Chapter 131 131. Revolutionary Fervour

"I choose to vote in favour of the attack."

As soon as Damien heard Barton's words, his expression turned ugly.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

See, although Barton was always polite and kind to Lucius and never engaged in open conflict with Lucius, Barton was still a person highly advanced in people politics.

In order to keep Lucius in check who essentially had the power of two votes in check, he usually sided with Damien.

Remember deep down inside, Barton didn't really care about the aim of the revolution; the primary focus of himself and his faction was to use the revolutionary army and get their best interests.

It was in his best interest to maintain the power struggle to gain the most benefits.

It's just that his businessman instinct was trekking him; it would be utterly idiotic to go against Lucius's idea!

Seeing that Barton had agreed in the end Lucius broke out into a magnificent smile that left both Camilla and Reina who had been watching him stunned for a few seconds.

"It appears there's no need to hear the opinions of those who oppose my plan. From now on the full focus of the revolutionary army would be to prepare for the attack on the stronghold of the Cult of the First Flame."

Although Damien was still anointed he didn't object.

Soon the discussion was in full process. The movement of troops, the amount of soldiers, the overall strength of soldiers and the time and date of the attack.

Everything was being frantically discussed for several hours each one of the people at the table stood up to give equal joust and contribution.

It was only after a further two hours of discussion that the details were finally reached.

Although the plan wasn't fully done it was enough.

Seeing that there was no need to stay anymore, Lucius finally stood up and as he did so he gave a slight bow to all the people at the table today.

"Thank you all for your help today, I surely wouldn't have been able to plan everything so thoroughly without you all. I know you are still nervous about my sudden decision to attack the Cult of the First Flame, but I can assure you that this will be the most influential decision that the revolutionary army could ever take! You will never regret this day."

After speaking Lucius stood up straight before putting back on his ferocious wolf black mask revealing only his piercing red eyes.

After saying this Lucius turned around and walked towards the exit of the room, each step full of confidence and certainty in his decision.

The group of men could just watch the very different Lucius walk out of the room.

Eventually, Barton was the first to move as he sighed.

"Maybe…. Maybe we are getting old …."

Soon Albert responded.

"Indeed we are getting old, but Lucius has changed tremendously."

Albert was also feeling the same shock as the others at Lucius's different nature but more than shock, he felt pride

'Do you see that Sirius? Your son has the complete bearing of a leader, he will surely lead the revolution to achieve the goal we always dreamed of!'

Albert was certain that if Sirius was alive today his pride in Lucius would surely surpass his own!


After exiting the room Lucius only rested for a brief moment before he went to the gathering room of the members of the revolutionary army.

Although there was nowhere near the full number of the army gathered at this hideout there were still over a hundred soldiers.

Lucius had arranged for a meeting to commence.

It had been a while since he saw the group of revolutionary army soldiers so Lucius insisted on seeing them in person.

Even though soldiers and orphans in the revolutionary army were indoctrinated with the idea of loyalty to the revolutionary cause and the Leader of the Revolution, at the end of the day it would never be as good as meeting with and seeing them in person.

After all, a king can only be considered a king if he has control of loyal soldiers.

A king without those things is not a king but instead a helpless puppet!

Wearing his iconic wolf mask Lucius walked out into the room stepping onto a balcony overlooking the hundreds of soldiers gathered in the room.

As Lucius stepped out he intentionally radiated the terrifying draconic aura all over his body allowing the soldiers to feel a domain sting pressure as soon as he stepped in the room.

Within seconds the group of Revolutionary Soldiers flinched at Lucius's mere presence.

They looked up towards Lucius with awe in their eyes.

They had been told from young that the new leader was the son of the Revolutionary founder Sirius with enough talent and power to dethrone and destroy the empire and the Heroic families.

Although they never doubted the teaching of the revolutionary army a hint of doubt still remained in their mind.

Such a feat was outstanding, something even a demon king might not be able to do but after seeing such an aura they were starting to believe!

Such an aura couldn't belong to a regular human.

Seeing and feeling the awe in their eyes Lucius smirked slightly.

He raised his hand slightly signalling for them

To quiet down and it didn't take long before the room became completely silent.

Lucius cleared his throat and spoke up

Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and warriors of the revolution.

I've gathered you here today to tell you the truth. Over the years the Revolutionary Army hasn't been in the best shape but those days are gone. Now we stand on the precipice of a new era. We have hidden in the shadows, plagued by assignation attempts and sabayon fr but the empire but we remained, biding our time, honing our skills and building our strength. But now the time for hiding is over! The time for action has come!

For too long, The nobles and their forces of oppression and tyranny have held the common people in chains! They have silenced our voices, stolen our dreams and trampled on our dreams, but no more! Today we declare that we will no longer be confined to the edges of society. From now on we will step into the main stage of history and the fire of revolution will sweep across the continent like an unstoppable revolution!"

As Lucius spoke each word his voice became more and more thunderous as the effect of his Berserk Dragon aura was fully stimulated but this time it wasn't the dragon fear doing the most part. Instead, it was the blood of the Barbarian High King.

The Berserk Aura in his blood was being radiated like crazy, driving all of his soldiers into a beast battle frenzy as their blood thirst rose like crazy

"The task ahead of us is not easy at all. The fight we face will be harsh and bloody but we must not forget the reason we fight, the anger, let the anger simmer, let it burn like a bonfire until it reaches the point where we can burn down the noble establishment into nothing but a pile of ashes!

Remember the fire of revolution burns within us and it will not be extinguished. Together we can forge a future where class is shattered by justice, where freedom soars and where the dreams of all of us can become a reality, but for that future to happen the nobles and their corrupt system must be completely and utterly purged in the endless fire of revolution!"

As Lucius spoke his aura shook the room driving the soldiers to their limit.


Crazed roars and battle cries erupted across the room.

The battle intent was fully stimulated and the people didn't hold back

The killing intent was so thick it was almost physical.

A heavy red aura of blood and anger aged across the room.

Lucius looked at this sight and a wide smile appeared on his face.

'Sometimes having a bunch of lunatics as your organisation isn't a bad thing. With such an army under my control, who can stop me?'

Unfortunately Lucius's pride an happiness before he suddenly remembered a harrowing fact.

There was indeed another army with the same level of fervour and lunacy

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