Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 92 Arcana Archery's Sect Part 4

Chapter 92 Arcana Archery's Sect Part 4

As Petra was enjoying the moment of kissing her Master's lips, she was taken in for another surprise when she felt a sudden gush of unbelievable power coursing through her body.

[: Petra Iklan has risen to the current status servant with her stats increased by 1% proportion to the share of the Host's total stats and has received an available option share of 1 Skill :]

"Master, what is this power coming through me?"

Petra couldn't handle the power as it felt overwhelming and...good to the point of addiction.

Even her eyes had a heart shape and she was making a face when a woman was at her climax.

"This is the benefit of being my disciple and don't try to suppress it Petra. Accept it as if it were your own"

Daniel's words were loud enough for the Elders to hear.

They were wondering and curious about his actions which seemed perplexing.

But once they sensed the foreign power, all of them stood up at the sight happening before the sight before them was hard to believe.

"This! What...is this!?"

The Sect Master couldn't believe his eyes and he thought that his eyes were playing a joke on him.

"I'm not dreaming am I?" He uttered.

"H-How is he able to raise her power all the way up to the beginning of H-Half Immortal Rank!?"

He pointed his finger and said with a trembling voice.

"What!? Is it true Sect Master!?" One of the Elders spoke.

"Yes, there's no mistake. That's the aura of a Half-Immortal, but just how!?"

The Sect Master felt like his understanding of the whole world had turned upside down.

From beginning to end, he wasn't able to comprehend any actions of the man.

He had never heard of such an ability or technique of turning a mortal into a half-immortal.

Throughout his journey and voyage, there weren't any records about what has happened just now.

Even if there was, it probably requires some sort of sacrifice.

Thus, the sect master felt like he was being mocked at this moment.

He had spent his whole life trying to achieve the Half-Immortal, but in the end, it was a foolish dream.

He couldn't even reach the Ancestral Rank let alone Immortal Rank and in the end, he chose to give up and settle down in this sect.

As Petra received the blessing her aura and strength started to burst out as waves of immeasurable power spread throughout the hall.

With the tremor of her aura, the hall shook and webs of cracks began to spread, and it wasn't until a minute later that her violent aura calmed down as it contained within inside her.

The moment Petra opened her eyes, it felt like an ancient immortal was gazing upon the Elders and all of them trembled under her gaze.

They weren't ignorant or too proud to refuse that such an event had happened.

But realizing that man could turn any disciple into a half-immortal, they just realized how truly horrifying the men are.

Leshia was the most excited when she saw the changes within Petra.

The few minutes she talked with her new sisters had opened up a whole new world, and now then, she realized what kind of entity she had accepted.

Nevertheless, she was beyond happy that she had made the right choice.


It was a small notion, but Leshia was slowly turning like her sisters.

She had no idea what kind of emotion she had toward her master, but it was dark and heavy.

On the other hand, numerous thoughts were hanging around Petra's head.

She was at a loss for words for the new founding power that felt limitless.

All this time, she had been training and meditating hard to seek strength.

The power to survive and the power to decide her future, but now, her master had given the answer she had been searching for.

"Thank you, master!"

And she didn't hesitate to jump into his chest where from now on, there was no other man in her mind except for Daniel.

All this time Mark had been watching and he also watched how his ex-lover jumped into the embrace of another man right in front of his eyes.

How devastated and heartbroken could he be as he watched his once-upon-a-time lover giggling and snuggling around in another man's embrace?

'How could you!'

He repeated these words dozens of times in his mind till the point, his heart and mind were corrupted by the essence of his dark emotions that fueled birth to a Corruption State.

His eyes darkened as it was clustered by corrupted qi and his veins were glowing in a dark reddish color.

Mark simply became a being that was frowned upon by the world.

"Corruption State...Sigh..."

The Sect Master muttered as he gazed at Namu's transformation with eyes of pity.

He expected this to happen when Daniel took Petra for a kiss.

"Such a pity...he's young yet he suffered a corrupt state. Even if he were to recover, he would never be able to cultivate"

He explained the side effects of entering the Corruption State in a soft voice and all of the Elders could only sigh in their heart.

