Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 104 War Tame Sect Part 2

Chapter 104 War Tame Sect Part 2

"The First Disciples we have is our Core Disciple who is Celoa Evans"

The Sect Master introduced as a female disciple came in.

As the disciple walked over the carpet that was laid down for Daniel, there was a beast right by her side, accompanying her to walk.

It was a beast that belonged to the category of Wyvern or to be specific Silver Blue Wyvern.

Blue Wyvern was a beast that was one of the weakest forms of lesser dragons which is said to be incomparably powerful despite being the weakest type.

Moreover, it seems that the Beast had grown and nurtured for at least 10 years and its size was as big as a tank or 2 times bigger than that.

"Greetings to the Great Master, My name is Celoa Evans and this is my Tamed Beast, Uvi"

Celoa stepped forward with grace and poise, her demeanour reflecting the amount of determination and resolution to join the Heavenly Harem Sect as a disciple and also, be Daniel's woman.

Her long, flowing robes accentuated her elegance as she greeted Daniel with a respectful bow.

"Great Master, it is an honour to stand before you,"

She greeted once more with her voice clear and composed.

"I have come to offer my unwavering loyalty and dedication to the Heavenly Harem Sect"

She declared with clarity in her oceanic eyes and blue short hair.

Daniel nodded, acknowledging her introduction with a warm smile.

"Welcome, Celoa "

He replied with a smile as he found mannerisms likeable.

"We are delighted to have you join our ranks."

As a hush fell over the gathering, Cecilia continued her introduction with a sense of pride and excitement.

"Allow me to introduce the partner who walks beside me, my loyal companion and protector, Uvi, the Silver Blue Wyvern"

With a subtle gesture, she beckoned, and from behind her, a magnificent creature emerged.

Although Uvi is the weakest type of wyvern, she was still an ethereal being, her scales shimmering like the moonlight, and her wings expansive like a celestial tapestry.

The draconic eyes glinted with intelligence and benevolence, and a sense of awe washed over Daniel.

Uvi's presence alone spoke of the bond she shared with Celoa, a connection that went beyond words.

As Daniel was in amazement, her smile widened, knowing that her partner had captivated their hearts just as she had captivated hers.

Daniel's eyes lit up with admiration as he beheld the majestic creature.

"An exquisite companion indeed," he remarked.

"it seems that your journey together was filled with bond and strength, something that perhaps would never been seen commonly"

His words were a compliment to Celoa and knowing that his words contained thousands of power, she thanked him with a bow, her heart swelling with pride for her unique partner.

Uvi, in turn, let out a gentle rumble, as if to express her gratitude for being acknowledged.

For a beast like Uvi, her senses were entirely different from her master, Celoa

To Celoa, Daniel might seem harmless, but to Uvi, what she was seeing was making her body shed in fear.

Her bloodline was boiling and if it weren't for Daniel controlling his bloodline, Uvi would have been forced to stick her head on the ground.

Nevertheless, it was natural for her to naturally acknowledge that Daniel was the supreme one. Thus, Uvi had consciously acknowledged Daniel as her Superior.

"I thanked the Great Master for his kind words"

Celoa replied with a bright smile.

Celoa didn't have a difficult past nor was she born with a Unique Talent.

She was just an average girl who had the same dream as every girl, and that was to be a cultivator.

She may have appeared as an ordinary girl to the outside world, but within her heart burned an extraordinary passion and determination.

From a young age, she had gazed up at the stars, dreaming of a life as a cultivator, a life of adventure, self-discovery, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment.

Growing up in a humble village, her dreams were met with scepticism and doubt from those around her.

The path of cultivation was often reserved for the gifted and the privileged, but she refused to be discouraged by the odds stacked against her.

She believed that with unwavering dedication and hard work, she could defy expectations and forge her destiny.

Her family, although supportive, was hesitant about her ambitions.

They worried about the dangers that lay ahead and the challenges she would face as a disciple of a renowned sect.

However, her determination was unshakeable.

She believed that she was meant for something greater and was willing to make sacrifices to pursue her dream.

With a heart full of hope and dreams of becoming a cultivator, she set out on a journey to seek the place she believed would hold the key to her dreams.

However, because of her lesser abilities, she wasn't deemed as fit to be a cultivator and thus, she was saddened by the ultimate reality.

As she continued her journey within the War Tame Sect, Fate had indeed left a delightful surprise for her.

During one of her rigorous training sessions, she stumbled upon a young and seemingly unremarkable creature—an injured Silver Blue, a rare and often overlooked spiritual beast.

Most disciples would have dismissed the creature as insignificant due to its relatively weaker nature.

However, she felt an inexplicable connection to the beast.

Despite its injuries, she sensed a spark of untapped potential within the creature.

Trusting her intuition, she decided to take it under her care, determined to nurse it back to health.

As days turned into weeks, Celoa worked tirelessly to tend to the Silver Blue's injuries and provide it with the nurturing it needed.

In return, the beast responded to her kindness and dedication, forging a bond with Celoa that went beyond words.

She named her new companion "Uvi," symbolizing the spirit of the moon that seemed to emanate from the creature.

To everyone's surprise, Uvi began to thrive under Celoa's care.

The bond between the two deepened, and Celoa discovered that Uvi's seemingly weaker nature was merely a façade.

The Silver Blue possessed a rare gift of empathetic connection, able to draw strength from the moon around it.

With her guidance and encouragement, Uvi's powers blossomed.

Together, they discovered that Luna had the unique talent to absorb and redirect moon energy, making her a formidable force in battle.

As Uvi grew stronger, so did Celoa's abilities as a cultivator.

Their bond became the talk of the sect, as fellow disciples marveled at the harmonious connection between Celoa and her once-overlooked companion.

Her dedication and belief in Uvi's potential were an inspiration to all, reminding them of the true essence of being a cultivator—finding strength in unity and embracing the uniqueness of each spiritual bond.

As she and Uvi trained together, they explored new heights of power and spirituality.

Their dynamic partnership became a testament to the limitless possibilities that lay within the War beast Secy, where even the seemingly weakest could become a force to be reckoned with through bond and understanding.

Her journey was no longer just about fulfilling her dream of becoming a cultivator.

It was a journey of self-discovery, as she learned to trust her instincts and believe in the potential of those around her.

Uvi's presence was a constant reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary gifts lay hidden within the seemingly ordinary.

With her by her side, Celoa's determination to protect and uplift others grew even stronger.

The once-average girl had transformed into a powerful and compassionate cultivator, admired not only for her skills but also for her ability to nurture and support those around her.

Together, Celoa and Uvi continued to grow, their bond serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration within the sect.

They proved that sometimes, the greatest surprises in life come from unexpected places, and that true strength lies not just in one's abilities but in the bond and trust shared between a cultivator and their spiritual companion.

Thus, from a mere disciple, she became the one who led the Inner Disciples, the most powerful force of Disciples within the sect.

Despite achieving fame within her sect, Celoa wanted to see the potential of her belief and how far it could go.

She didn't wish to just stop here and accept her fame. She wishes to reach new heights of ceiling and achieve what others.

And one day, she had caught news about the Heavenly Harem Sect and of course, she had doubts about it.

She didn't want to sacrifice her dignity just for the sake of attaining power, but Celoa had realized how harsh reality can be.

Even though she was the leader of the Inner Disciples, she realized that that position was just a speck of dust in this world.

She didn't want to be just content with that.

At the same time, she didn't wish to be seen as a traitor but fortunately, it seems like the sect master was fine with it and she made her final decision.

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