[What did you say!?]

The orb 'spoke' seemingly shocked by Xiao's words, whose expression became even more disgusted as he spoke,

"Huh? can't you hear me? I said okay, look like what I said was true you really are deaf, to think that a treasure such as yourself is so useless....ahhh such a pity"

[You!...fine let's do it then!]

Saying so it swore on the heavenly Dao and so it did Xiao, after doing so the orb waited for the question at hand to arrive, completely confident that it would be able to answer any question below the cultivation world. seeing the confident voice of the orb Xiao smiled as he took out a crystal in his hand,

Seeing it the 'eyes' of the orb narrowed, 'looking' at Xiao it spoke

[A memory crystal?]

"Yup, that's right, I will show you what's in it and you just have to tell me what I am showing you"

Saying so he passed the crystal towards the orb, it flowed slowly as it reached the orb, it took it as the memories in it flashed through, huge high scrapper building made of metal, cars of metal that ran without Qi, monsters it had never see before, it all flashed through, after seeing through it the orb floated there stunned, cause it had never seen this thing before!

Feeling the silence Xiao sighed in relief, it would seem that his gamble had paid off, the things that he had recorded in the crystal where the memories from Ingrid, Xiao was 50% sure that the All-Seer had no idea about it, simply due to the fact that the place didn't possess any Qi!, not a single type of Qi existed there, making it that the world didn't lie under the Heavenly Tree!,

"So? do you know what they are?"

Xiao asked with disdain trying to make it angry but this time he didn't receive the answer that he expected, instead, silence remained before which the orb flashed and appeared in front of him, two red eyes shining in it as it focused on Xiao,

[Quick tell me what they are!]

The orb's voice had a hint of fascination as it spoke, surprising Xiao, the things had changed from how he expected it to go, looking at the orb that was trembling with excitement Xiao was lost in words, this was completely different from the previous orb that was acting all high and mighty, but what Xiao didn't know here was that the orb is extremely found of new information.

And the one that Xiao brought to it was opening its eyes to a world it didn't know existed, quickly it started to barrage Xiao with thousands of questions, on who? what? and how? every question getting more detailed by the second, Xiao felt a headache hitting him, raising his hands to stop the orb he spoke,

"What about our bet?"

[Oh that? you win]

It spoke not at all angry with the loss, it was happier at having new information, it had been so long since it had seen something it had no idea about and it was trembling with excitement to find out more about the issue, it didn't give a shit about having a master, any individual with information that it didn't have was worth respecting.

Meanwhile, Xiao hearing the orbs words was taken back, sighing he shook his head as he now had a deeper understanding of the treasure in front of him, it was high and might but when it came to information it was just like a little kid, feeling a bit amused he spoke, this time his voice softer,

"Okay, then why don't you accept me as your master, then I will tell you the information that you want to know"


The orb didn't hesitate at all as it agreed, distancing a bit from Xiao it spoke,

[I would need a bit of your origin blood, plus I will be fusing with your soul, so when I do, don't reject it]


Xiao nodded his head, not at all worried, he knows well that the orb in front of him won't hurt at all, after all, it gives huge importance to promises, moreover, it really doesn't have any ability to hurt anyone. Xiao raised his hand as he cut the tip of his finger, willing deep within him a small part of his original blood was broken from his core as it left through the cut in his hand traveling towards the orb.

A gold like blood left his hand as it traveled towards the orb, a white golden light shined from the orb as Xiao's blood fused with it, as it kept happening a headache hit Xiao forcing him to focus his mental powers, the light within the room was blinding as different colors started to appear but it didn't last for long as it faded and as it did the orb flew towards Xiao's chest entering his soul.

Xiao felt his soul steer, he felt as if his soul was being molded as if it was trying to fit something, he felt hundreds of hands clawing over his body and forcefully trying to change it, it wasn't painful but the feeling was extremely awkward and strange, he was starting to feel itchy all over, the feeling continued for a few seconds before which a transparent screen of the color white and gold appeared in front of him,


Do You Wish To Accept The All-Seer



Seeing the message in front of him, Xiao willed in his mind as he accepted,


System Initialising...

Scanning sentient being....

Configuring the system to suit the user.....

Initiating soul fusion...


Those were the last words that Xiao heard before soul-wrenching pain filled his body,


Xiao released the most heart-wrenching scream in his life while banging his hands on his forehead like a madman! he kept thrashing around the floor of the room, his appearance within a few seconds had completely changed. Messy hair, twitching all over the place, foam covering his lips, and white eyes. Xiao had never shown such an appearance even at his worst moments.

And yet he couldn't faint yet! he had to stay awake a few more seconds for the binding to finish, which went on for some more seconds, it was only when he heard the confirmation did he faint. Meanwhile, the orb started to fuse directly with Xiao's soul, making adjustments for a proper fusion, soon hours ticked by before the perfect fusion was complete, afterward the configuration was completed as the orb fused perfectly.

Yet there wasn't a sign of Xiao waking up, it was only a day later his eyes started to flutter as he opened them,

'Huh?.....where am I?'

Walking up his mind was muddled and messy, a huge headache filled his mind, making it hard for him to focus, it took a few minutes before which the memories of what happened before he fainted filled him and as soon as he did a chill went down his spine,

'What the fuck was that!'

Xiao who was quite proud of his own pain tolerance couldn't help but feel his mind tingle and his stomach churn at the pain he had felt, it was something out of the world, he knew that the pain of the soul was beyond anything but he didn't expect it to be this bad,

'Fuck! I am never going through that again'

Thinking so he took out a pill and he plopped it in his mouth, the medicinal properties soon spread across his body as he started to feel more relaxed.

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