They couldn't blame Daniel as they feared him.

Thus, they could only blame Mark for his weak heart.

'His heart and mind were weak to handle such shock. I guess this just shows how much Will he has in the first place

He shook his head and could only intercept before Mark continue to cause trouble and did a more irreversible effect on Daniel.


Right before Mark could initiate an attack, his body was stopped and held by the Sect Master.

"I apologize for my disciple's actions and I hope the Great Master could forgive him"

He bowed his head politely and Daniel who finds the Corruption State interesting could only agree to his words.

"Thank you Great Master for your kindness"

The Sect Master took Mark's body and disappeared somewhere in the sect and after he tossed his body and locked it inside a dungeon, he left.

'System, what is the Corruption State?' He questioned.

[: The Corruption State is one of the many states that could boost a cultivator's power depending on its state :]

[: Corruption, it's a state in which a cultivator loses control over his emotions, allowing his heart and mind to be fueled by his own emotions mainly rage :]

Upon entering the corrupt state, the person would be controlled solely by their emotions as their consciousness would shut itself down.

The only method to cure the corrupt state is to let its state cool down as the fuel for the state would slowly run out.

But the side effects are absurdly painful.

The chances of its spiritual roots being destroyed are likely to happen and its meridians wouldn't be able to recover from corruption.

How destructive the side effects can be will depend on how strong its fuels are.

'I see. That's a lot of useful information. Then, if the corrupt state is one of the many states, what about the remaining states?'

He wondered what kind of states are there and whether they were beneficial and harmless.

After all, power and strength have no limits.

[: There are different kinds of states such as Enlightenment, Ephinany, Awakening, and Illumination :]

These 4 States of Insight are unique in their ways.

[: For Enlightenment, it allows cultivators to glimpse the truth of certain aspects that they study, gaining comprehension and slight mastery of the aspect :]

[: In Epiphany manifests revelation or realization of a certain aspect that cultivators study and practice for years as they gain the grasp of utilizing the aspect on their own :]

[: An Awakening State is the hardest and most difficult to achieve as it comes in random and only those who are fated could only be awakened and the rewards behind it are tremendous :]

[: An Awakening State could emerge an unrivaled spiritual root, physique, and other factors such as sword intent :]

[: The awakening state is the most powerful and wanted state by all as it could turn trash into the most heavenly prodigy :]

[: The only uncommon or unheard of is the Illumination State, a kind of state where the number of cultivators had entered was less than 100 throughout all realms :]

[: The Illumination state allows one to immediately master and comprehend any aspect of the target within seconds. It's a tier many times above both Enlightenment and Ephinany :]

'I see, thanks for the information'

He nodded his head as he understood the importance of the state.

But for now, those states were meaningless for him and his disciples.

It would be a bonus if his disciples could achieve any of the enlightenment, but it wouldn't impact their life if they couldn't.

"I'm back and once again, I thanked the great master for his patience and kindness"

The Sect Master cupped his hands together to show his sincerity.

Daniel nodded his head in reply and afterward, he turned and faced Petra whose gazes were filled with immense love and admiration.

He smiled seeing her happiness and watching how Daniel smiled at her, Petra was petrified by his appealing smile.

"Let's continue with the remaining disciples,"

He said and no one refused, not even the Sect Master Master or the Elders.

But what was interesting at the moment was that out of his harem, Petra was the daring one as she sat on his lap like a spoiled princess.

She was smiling and giggling happily after all that.

She feared no one nor was she afraid. It felt like her true personality had appeared after her master had changed her.

She never felt this free before, and now, she enjoyed it while serving her master that she wish to give her all.

Well, since she had sat on his lap where it supposedly belonged to the 3 kids, they were staring at her with an unfriendly gaze.

In the end, after long hours of recruiting, Daniel managed to recruit 90% of the female disciples which amounted to 1023.

The remaining 10% were rather hesitant and were clueless about how fruitful the opportunity unity was.

But Daniel was never the type to shy away from those who were yet unsure of how their decision would affect them.

Instead, he told them how the doors of the sect would always be opened for them.

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