Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 207 [Bonus chapter]Lindsay Feelings

Chapter 207 [Bonus chapter]Lindsay Feelings

[: Daniel POV :]

As we continued walking towards Lindsay's place, the city's hardships and troubles faded into the background, and it felt like there was a world of our own.

Upon reaching her residence, Lindsay opened the door, inviting me inside.

"Come in,"

Lindsay warmly invited with a smile, and even though her house didn't seem like it would survive another year, I could tell it held a warmth, and perhaps it was because of her presence.

"Make yourself at home," Lindsay said with a gentle smile, gesturing to the living area.

"I'm just going to check on dinner. Please, have a seat."

As she checked on dinner, I took a seat in her cosy living area, feeling more at ease with each passing moment.

The simple yet comforting atmosphere of her home was a welcome change from the world outside.

"Well, aren't you treating me like I'm your husband?"

I flirted playfully, surprised by Lindsay's growing comfort with my compliments.

Her response, however, caught me off guard.

"Then, please treat me like I'm your wife," she said with a mix of nervousness and cheekiness in her tone.

Her response sent a delightful shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but smile.

As Lindsay served the freshly cooked meal and poured a cup of tea, a palpable tension hung in the air, filling the room with an almost suffocating silence.

Sensing her nervousness, I decided to break the ice.


I called out to her, causing her to visibly startle. Her eyes met mine as she turned toward me, her expression a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

"About the words that you said earlier on, are you really serious about it?"

I questioned, looking at her intently, awaiting her response.

My words seemed to have stirred a whirlwind of emotions within Lindsay.

Her expressions shifted as she wrestled with her thoughts, and after a few moments of contemplation, she found the courage to express her true feelings.

"I... don't know," she began, her voice reflecting her inner turmoil.

I listened intently, giving her the space to open up further.

"I don't know what I'm feeling right now or what kind of feelings I have for you," she admitted, her vulnerability shining through.

Lindsay continued, her emotions laid bare.

"But what I really know is that, at least, I want to repay you for what you've done for me... and by repaying with 'that' is the only way I can think of,"

She concluded, a genuine smile gracing her lips.

''I don't have any money," she admitted, "and knowing that you're a cultivator, I doubt that the things I have would be enough." She smiled with a hint of sadness.

I understood where she was coming from.

In this world, nothing comes free without any form of exchange and that was the harsh reality.

And Lindsay understood that aspect greatly.

While this concept doesn't exist with my disciples, where I often provided for them without expecting immediate repayment, Lindsay seemed to believe that I might have different expectations due to my abilities as a cultivator.

To be honest, I could have told Lindsay that she didn't have sex with me.

But if I did, I wouldn't have the chance to make our relationship closer than before.


I won't have the opportunity to make her realize about her feelings for me.

I wanted to make her mine no matter what and what was stopping her from making a move was her marriage status.

And I could tell that once she had paid me with sex, she'd cease her relationship with me because she felt guilty for her husband.

"Lindsay, you might not be rich, but do you know what kind of richness you have?"

I questioned gently, seeing her curiosity growing.

She leaned in slightly, eager to know what quality I found in her.

"What... is... it?" Her voice trembled with anticipation.

"Your beauty, Lindsay,"

I replied softly, ensuring she understood my sincerity.

"And I don't mean it in a sexual way, but purely how beautiful you are."

Her cheeks flushed a delicate shade of pink, and a shy smile played on her lips.

"Despite facing the famine, it doesn't take away your beauty, and I could tell that your husband must have been a lucky man,"

I added warmth in my voice, appreciating the unique charm she possessed.

"I think you already told me that a hundred times today,"

Lindsay chuckled, her warm smile lighting up the room. I joined in her laughter, appreciating her good humour.

"But still, thank you for the words, and I really mean it,"

She said with a sweet smile.

We continued to talk and converse for quite some time, our connection deepening with each passing moment.

Eventually, we both noticed that the suns had faded in the background, and the night had settled in.

"Well, would you look at the time now," I said, glancing at an imaginary watch with a playful smile.

Lindsay's gaze followed mine, and she realized it was already nighttime.

"It's already night..." she muttered, her nervousness palpable.

After taking a deep breath, she finally made her decision. "Well, you can come into my room..."

Her lips trembled, and her body shook for a few seconds.

Then, she stood up and walked towards her room.

At some point, she paused her steps and glanced back at me.

"Aren't you going to enter?" she questioned nervously.

Perhaps, I had been focusing on her so much that I had momentarily forgotten the original purpose.

Without wasting any more time, I stood up and followed her to her room.

''You can stay here while I run and change,''

She said with a hint of nervousness, then walked off to another room.

Sitting on her wooden bed, I couldn't help but admire how cute her response was.

After a few moments, she returned with her delicate skin barely concealed beneath the silk of black lingerie that hugged her curves in alluring ways.

She gasped when she caught me staring and hastily covered her chest and crotch with trembling hands.

Even through the fabric of the lingerie, I could see the vivid blush rising on her cheeks in mortification.

"S-Stop staring so much...you're making me nervous" she whispered, averting her gaze.

I couldn't help it though; her majestic body held my gaze captive.

"Well, I can't help it. After all, your body is captivating my eyes," I replied with a smirk.

Afterwards, she sat down on the bed right by my side with a bounce.

The move was unwittingly seductive as her tits and ass bounced and jiggled when she settled onto the sheets.

The black lingerie she wore accentuated every inch of her voluptuous body.

I could not keep my eyes off her curves as they rippled beneath her skin.

Her hair tumbled over her shoulders, the lustrous brown locks contrasting with her pale skin.

At the same time, Lindsay was still feeling uneasy.

Her mind was racing as she questioned if she was making the right decision.

I could see her shaking from nervousness and I noticed her fingers trembling.

To comfort her, I carefully enveloped my hands around hers, hoping that it would provide her with some comfort.

She turned to me and I could see the faint of uncertainty in her eyes.

''Lindsay,'' I started, giving her a comforting smile.

''Don't be scared and don't feel guilty for what you're doing. You are not at fault and you are certainly not cheating on anyone.''

My voice was gentle and soothing yet filled with conviction of my words.

I knew that my words would not be enough to sway her emotions.

I forged ahead nevertheless.

''I don't know what happened but I think the men earlier on must have something to do with your husband's loan right?''

I said without fearing what her answer might be.

She didn't respond with vehement denial, nor did she attempt to defend him.

And her only answer was her silence,

She could have easily defended her husband with a flimsy excuse, something like ''But my husband does it because we had no money''.

But instead, she kept silent.

That was more than enough to reveal the truth; he was nothing but a despicable scum and I hated it.

I hated all husbands who treated their wives as though they were merely a use.

I don't care what others might say, but that is just how I truly feel.

''If you still feel unsure about this, then, treat it as if you're paying the loans''

I said to add a sense of comfort to her decision even though I was keen on giving her the best pleasure that she ever had.

Eventually, a subtle but relieved smile spread across her tired face.

"Daniel...I'm glad."

She wanted to burst into tears and let all the emotions she had been suppressing wash away.

But she held it in, keeping her usual composed demeanour.

"I'm glad that you're a gentle person."

Her words were warm and full of admiration.

"If it's you, then I don't mind doing it...with you."

She finally confessed, allowing herself to relax as she accepted the truth of her feelings.


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