Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 101 The Illusionist Mind Sect Part 1

Chapter 101 The Illusionist Mind Sect Part 1

Leaving behind the mess of change Daniel had left, he returned to his daughters and comforted them.

Even though Evelyn, Eleona, and Eliana had received a new blessed life where they wouldn't have to worry about surviving, it was still difficult for them to overcome their past.

They were in deep shock when the smoke appeared and seeing their tears was the reason that allowed Daniel to destroy the slave continent.

Nevertheless, the children found solace in his presence.

With his appearance in their lives, his priority was to provide comfort and reassurance to his beloved children.

Daniel embraced his daughters warmly, taking the moment to comfort the bad memories they had as he listened attentively to their fears and offered words of love and support.

As much as they were clingy with him, he too was clingy with them and he understood that the impact his absence could leave such a dilemma in their lives.

The moment he disappeared to deal with the continent, his children looked and searched for him, and as they realized he was nowhere,

they began to despair.


"Where did Daddy go...?"

"Did Daddy leave us...?"

Their eyes were glowing with emptiness and it felt like they had lost meaning in their lives and because of their inability to control their emotions, they rampaged.

Their bloodline rampaged and they transformed into a hybrid version of between a dragon and a fox.

Fortunately, due to his disciple's actions, they were able to deal with the impact and brought them somewhere else to cool down.

After they had calmed down with their forms evoked, Daniel had appeared and amidst his confusion, he enveloped his daughters in a cocoon of love and stability, assuring them that they were not alone.

His presence symbolized the meaning of their life and the shield from all disasters and storms that had caused them to be misery.

As the world continued to grapple with change, Daniel shielded his daughters from the external chaos, focusing on their emotional well-being and sense of security.

Afterwards, to soothe their heart, he spent quality time with them, engaging in activities that brought joy and laughter.

In those tender moments, Daniel understood the importance of nurturing his daughters' spirits and fostering resilience within them.

Although he had vowed to protect and support them, and always be a pillar of strength, he realized it wasn't just always about shielding them.

He realized that he also needed to nurture them into find growing adults and this wasn't a knowledge and topic he was familiarized with.

"Daddy...you'll be forever with us right...?"

At this moment when Daniel was still comforting his daughters, Evelyn asked a question that made Daniel pondered deeply.

What was the right answer to this question he had no idea, but one thing was for sure is that he'd forever have their back, and he would eternally love them to the fullest.

Hence, it was a question that didn't need too much thought and he answered swiftly without any doubt in his eyes, and with a charming smile, he answered his daughter's question.

"Yes, Daddy would be forever with all of you and I won't ever abandon all of you"

He gave a kiss to each of their foreheads to tell how much he loved them, but he never considered what they truly felt.

As soon as he answered her question, Evelyn and her two sisters giggled in their hearts as their emotions began to blacken.

And at this point, as young as they were, they began to plan how to capture their daddy's heart and they won't hesitate to do anything to achieve it.

Nevertheless, after spending time with his daughters, Daniel resumed his visit to the remaining sect and it was none other than Illusionist Mind Sect.

Daniel was kind of interested in this sect as he never thought of using the method of illusions to confuse the minds of his enemies.

It was a peculiar method but at the same time, it was effective and dangerous depending on the enemy and how advanced the techniques were, hence, he wanted to visit the sect.

The moment he arrived at the entrance of the sect, he was surprised to see that the head sect was already there to greet him.

"Nice to meet you Great Master of the Heavenly Harem Sect. I'm the Sect Master of the Illusionist Mind Sect and I welcome you to our sect"

He was an old frail-looking thin man with a long white beard and a tall thin hat, and he was smiling as he greeted Daniel.

Without too much of a question, he accepted their welcome and entered the sect and Daniel was amazed at how the sect appeared.

It felt like he had entered a museum where there were hundreds or perhaps thousands of scrolls displayed and there were altars and statues that represented the past sect masters or the Elders.

If he had to describe what kind of aura their disciples gave, it was akin to librarians looking and peaking through every book as they absorbed new forms of knowledge.

It was a new experience and exposure he never thought he would have and it somehow gives him an idea that he should create or wait for the opportunity for the library facility to appear.

Eventually, after he was brought around and introduced to each of the places, he finally sat down on the throne in their sect hall.

Although the Elders and the Sect Master were beneath him, he didn't feel awkward. Instead, they were afraid to gaze at him eye to eye.

Daniel purposely oozes out his aura to instil fear in them, but at the same time, the female elders are gazing at him with expectation.

After all, news was spreading fast and such facts weren't unknown to them.

"Great Master, we are aware that you're looking for female disciples to recruit and we have readied most of our female disciples who are willing to join. Thus, let's call out the first disciple"

The sect master said and it was such a humiliating moment for him to offer his disciple. But what can he do?

He can't go against the Great Master nor could he last more than a second. Hence, he had to swallow his ego and prioritize which was the right choice.

Moreover, it felt like half of his life span had disappeared the moment he realized that none of his female disciples was willing to stay behind, and conflicts were happening.

Those who were in a relationship were destroyed immediately the moment their partners wanted to cease their bond and it caused such huge conflicts that the Elders had to be involved.

It was chaotic to the point, that fights broke out in the middle out of nowhere, and from a loved relationship turned into hatred.

The situation at hand was akin to 2 sides of a coin, demanding a nuanced understanding from those involved.

For the boys, they found themselves engulfed in a deep sense of betrayal, their hearts heavy with the realization that their love had been callously toyed with.

The anguish they felt birthed a tempest of emotions, leaving them both seething with anger and adrift in a sea of confusion and loss.

On the other side of the coin, the girls held contrasting beliefs, perceiving their actions as a pursuit of a brighter opportunity rather than an act of betrayal.

With careful consideration and respect, they made the difficult decision to break off the relationship, understanding that it was in their best interest to explore alternative paths.

While their intentions were not malicious, they were cognizant of the pain their partners would inevitably endure.

Thus, they endeavoured to navigate the delicate process with grace and politeness, hoping to minimize the hurt inflicted upon the hearts they once held dear.

In the end, each side bore its burdens and sought to justify its actions through personal lenses.

There was no right or wrong to each decision but rather a bad or good consequence which can be seen as either poor or effective.

Nevertheless, even if the elders wanted to intervene, they couldn't. After all, they were also met with the same conflict.

"For our first disciple, we have Amy Trujillo who is a core disciple and at the same time, a rising newbie"

Immediately after the Sect Master introduced came the disciple who walked with overwhelming confidence.

With her bright yellowish silky hair cascading down her shoulders and her captivating golden brown eyes, she possessed a natural allure that had the power to shatter countless confessions.

As she walked down she eventually halted her movements steps away from the throne where Daniel sat and she introduced herself.

"Greetings to the Great Master, I'm Amy Trujillo and I'm willing to be the loyal disciple of the Heavenly Harem Sect"

Amy had prepared herself from this very moment and she had considered deeply about joining the sect.

Although she had to sacrifice some things, she didn't regret them one bit.

After all, she decides which to prioritise.

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