The cube that was within Xiao was only guiding certain actions of Xiao and blinding over him, like a cover that was restricting him from understanding some things, it was as if his sharpness and his abilities to see around him had been masked over, hence not all actions Xiao took was out of a control beyond him.

He made a 'connection' with his sister because he indeed wanted to share her pain and get close to her as her brother, he wanted to make up for the useless brother he was, he did talk and help Yurou because he considered her as a good child, an innocent little girl that stuck to his side even when the rest of his family was avoiding him.

He helped Li Lun because he owed her a favor for saving his life, plus after reading through the Heavenly Opposers he understood the life she had lived, it had somehow connected with his thus making him want to help her.

Of course even above this, he did have a hidden intention of getting Li Lun's gratitude, he knew how powerful she will be and what was bad with having a favor of such a woman? but what the cube did was make him unable to realize the effect of many of his actions.

How couldn't his wild and helpful action not make such innocent budding girls, facing despair not fall in love with him? in the depth of despair the one that grants you the light will have a high standing on you, now with Xiao's certain actions it was more probable to say that he was guiding a very dangerous feeling,

'Who am I kidding? with Li Lun I wanted her for myself'

Xiao mused, with his awakening, he had come to understand himself more, he knew what he wanted and the things he had to do to get them,

"Xiao are you okay?"

Suddenly Li Lun called out to him, making him come out of his thoughts as he smiled at her,

"No, I am fine, I was just lost in how beautiful you look now"

His words had an immediate effect as Li Lun had a silly smile on her face as she jumped to him,


Calling so her body was now on him as she hugged him, her hands around his chest while her head lovingly stayed on his chest, seeing that Xiao patted her back with his hand,

'If Yurou was to see this she will definitely go on a killing spree'

Xiao chuckled at his thoughts, not at all fearing Yurou's outburst, with the cube removed and he coming to understand himself better, he came to see what kind of girl Yurou had become, with their connection he understood how heavy Yurou's love is and he wasn't off put by it maybe he even liked it a bit?

​ Yup Xiao had come to realize something very important, its that.....

....he's crazy...

After going through something Xiao has, you don't come out without your own demons and craze, the cube's main function was to hold those demons and desires at bay but it had backfired spectacular, not only had those 'defects' let free but with a supreme understanding of oneself, Xiao had ventured onto more deadly feelings and growth.

But just as he was patting Li Lun's back she separated her body from him, her hands still holding his chest, her fingers holding onto his clothes while her determined eyes looked deeply into Xiao's, taking a deep breath she slowly started to say,

"Xiao, I love you"

'Damn girl! nice shot!'

Teresa whistled as she watched the one-shot attack of Li Lun's, Teresa clutched her chin as she nodded her head with a satisfied look,

'That's my successor, looks like I will have to alter some of my plans....hehehe'

In this regard Teresa wasn't much sane too, you will lose a screw or two in your head after living in an era of slaughter and death.

While Teresa's mind wandered about Austin gazed at the stunning little girl in front of him, her trembling hands holding onto his shirt, from the tip of her ears to her neck was red, her beautiful gem-like amethyst eyes hazy and blurry, her lips were pursed after her words, while she with trepidation looked at Xiao who was now looking at her with a neutral gaze.

But that didn't last for long, as his hands moved and held over Li Lun's hand on his chest, his eyes gained a sharpness as he gazed at Li Lun,

"Li Lun"

He called out,


She replied with nervousness,

"I like you but I don't love you"

He said making Li Lun lose all the color on her face as her knees weakened, she would have fallen off if it weren't for Xiao's support but he wasn't done speaking, holding her tight he continued,

"But I am willing to fall in love with you..."

The last of his words brought the entirety of Li Lun's life back, she who felt that her world was collapsing on itself before which it was raised back up, her body now completely losing strength as she leaned onto Xiao, whose body, heat, and scent were, is and forever will be something that was calming to her.

Seeing the situation of Li Lun Xiao inwardly shook his head,

'Where did my talk of not having entire dependence on one go?'

Even though he thought so he knew that his ideas were baseless, Li Lun was still young, after living a life of failure she had just started to rise from the ashes, as time goes by confidence would find her naturally, upon so she will gain more power and will within her to fight for herself, mere words won't be enough to pull her down.

Xiao didn't want to lie to her about his feelings, when he said he liked her he meant it but the like wasn't actually centered around romance, it was a general like, actually in the past Xiao did have a crush on Li Lun, he could still remember the scene where he saw her fighting against a single humongous army.

Her back stood tall as all those that faced her received only death, in her peak Li Lun had even taken down an entire realm, thus erasing innumerable lives. Though the feelings he had for her had faded a long time ago.

If everything were to go well Xiao and she might be spending a long time together and he didn't want to start such a life with lies and deceit, Li Lun deserved much more than that after everything she had gone through.

Though Xiao was sure that his life will be very rocky, he could already see it, the introduction between them,

'Hey Li Lun, this is my lover! the one before you! yeah I kinda cheated on you'

'Hey Yurou, this is Li Lun, yup, you know my fiancee right? long story short we are still together, and you two will be sister-wives!'

Yeah.......Xiao could already see it, an entire realm vanishing but he wasn't backing down, he liked the challenge,

'Come to think of it, there are a lot of powerful girls in trouble at this time, aren't there?'

Such thought hidden from all brought a very very evil smile across Xiao's face, if one was to think he didn't have desires then they were very mistaken if one was to think that his self-awakening had made him better then they were mistaken.

Xiao's a villain through and through, the awakening had just shown him, how much of a villain he really is,

'Wanted to me make me a good guy?.....well then see me spread chaos!'

A ruthless glint filled Xiao's eyes as a wolfish grin that meant a lot suddenly came and went through his face.

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