The screams of pain stopped, blood dyeing the sacred ground where important meetings take place, the high and mighty people of the Yun family suspended above and made to watch as they could do nothing, a deep helpless feeling filling their heart, a feeling that they had either forgotten or hoped to never feel again.

Xiao viewed all this with calm eyes, seeing the despair clouding their face, seeing the helplessness sinking deep into their bones, for a moment Xiao felt exhilarated, in his mind playing the past where he had to watch helplessly his mother try to save him, while the family that should be his protectors tried to kill him.

Xiao was powerless, and despair was his only companion as he watched everything he arrogantly believed to be his, disappear,

"Was that all mother?"

Xiao asked, Yun Lan who was closing her eyes opened them, she enjoyed the despairing cries of her enemies, her ice qi reacting to her will as the temperature around the room dipped down, her chilling eyes focused on one man that looked bruised yet fine,

"I was saving him for last,"

Xiao spoke in a monotone voice, the duo of mother and son focusing on Yun Qinghong, their husband or father, as much as Xiao wanted to beat up this piece of shit he knew that someone more worthy of it existed so he took a step back and watched as his mother stood up from the seat as she sat in walking, soon standing in front of her so-called husband.

Yun Lan's eyes flashed with memories of the past, the time she walked untethered, to the time she had to be chained down, the more her memories played the colder the atmosphere around her got, and she was forced to marry the man in front of her, who was blinded by her body and desire to get her ice, Yin.

Back then she was weak and he was strong, if she took action then she would be hurting her parents who never did anything wrong, so she yielded, she gave him what he wanted, and let him enjoy upon his ego while she enjoyed the greatest gift she got, her children...

Yet this bastard had laid hands on her son! whenever Xiao covered for Xuanyin or made the smallest mistake Qinghong would lay hands on her son whom she saw as her whole world, she had lost count of the amount of time her bloodlust had taken over her mind, and her anger grew higher at the fact that he had hurt her children, she was powerless but back then she did do things to mess up his life in ways he didn't know,

"You hurt my son,"

She spoke in a slow chilling voice, her sword in her hand as it rubbed the cheeks of Qinghong, blood dipping downwards, she didn't wait any longer as she waved her hands around, four limbs of Yun Qinghong being ripped away, while blood like river drowned the floor, the man in question couldn't even open his mouth to scream, his eyes almost seemed to pop out of his sockets,

"You unworthy shit dared to touch my body,"

Yun Lan said, as her swords flashed again, this time her sword completely crushing something small between Yun Qinghong's legs, this time Xiao let him scream, which filled the entire hall and even got through the building, all the men in the room felt a tinge up their spine, even Xiao felt a sort of phantom pain at this ruthless move.

Xiao moved quickly before his mother action as he covered Xuanyin's eyes, she was too young to see this and he definitely didn't want her getting any ideas seeing this, turning his head to Valencia who also had her eyes covered up by her mother, Xiao's eyes met Raena who had a smile on her face,

"Quite thrilling, isn't it?"

She asked as she looked quite happy at the scene, he could also tell that Valencia too wasn't shaken up by it, well how could she when Xiao's sure that she might do something more dangerous to her own father,

'Damn, aren't we a group of dysfunctioning families'

Xiao thought, after all, it's not an everyday occurrence where you see a wife torturing her husband while her son helps to do it. Xiao shook his head focused on the detail at hand. He could feel the bubbling emotions bursting from within his mother, and even though silent, he could feel the genuine emotion of concern that Xuanyin was feeling,

"Don't worry, our mother is strong,"

Xiao said as he transferred his feeling of calmness to her, which quickly made Xuanyin lean towards him while he still covered her eyes,

'I wonder why no one is covering my eyes?'

Xiao went through several different useless thoughts in his mind as his mother continued the torture, which went on for a few minutes after which the screaming completely stopped, he didn't close Yun Qinghong's mouth for the very reason that he wanted his mother to enjoy the screams of agony that Qinghong was feeling.

Finally, everything stopped as a man barely recognizable floated in the sky, he was now just a floating mass of blood and body, Yun Lan's entire blade was attained with blood, yet her body was pristine and clean, and her cold eyes seemed to have receded as she got control over her emotions, using her ice Qi she sealed off Yun Qinghong's body, she didn't want him dying of blood loss now,

"Is that enough, mother?"

Xiao asked as Yun Lan walked back, Raena went forward, and she congratulated Yun Lan on a successful torture. She even started asking her for tips!

'Sigh.....why am I surrounded by crazies'

While Xiao lamented Yun Lan spoke,

"This is enough for now. Whenever I feel angry, I can come back and torture him again. It's sweeter when I keep enjoying it,"

To this, Xiao could only nod his head, once again understanding how dangerous his mother is,

"Then shouldn't we get a divorce?"

Xiao spoke and just as he did several documents and a connecting thread of marriage appeared, all proof of Yun Lan's marriage to Qinghong was brought forth, seeing this Yun Lan didn't hesitate as she froze them all and split them up into nothing but ice particles,

"From now onwards, I am Lan, just Lan."

