Hell's Consort

Chapter 158 - Black Magic Woman

Chapter 158 - Black Magic Woman




Luna jutted her chin as she glanced at her husband's face, lifting her veils of lace upwards so that he could see her.

Tilting her head as she kept her silence, Luna kept her stares blank paired with a poker face that matched the cold aura for her entertainment.

She had worn all black to exude a dangerous and formidable air around her to erase her past blunder during the Acquaintance Affairs.

That was the first time the other Kings had seen her and she was painfully naked.

If only she could turn back time, Luna had wished this was her first meeting with the Vampire King's alliances but it was impossible.

All she could do to erase her dark, humiliating past was to suck it up and demand respect from the other Kings by acting as an unpredictable, seductive and strange enigma, playing with the King's imaginations through her unique appearance in the Masquerade Ball.

Also, Luna didn't forget what Apollyon had done to her during their procession of victory back to the Vampire King's Castle.

The bastard had the audacity to refuse his Empress, prolonging his wife's orgasm.

How dare he do this to her?

If Apollyon knew what was best for him, he should have given it to her when she begged instead of delaying her gratification.

The moment Luna had seen her husband when the doors to the ballroom opened, she thought it was alright that Apollyon didn't make her climax when they had ridden on top of Nimbus' saddle.

She thought she could just wait until the Midnight Masquerade Ball was finished and all of the visiting Kings and their ladies from the Consortium were satisfied from flirting with each other as they escalated their entertainment privately behind closed doors, but no!

The moment her eyes had set on the Vampire King's face, his broad shoulders, his entire physique and most especially when her eyes zeroed on his large hand and that sexy green vein at the back of his pale arm, Luna swallowed with anticipation.

Her dirty mind had already envisioned his tight long fingers stimulating her until her soul catapulted itself to the heavens.

The Vampire King had conditioned her to love his touch so much that she had no desire to search for anyone else that would satisfy her.

Luna had seen her husband in a new light for he had prioritized pleasuring her first before his own.

He was the Vampire King!

She would have expected Apollyon to be selfish in bed and would demand her to serve him like she was a maidservant.

Apollyon had confessed that he had loved her and she had waited for the moment her husband would turn back on his words but he didn't.

Not yet.

She clenched her fists in recollection as she maintained a cool manner.

The Vampire King had played with her body by dangling the forbidden fruit out of her reach, teasing her sexually until she almost died of frustration.

Luna hadn't touched herself just like she had threatened her husband earlier at the outer bailey.

Perhaps, Luna could use it to her advantage.

She could tease the Vampire King at the Masquerade Ball with it until he went crazy and couldn't take it anymore.

She would seduce him until he would want to take her right then and there.

Of course, her good husband—who always insisted he was already a changed man--would try to keep his cool in front of his visitors and wouldn't attempt such thing, right?

Perhaps, she would be safe as long as she wouldn't take her teasing too far.

This was one of her few experiments of portraying the character of an irresistible minx and Luna was sure her husband would love it that he would probably want to kill her.

Kill her with pleasure that she craved so much.

Hopefully, she could portray it well that Apollyon would forgive her right away if she had accidentally offended the Vampire King.

'Hell hath no fury from a woman scorned.'

Luna would give this bastard the taste of his own medicine and she would get away with it.

Luna sensed that her husband had changed from the man he had used to be after she had returned from the Dream Realms with the Archdemon of Gluttony.

Luna had noticed Apollyon's side that she had never seen before.

He was more compassionate, more generous with his affections, more vulnerable when he spoke his mind and shared his opinions.

For some reason, the Vampire King was more selfless, honourable and definitely not controlling like he used to be.

She would have liked to think that the reason why Apollyon had changed his ways was he was scared to lose her.

Luna was certain that Apollyon had truly changed for the better.

After that realization of his, it was as if their past relationship had died and their blood bond had started from scratch again.

The Vampire King's heart which had bled from ego and pride was reborn, offering his new heart that was free and pure.

Both of them had strived for open communication and demonstrated their affections naturally.

That, itself, was a huge achievement!

They had beaten the odds together at the battle arena instead of always fighting and arguing with each other.

They did that a lot in the past.

Luna could say that she had no regrets.

It was like nothing had changed from the point of view of everyone around them but inside Luna's heart and Apollyon's, she knew from this point on, everything had changed.

She might still have a little doubt but it will disappear once his husband can prove it to her every day and night that their blood bond would secure this love.

This masquerade ball was one of Luna's tests which her husband had to pass to gain her trust and loyalty.

Even if she had lost her High Priestess' magic, it wouldn't be too late to put a spell on Apollyon.

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