled to raise her from a young age.

Aiden also loved her so much and they had to go through a lot to get back together again.

Anya didn't want to make the two people she loved the most worry about her.

"You done?" Seeing Anya approaching him on the sofa, Aiden immediately hugged her and took her to his lap. "Just now, Uncle Galih called and said that the DNA test result is out along with the successful compatibility test."

"Oh," answered Anya briefly.

"Your health is still not very good and you can't donate your liver at a time like this. So I refused," Aiden said calmly.

"Hmm..." Anya hugged the man's neck and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I don't want to search for my parents again."

"Why?" asked Aiden softly.

"I am scared. I'm afraid of being left behind," Anya whispered.

"You didn't ask me about the DNA test result," said Aiden.

"Haven't you told me everything? According to your investigation, I am the daughter of Uncle Galih and Auntie Indah. But I don't want to look for my parents anymore. If it's true they are my parents, why do they want Keara more than their own biological child?" Anya's voice grew lower and lower.

"The DNA test result showed that you are not their child," Aiden replied.

But actually, deep down, Aiden was saying the opposite. It was true that Anya was Galih's daughter. It was Aiden who changed the DNA test result for Anya.

He didn't want Anya to be sad like this.

He didn't want Anya to feel like her parents left her.

He changed the results of the DNA test, just as Keara did two years ago.

However, he actually felt strange because Galih believed the DNA test result. Did he actually not want Anya to be his daughter?

Anya breathed a sigh of relief. "In that case, good then. As for the donor, isn't it too much for me to refuse?"

"Their own daughter didn't even want to. So why do you have to do it?" Aiden asked.

Anya thought for a moment then felt much calmer. "You are right. If they really need it, they should ask for it from Keara, their own daughter."

Aiden stroked Anya's head gently. "Don't think about it anymore. Now focus on your competition. We will continue this search after the competition ends," said Aiden.

The day after, Galih did not  Anya again just as Aiden requested. Aiden also didn't know whether Indah found her donor or not, nor if Keara agreed to donate her liver.

In the middle of April, Ivan and Raisa held a small engagement party at their house.

Anya met Raka at the party. He looked so handsome and extraordinary, but his face seemed a little sad.

"I heard that you go back together with Aiden. Congratulations!" Raka said with a smile.

"Thank you. Your sister is engaged. You also have to find a partner immediately. If not, your parents will continue to pressure you," Anya replied.

"You're right. Every day, my mom keeps showing me pictures of girls and telling me to choose. I don't know where she got the photos," Raka laughed at himself. "I still feel comfortable with my life now."

"Raka, I hope you can also find happiness," Anya said sincerely.

"If I find the right woman one day, I will tell you," Raka replied with a smile.

When Aiden saw Anya and Raka standing side by side, he immediately walked over and hugged Anya's waist from behind. "What are you talking about?"

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