Lan spoke, seeing so Xiao smile,

"Congratulations, Mother."

He said, and Xuanyin, who wriggled out of his control after Xiao put a barrier around the slaughter, walked up to Lan. She looked at her mother and seemed to take deep control of herself as she spoke,

"Congratulations, Mother."

Hearing this Lan's eyes lit up as a gentle smile came to her face, she moved forward to hug her daughter while Xuanyin tried to avoid it but with one stern word from Xiao she stood in her place,

"Congrats, Aunty,"

Valencia said, and so did Raena, who congratulated her sister for her release something which she would be getting for herself very soon,

"Valencia, can you do me a favor?"

Xiao suddenly asked,


She spoke,

"Cut off the karmic ties of marriage between my mother and him,"

This request made Valencia raise her eyebrow in question,

"Do you want to go that far?"

She asked, to which Xiao firmly nodded his head,

"Okay, it's done,"

Valencia said,

"That was quick,"

"Wells, he's very weak,"

Valencia replied to Xiao's words, seeing so he turned towards the group gathered here today, another set of documents arrived, the ones confining Xiao and his sister to the Yun family, it was quickly burned away,


He called, which quickly got Lan's attention,


"Since changes are taking place today, I would like to change my name,"

Xiao said, finally taking the first step to cutting his fate away,

"I would like to throw away any connection to him. Didn't he give me this name? for Xuanyin, you named her, but for me, it was him. Hence, I want every connection away. "

Xiao spoke with a convincing tone hiding the real reason. For now, he knew some things better lay in the dark,

"Sure, what do you want to be named?"

Lan quickly agreed. She didn't find anything wrong with what Xiao said,

"My name?"

Xiao turned his eyes up above. He focused his feelings to the max, the feeling that had been bugging him filling his mind. In a space unseen Death watched on, its face covered by the darkest cloak but if one was to peer in, a small unseen smile rose, something that would blow the mind of all that knows it.

The connection around Xiao widened, the feeling of death taking over his body, the two fires in his landscape trembled, seemingly realizing something of untold proportion is about to take place, Xiao took in his hand the cube that used to control him, darkness now clouding his body, making Lan scared,

"Don't, this is an important moment for him,"

Valencia spoke, blocking Lan, Valencia took action after her master said so. Adrea, her master looked on invisible but with fascination in her eyes,

'Master, what is he doing?'

Valencia asked,

'He's going to one-up fate'

Adrea replied while deep astonishment filled her being.

The feeling of someone pushing against him was felt, someone didn't want him to succeed but he wasn't going to let others dictate the flow of his life, not anymore, Xiao's mind started to swirl and swirl, he could feel the ties of his name holding him back, keeping him in check and to this, he smiled.

With a simple swift motion, Xiao cut off the name that was holding him back, Death lending him a hand, Death was more excited than him at this change, ??? raised his head within the darkness and looked above,

"My name....."

Just as ??? spoke his body froze, nobody felt it but ??? felt an extreme rage covering him, hoping to crush him, to stop him from changing something that shouldn't, then again Death lent a hand, giving him the leeway he needed.

??? felt the restriction being lifted from him, he felt empty, with no sense of connection to the world or anything around, the darkened sphere around him, keeping all the commotion at bay, and thus memories started to flow through his mind, ??? went through the best of his time and the worst of his times, everything coming to remind him of who he truly is.

The disdain of the world to his insignificance in it, the death of the ones he loved to finding new ones, his shout out to the world at its unfairness till he learned that he wasn't the only one suffering, he again was just one among the many too suffer, his ups and downs, and among them, two people that helped him the most stood out.

One is his teacher.....

And two, Death, who was giving him another way to walk.....

The first one helped him cope with all the failures that had covered him, while the latter helped him escape a fate that would have undoubtedly led him to a puppet of the unknown. Both played a great significance in his change, and they shall get the credit for it.

??? closed eyes opened, his name already filling his mind. Everything seemed to come into place as ??? spoke out,

"My name is.....Azrail.D.Xavon."

Just as he finished speaking, the darkness that was surrounding Azrail flooded his body, taking everything in once more. Above lands unseen several felt the threads of fate being untangled, Fate itself letting out a curse, for once Fate calling someone else a bitch. Death saw all this, with a twinkle in its eyes, it's emotionless being filled with a desire to see more.

It was just a change in name but it covered the whole future of the cosmos in a way that many couldn't predict, all the seers of every pantheon, great realms, and hidden powers felt all their control go haywire, fate from now on being complete muddled and no one could see how or why, beings equal in status to Death once again felt Death's presence at the change as they held their head in pain due to his meddling.

Origins of the great rose above their seats as they ordered the beginning Gods to take a look. Once again, a single boy caused a massive change in the cosmos, and no one knew.

Yes, no one knew that this is the true beginning of the story, the beginning of the being that will walk the ultimate path of change, a path between life, death, fire, and all, a path in which he will bring forth waves across every known and unknown realms.

Until both the living and the dead sang his name.

His name is Azrail.D.Xavon....

And this is just the beginning...

Prolonged End....?

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