Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 80 A Non-Endangering Danger?

Chapter 80 A Non-Endangering Danger?

As Daniel explored the wonder of his newfound powers with the sect, there was a force gathering from the other side of the world.

An unprecedented danger that no one would expect to befall on the continents.

But whether that danger was meant for the continents or rather the 'force' that has been hiding its fingers, no one knows.

Only the future could tell.

As a bright new day entered the world, Daniel opened his eyes and discovered a heavenly sight.

12 naked adults were all over his bed and each of them grasped with one part of his body.

Whether it was his arms, legs, chest, and even hair were all clung by them.

And it warmed his heart knowing that they had a satisfied sleep night. After all, they were smiling even now.

'Let me just clean up the room'

He get up from his bed and stretched his body for the day and afterward, with just a click of his hand, all of the fluids and his seeds were cleaned right away.

On the other hand, he didn't obliterate his essence inside their womb.

'Let's just leave it up to the future'

He was relying on the future whether or not they would be pregnant with his child.

Although he would love to have a huge harem, he doesn't mind starting a family.

With family, he believed his life would be more lively.

After gazing at the elders, he shrugged his shoulders and cleaned their bodies to remove any stains.

Once Daniel was done, he wore his robe that represented his position as the sect leader and he left the compound of his palace.

The moment he took a step outside, he was bombed by the scenery around him.

Weeks ago, the sect was just a small vicinity with worn-out facilities and as the day goes by, his loneliness was accompanied by the sound of silence.

It was a grey atmosphere with nothing but wasting his time away.

However now, he never thought that just by having more disciples, the atmosphere could be vibrant and colorful.

Although all of his disciples had yet to use any function of the facilities, they were taking advantage of the huge spaces and using them as their training spots.

Yes, that's right, all of his disciples were training.

But what took his breath away was their organization and coordination.

Instead of sponging all of them in one spot, they were separated into groups of 10 and each group had a hundred.

And those hundreds of disciples were training in their unique styles.

Due to the difference in physiques, bloodline, spiritual root, and even their cultivation manual and method, it was tough to give everyone the same training manual.

Thus, they were training with their own methods while his first five disciples watched over them since they were the most seniors.

At this moment, Daniel's dream had come true and it suddenly motivated him to recruit even more.

However, he knew that he needed more Elders rather than more disciples. Thus, he took it easy.

Feeling proud of them, he began walking toward them, and once his silhouette could be seen, Cecilia shouted.

"The Sect Leader has arrived!"

She announced at the top of her voice and all of the disciples halted their movements and they bowed afterwards.

"Greetings to the Sect Leader!"

All of them exclaimed in synchronization and Daniel smiled knowing that he really is the sect leader.

Never expecting he would get such a treatment, he raised his hand to acknowledge their salutation.

"At ease my disciples. Just continue what all of you were doing"

Hearing his words, they nodded their heads and continued what they were doing.

But at the same time, they were eyeing and gazing at the Sect Leader with fervent gaze as for some reason, they felt he had gotten hotter.

"Even though it has been only a day, are there any issues?"

He approached the 5 disciples and questioned.

"Master, there have been no issues with the disciples now. They are getting used to the dorms and it was quite amusing to see their reactions"

Fresia covered her mouth and laughed.

She couldn't handle their reactions and it was quite cute to her. Moreover, it reminded her of her first time knowing Daniel.

Although she didn't reveal that she was also shocked when discovering her dorms.

"I see. Then I'm glad that there are no issues, then where are the divinities?"

He was looking around for the spiritual divinities and noticed that they weren't around.

Normally, they would have jumped on him but it was unusual for them not to cling to him.

Hence, he was curious about what they were doing.

"About that master, the spiritual divinities are currently playing hide seek with one another and they have been spending together and their numbers are quite a lot"

Elizabeth explained and she was baffled by the number of divinities that appeared on the farmland, and it was more than 50.

"I see, I'm glad they're having fun"

He chuckled and had expected this much.

Remembering that he bought those seeds from the stall, the number would have been closer to 50 or more.

"If there are no concerns then I'm glad that the situation is moving smoothly. Then if you're free right now, I'll bring each of you to tour around the sect to explain each of the facility's purposes"

It was time for them to know about the purpose of the facility and even though he should have brought the elders, they were sleeping and exhausted from the previous night.

Hence, he chose to bring 5 of them since they were the seniors and the leading disciples.

In response, 5 of them beamed with happiness as they felt blessed to be the first batch in knowing about the facilities.

Moreover, they were rather dead curious about it since they had entered the sect.

Just gazing at the entrance of the facility gave shocked their mind and they felt as if they had concentrated, their souls would be exhausted.

That just shows how the aura of the facility was domineering where not even the disciples could simply stare.

Although it won't harm, it's quite nauseating if they tried to pry into it.

Nevertheless, he brought each of them to each of the facilities and began explaining them one by one.

He explained its uses and the method of utilization, and also the purpose behind it.

After each explanation, various emotions could be seen coming from them, and most of them were astonishing.

"Alright. That's the end of it, and all of you had pretty much understood what these facilities are for. You all could explore each of the facilities and feel to enjoy its content"

After hours of touring, he concluded it by encouraging them to explore the wonders of it.

"We will gladly explore it to the fullest master" Crista raised her hand into a fist and she was the most enthusiastic about it.

"Alright. Since we're pretty much on a good track, I will head out to have some fresh air. So, the 5 of you will be in charge of the disciples and if there's anything, you can inquire the Elders for help"

He gave his orders to the disciples and though they were reluctant for him to leave, they couldn't disobey it.

"Understood Master and have a safe journey"

Megan smiled and said, each of them gave their blessings to him.

"Alright. See you soon"

Daniel said his farewells and disappeared.

Even though he couldn't be blamed but he had made a mistake.

Well, whether it's considered a mistake or fortunate no one knows, but it did give an opportunity for the Disciples to spread their Holy Cult.

On the other hand, Daniel appeared outside the entrance of the sect and the reason he wanted to take fresh air is because...he wanted to have fun with his powers.

'Thinking about it now, I didn't use my powers for my own self, maybe, I should have some fun with it'

He just wanted to have fun and let the steam out of his body, thus, he took this chance to spend some time toying with his powers.

And the perfect place to experiment was the area that surrounds the sect.

The location of the sect was literally in the middle of nowhere where surrounded by a forest with vines and trees.

While it's a wasteland around the sect, if he flew up in the sky and gaze beneath him, he would discover what lies ahead of the sect was nothing but a forest.

And the sect itself was like a spot with wasteland around it.

He always wondered why the sect was built here but even the previous decease sect master had no idea, thus, he never really found out why.

'Well, time to have some fun' He declared as he disappeared and reappeared on the sky.

As he was in the sky, the sight before him was breathtaking scenery.

'What a sight' He muttered with awe.

With the sunlight piercing through the clouds and winds blowing through his ear, he was marveled by such sight.

But just as he was enjoying the warmth of the world, he sensed a strange occurrence.

'What the hell is going on?'

He could hear the commotion even though he was miles away from the source, he still could see and hear what was going on.

And he paid attention to where the source of oddity came from, he saw a family of fox-kin being chased base by a group of humans.

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