2025 Twins
Gun Gun started filming.

The character he was playing did not dress well, ate badly, and was very ugly.

But his eyes were always sparkling.

It also gave people hope.

The next scene was especially difficult.

He thought that his mother didn’t want him anymore and wanted to abandon him, so he ran to the hospital gate to stop her.

It was difficult to act in a crying scene, and tears did not come easily.

The staff was also prepared to reshoot a few times.

However, Gun Gun hugged Su Bei’s leg and burst into tears.

Tears flooded his entire face. He sobbed and looked up at her. “Will you come back?”

The staff around them were also influenced by this scene and could not help but cry.

Su Bei was not surprised.

After all, Gun Gun was very afraid of being separated from her.

Hence, he could easily immerse himself in the scene. It was normal for him to cry.

She would see how he performed in other scenes.

The third scene was of Gun Gun and the others.

Su Bei’s character had to go out to work to earn money and entrusted her son to the care of the nurses in the hospital.

The nurse brought him food, gave him an injection, and comforted him that his mother would be back soon.

The child had to hold back his tears and sadness, pretending not to care. But behind the act of pretending to be strong, he was actually worried.

He had secretly heard many people say that his mother would not want him anymore.

He was both worried that this would come true and that his mother would be bullied if she worked outside.

However, in the face of the concern of outsiders, he showed that he did not care at all and did not need anyone’s sympathy.

Such emotions were complicated.

Su Bei didn’t say much to Gun Gun, afraid of increasing his pressure.

When it was officially time for filming…

The nurse brought him something.

Gun Gun glanced at it, took it, and murmured his thanks.

“Don’t worry. Your mother will be back soon.”

“I’m not worried.” He sat up straight, crossed his legs, and stuffed food into his mouth.

After the nurse left, he slowly slowed down his eating. His eyes were a little dull.

He seemed to have thought of something and sped up his eating again, stuffing it into his mouth.

Suddenly, he choked and coughed a few times until tears streamed down his face.

He wiped his tears and continued eating. He even picked up the rice grains that had fallen on his clothes and ate them.

The series of actions were done in one go.

If his previous scenes were very good, it was all because he was acting alongside Su Bei.

This time, he was filming on his own but everything was still very precise and expressive.

“Cut! You passed!” Director Li clapped his hands and walked up to Gun Gun. He bent down and patted Gun Gun’s shoulder. “Young man, your future is limitless!”

He felt that it was worth it to receive Mr. Lu’s cold gaze.

It was really a blessing to be able to dig up such a treasure.

He really didn’t expect a child who was only a few years old to be able to experience the feelings of a character who was completely different from him. He could even come up with some actions to match his identity.

Director Li walked up to Lu Heting and said, “Mr. Lu, you’ve seen how capable your youngest son is. I’ll feel bad if he doesn’t play this role. Look…”

“I’ll talk to you later.” Lu Heting walked toward Su Bei.

Su Bei was also surprised by Gun Gun’s performance.

This was completely different from what he usually showed.

“Gun Gun, are you really willing to shoot a movie?” Su Bei asked softly.

Before this, Gun Gun had no concept of these things. He only paid attention to this industry because Su Bei was part of it.

But today, his thoughts had changed.

“I do!” He threw back his head, his eyes steady. “I think it’s interesting. Can I do it?”

Su Bei glanced at Lu Heting.

He nodded gently.

Su Bei made up her mind and said to him, “Then you can try filming this movie. But the prerequisite is that you have to ensure that you study well during filming. Moreover, you have to listen to me and Aunt Qiao on the set and not run around, okay?”

“Okay! I won’t run around. I’ll finish filming by myself and watch you shoot. As for learning… I have Brother Da Bao!”

Da Bao glanced at him and said calmly, “Alright, leave it to me.”

Amused by the brothers, Su Bei felt a surge of emotions in her heart.

She called Qiao Mei and asked her to deal with Gun Gun’s management matters.

Da Bao and Gun Gun bought snacks and sat at the side to eat.

“I applied for leave for them today.” Lu Heting sat down beside Su Bei.

“In the past, I always felt that Gun Gun was still too young. I thought he was a little brat without any opinions. Today, I realized that I had underestimated him.”

Su Bei sighed.

“Me too.” Lu Heting lowered his eyes. “Previously, I felt that Da Bao had ideas and foresight, so I wanted to protect Gun Gun better. Little did I know that he has his own interests and hobbies. He’s willing to fight for the right things.”

In just a few days, the couple’s thoughts had changed drastically.

Qiao Mei quickly arrived at the set.

When she heard the news about Gun Gun, she was a little surprised. “Su Bei, didn’t you say that it’s still too early to say this? Aren’t you afraid that he’ll be affected by the fame?”

“It’s still too early to talk about being famous. It’s my first time as a parent dealing with this situation. Many ideas have to be revised at any time.”

“Then I’ll go look for the person in charge of the production team first.” Qiao Mei smiled and said, “Will I be taking care of Gun Gun from now on?”

“I’ll still mainly take care of him myself. Won’t you be exhausted if I hand over such a small child to you?”

Qiao Mei immediately recalled the fear of being dominated by her cousin’s child. Her legs trembled in fear. It was still best for Su Bei to take care of Gun Gun.

After Gun Gun signed the contract for this movie, he would be filming the highlight scenes in the next week or two.

But his acting skills were really not bad at all.

Although it was his first time officially participating in a production, his performance every time was very good and suited the character very well.


As time passed, his performance gradually improved.
His talent had been recognized, and it had been unearthed to a deeper level.

Director Li also kept his promise to Lu Heting. After the movie was filmed, he didn’t use Gun Gun for publicity.

Although the outside world knew that Su Bei was playing a mother this time, no one guessed who the person playing her son was.

Only some of Da Bao and Gun Gun’s fans discussed in private that it would be good if one of them could act as Su Bei’s son.

However, this was more of a joke. Even they did not really have such extravagant hopes.

At this moment, there was still a small interlude.


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