Azrail watched with calm eyes as the woman in front of him opened her eyes, two pitch-black eyes, that seems to swallow up all light awakened, the moment those dark orbs saw the light it was as if the light itself froze, a huge oppression started to appear from Raven's body, dark tendrils rushing forth, while cries of shadow were heard all around.


Her sweet voice left her mouth, her chilling eyes losing all their focus as she walked towards him, now being much taller than Azrail, yet somehow Azrail looked to be the bigger person here. Arriving in front of Azrail, Raven didn't hesitate as she bowed and kneeled on the ground, her devouring eyes looking at him, emotions millions of times higher than a normal connection.

"What do you know?'

Azrail asked with narrowed eyes.

"Not everything but I am now something that is worthy to be your shadow"

Raven replied with unwavering confidence, her breasts shaking a bit as she spoke, Austin looked at this darkly as he replied.

"Wrap yourself"

His words were her command as black tendrils already projected from with Azrail's shadow and covered her, enveloping her in a beautiful black dress, perfect for movement and combat. Azrail gazed at it, the dress matching his taste as it highlighted her beauty yet hid her body skin in a conservative manner, making it such that her boy is only for him to gaze at.

'She's already making everything to match my taste'

He liked it about her as he nodded his head at her, by now the connection between them is established and nothing in the world is capable of breaking the contract, she is his and only his, for now, and till the end of all creation.

"Stay here for now, if you disappear things will get messy"

Azrail said in a light tone, hearing it raven understood her side as darkness soon left from her body, covering the entire cage in the same darkness it was before.

"Wait for me"

Leaving those words Azrail walked out of the cage using Distort again, he easily moved through the place till he stood in a huge research room where the mad scientist seemed to be working on something. Seeing him Azrail bit his lips not to lash out now for he knew that just one mistake is enough to ruin his perfect chance.

'As paranoid as ever'

Seeing the subtle small spark of the soul within the mad scientist who was in the dress, a cold smile came to Azrail's face, within the story 'Heavenly Opposers' the mad scientist is a prominent villain that keeps appearing a lot of times.

The main Mc along with the rest will be going against him a lot, most times he would lose and be taken back swearing revenge until he reappears again, this kept going on till, the Heavenly Opposers truly made their mark and killed him off for good, though the mad scientist didn't go down without taking a chunk of the Heavenly Opposers with him, especially with his perfect creation.

In the current time perhaps Azrail is the only one in the cosmos that knows the true face and species of the mad scientist.

Without any stop Azrail moved past the room, he kept calm, walking as the verses of the 'Heavenly Oppoers' book kept passing through his mind, the information that would help him take that bastard down.

In the 'book,' this heavenly treasure of Realm Scrapper was destroyed along with the mad scientist, no one being able to rescue people here nor get any chance to take the treasure for themselves, along with it also went all the research the mad scientist had done, even in death he gave a middle finger to the world and Azrail hated that fact.

He wanted the bastard to go through inhuman pain.

'Though can't say that he had a good life'

Azrail mused, just like him and all the other true villains, the mad scientist too was created from the traumas and betrayal of the past, a history that twisted him to become a cold-blooded, scream-loving researcher only living to give the cosmos the middle finger.

Azrail looked at the extremely complex door and without any problem he passed through it, arriving at the center room of the treasure, his eyes moving through the extravagant room that's easily the size of two huge floors, within the special room Azrail could 'see' the soul of the special being that the mad scientist was making.

One that along with him caused chaos to the cosmos, a creature named along with the 21 catastrophes of the cosmos.

The catastrophes are the 21 creatures that will in the future come upon to cause disaster on a cosmic scale, them being the extinguishing of an entire species or where pantheons are erased. Azrail could tell with confidence that the past him compared to the true villains was indeed truly on a small-scale level.

And among these 21 catastrophes, the creature that the mad scientist creates is one chaos and it stays to protect the mad scientist, making it hard to kill him in the future. Valencia, lots of powerful minds and special abilities had come together to create a plan to take down the mad scientist and his pet, from what Azrail read it was a tragic fight indeed.

Focusing himself Azrail walked towards the main bedroom, where he found a lengthy human-shaped body laying there completely wrapped up in white cloth like a mummy, nothing can be seen, attached to that body were several pipes, along with a huge machine device set on its head. All of the machines were attached to a futuristic-looking monitor with a wire that keeps beeping with a number.

'The soul Splitter, the peak of his research'

A device that the mad scientist made capable of splitting up one consciousness into a different wisp and saving it in different locations, such that even if one of them is killed the other wisps can be used to awaken his true self, thus making the mad scientist virtually impossible to kill.

Of course, the current thing hasn't reached that level, all the current one is capable of doing is tying a body to it and living inside that body. Basically, the body moving above is fake, while only the consciousness belongs to the mad scientist, what's scary about the fact is that no one can see through it, making it believable.

There is also the fact that the mad scientist had succeeded in splitting just one soul and saved it away, his last piece of prize that will automatically use the best soul stones at his disposal to warm up the soul and directly traps that one wisp to another body.

'Truly a master mind'

Azrail praised for a moment after which he walked towards another room, this time the room being a safe storage with several useless things spread around, hence Azail kept looking, trying to match the word's disruption to reality and soon he found it hidden at a dusty corner.

It was a small snow globe-like device with a small chip inserted into the globe. Their uses are simple, the small inserted chip being the soul wisp while the globe is the regulator that will keep the soul 'warm' till it will be revived.

The mad scientist was careful beyond words, he had placed it in such a position that no one will even pay attention to it, instead of a very secure position, and what was even scarier is the fact that the mad scientist doesn't know where he kept his soul wisps as he had deleted his memory of it afterward!

Even when he's in a God-like place he doesn't fall into his arrogance and plans every step out, though even then there would exist things outside his control and he will learn that the hard way.

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