Hell's Consort

Chapter 151 - Scandalous

Chapter 151 - Scandalous

The Vampire King drew a breath and blew in her ear. "Have you tried fucking someone while riding a horse?"

"Apollyon!" Covering her mouth in disbelief of the Vampire King's shamelessness, Luna shook her head before she muttered a threat. "Lower your voice, or I would—"

As she looked over her shoulder, Luna had skimmed her gaze on the eyes of the Werewolf King who had stolen the Sacred Valley from her.

She immediately avoided her gaze and brought her attention back to her husband.

Luna didn't belong in that Amazon Tribe no more so she had no business inquiring what had happened to her fellow Amazon warriors.

Luna belonged to the Vampire Realm as the Empress and it felt like everyone had acknowledged the fact.

Goddess, it just came out as a shock that the Werewolf King who had that nine-tailed tattoo on his chest didn't recognize her anymore even with her shiny silver hair and unique facial features.

Had she changed a lot now that she became a vampire, or was it because of the Archdemon of Gluttony's influence on her new appearance?

"Nobody cared, Luna," Apollyon said as he pulled Luna closer to her when he noticed she had leaned forward away from him.

His muscled thighs had enclosed her legs, overtaking her personal space.

"As the Vampire King in his own territory, the visitors wouldn't care what I do in my own turf or what I do with my possessions. You are my wife so I had a right to flirt with you or fuck you in broad daylight." He stated as he possessively grabbed her waist. As if he had backtracked from that bold statement, Apollyon whispered in a light-hearted teasing. "But only if the said lady allowed me to."

Luna opened and closed her mouth, conflicted.

She rubbed her temples as she pulled in, slowly releasing a deep breath.

The Vampire King had the ability to make her heartbeat as fast as the wings of a hummingbird by his flowery words alone and they didn't even get to the good part yet.

Now that she had calmed down, Luna tuned in to her husband's dirty monologues as he droned on and on.

It was funny if it also didn't involve her but, no, because Apollyon just had to sign her up for this.

Her perverted husband just had to include her in one of his kinky fantasies.

She shook her head, smiling at how ridiculous and lovable he was.

He was a charming pain-in-the ass.

"I know you didn't try it yet because you are my virgin," Luna swore she could hear her husband's lips twitch in amusement and she just had to make sure by looking over her shoulder.

She glared at him when her intuition was proven right.

"You should be happy because I haven't tried it too. Do you want to?" His blue eyes twinkled with both mischief and delight. "It would be our first time doing it."

'Argh.' Luna just had to scratch her head in frustration, struggling to find the right words.

"Apollyon!" She pleaded, pinching his thigh hard that if the Vampire King was a human being, it would have turned black-and-blue. "Stop it."

Luna told her husband to stop because she was so close to agreeing with everything he had said when Apollyon gripped her inner thigh, his claws digging into her skin.

It didn't make her cry in agony.

The pain was just enough to let her feel delicious tingles rippling down to her core.

The Vampire King was good at coaxing her to surrender, convincing her to do such a taboo thing.

Basic decency be damned!

She could throw her innocence out into the sea if she said 'yes' to his request.

"Apollyon." She whispered with want. "Please—"

"Please stop?" The Vampire King lifted his hand like her thighs had burned him and he stared at his fingers with accusing eyes. "

Apollyon glanced at her, making sure that she had seen his cute pout. "I guess my hand had just moved on its own.

"I apologize, my lady." He bowed his head, contrite. "I will stop because I respect you."


Luna narrowed her gaze at Apollyon's sword as it motioned into a slash and cut again just like what he had done earlier, her stocking following a gesture as if he had been casting a spell.

"Husband." Luna grimaced, a hot flush creeping across her cheeks. "What are you doing?"

She should tell him what her problem was.

"What do you mean?" Luna coughed as she cleared her throat, unobtrusively pointing at the stockings tied to her husband's sword.

Apollyon smirked as his gaze followed what she was pointing at.

Luna covered her face in her hands in embarrassment.

"Wife. I had told you about this already." The Vampire King bent down to whisper into her ear in a husky murmur. "I am proudly displaying my wife's tribute to my victory against the Feline King to everyone."

"You just want to embarrass me more as revenge." She noticed the Feline King had trotted faster and brought his horse closer to them.

Luna met Panterra's teal eyes and glared at him in a warning before she quickly slid her gaze to something else.

The Vampire King had looked over his shoulder and noticed Panterra had surveyed his wife's face with fierce determination.

Luna glanced down as she placed a hand over her forehead in chagrin.

Her husband might get the wrong idea again.

Their eyes had met purely by accident.

As if that was Apollyon's cue, he circled one arm around her waist and pulled her closer to his hardening bulge.

Luna gripped her husband's muscled thighs and squeezed in surprise.

"You should realize by now, Luna, that I am stronger than him. He had lost the battle over your honor." Apollyon traced the shell of her ear with his moist tongue and she shivered from the sensation. "If you have eyes, you shouldn't be looking at him in the first place."

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