Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 645 - 645. Settling down in the Secret Realm Surroundings.

Chapter 645: Chapter 645. Settling down in the Secret Realm Surroundings.

While flying across the sky toward the gathering place, one of the core disciples asked, curious. "Sect Master, how long will the secret realm last? I've read every information shared by the sect, but it doesn't appear anywhere."

Yasenia pondered while controlling the Flying Ship. "From what I've heard, it doesn't have a date. There are certain challenges, and after overcoming those, there are rewards. If you fail or succeed, you'll be transported out. Of course, the chance of death is more than real, so all of you be careful. Then... I know this Secret Realm's latest closing date had been two years. It appears every seven hundred years, and the first sighting was a little over three thousand five hundred years ago."

Sarah asked. "Do you know what type of tests are in the secret realm?"

Yasenia shook her head. "I don't. The information is not available. However, since items like Andrea's [Immortal Sun Obliterating Body] Technique appeared here, they should be complicated."

Evelyn commented. "Isn't it a bit strange?"

The dragoness turned to look at her. "Go on."

"Well, I mean. Even if it is of the rare Sun attribute, it is a very high-level technique. So, selling it is not a normal thing to do. Maybe it is a trap or something?"

People on the ship frowned, finding it plausible. Yasenia smirked. "Don't worry, dear. I've already prepared. The Secret Realm is real, and Tengliu has told me that she had led a few juniors into it in the past. If there is a trap being set up or something, it is not related to it. So, as long as we can protect ourselves, there is nothing to worry about."

Angel blinked and tugged the hem of her skirt. "Is this why you asked the Formation branch to create one-use formations?"

Patting her head, she answered. "That's right. You should not worry. I've already prepared."

The people on the ship couldn't help but look at Yasenia's back and feel that it was broad and dependable. It made them feel protected.

When the giant floating ship arrived, Yasenia used the formations in the boat to look for Spatial Turbulence.

Her vision synchronized with the Floating Warship, and her eyes locked in a point three kilometers away.

There, passive turbulences released energy in waves, making the air slowly flow and creating soft gales that wouldn't even bother a mortal.

'So, that's where it will open. Hm... there are a total of four hundred and six camps already built, with banners from major powers on the bigger ones. Let's move the ship between Tengliu's and Coraline's camps.'

The girls knew that most high-level powers would participate this time because of the auction's sale of the Cultivation Technique. After all, a Transcendence realm cultivation technique stands at the top of the Continent.

Remember that although body cultivators did not use attributes as much as Spiritual Cultivators, their bodies also had innate affinities, and the rarity of each attribute appearing was the same as spiritual cultivators.

Hence, sun-attributed techniques were not sought after because of their rarity.

If, for example, the technique that appeared was water-attributed, Yasenia would not have been able to get it as quickly. Not to mention, it would not have appeared for sale in the first place.

After she settled the giant warship between the enormous camps built by Coraline and Tengliu, she attracted many surprised eyes.

Not only because of her "gall" to land there but also because flying ships were an advanced piece of equipment that had yet to appear in the Distancia Continent.

Yasenia ordered. "Go down. We'll camp here for the next few days. I won't restrain your movements, but try not to create trouble."

After they all jumped off, Yasenia stored the giant ship in her spatial ring.

Then, Angel moved and took out her Formation Pen.

Her profound energy covered the large area before them, and her arm began to move in a blur.

The previously prepared formation, called [Base Building Formation], covered enough land to appear like a large town.

The spectators were stunned at the complexity of Angel's formation and her array-creation speed.

Then, Angel stopped scribbling in the air and waved her long white sleeve.

Complex lines and runes covered the area before herself, and one hundred buildings native to the Sky Continent lined up one after another, with a large one in the middle.

Yasenia turned and looked at the stunned disciples. "Disciples go to the blue houses. Elders go to the red ones. Laurina and Sarah, you sixteen, take the white ones. The brown one in the middle is mine. Any questions?"

They all shook their heads dumbly, looking at the town that rose from nothing with bewildered faces.

Satisfied, the dragoness was about to walk toward the town when she heard someone calling her. "Little Yasenia~."

Our dragoness rolled her eyes and dodged to the left. A white-feathered harpy slammed into the ground face first where she was previously standing, creating a small explosion and digging into the ground.

Yasenia looked at the hole and chuckled. "Hello, Aunty Tengliu."

Tengliu woke up from the shock that her dear little Yasenia managed to doge her, and she dug out of it unscathed and without a drop of dirt on her as if she was impermeable to dirtiness.

She flapped her wing-arms and arrived before Yasenia with a pout and her beautiful violet eyes blinking pitifully. "Why did you dodge my hug?"

Yasenia smiled and flicked her forehead. "Why should I not dodge it? Are we even on good terms?"

Tengliu answered confidently. "Of course, we are on good terms! Therefore, you should not dodge to receive my sincere and boundless love!"

Cecile stepped forward and stated flatly. "Let's fight."

The harpy matriarch's lips twitched, and looked at the Phoenix. "Can you not ask me the same thing each time we see each other?"

Cecile answered with her usual deadpan expression. "You are the only one I can fight with the intent to kill, and I can't beat."

Evelyn and the others almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

During the last five years, Tengliu had visited a few times, and they all got to know her closely because she would stick to Yasenia each time she visited.

Their feelings were nonexistent for her. If this harpy existed or not, it would not affect them in any way, like a rock on the side of the road. Their raw hatred for what she did has slowly shifted to indifference.

Well, except Angel and Cecile, who held grudges about things related to Yasenia for a long time, and Tatyana, who would decapitate her instantly if Yasenia agreed to it.

Tatyana approached and commented. "Hey, old woman. Are you still counting your lucky stars?"

Tengliu crossed her arms below her beautiful naked breasts and smirked, lifting her silvery eyebrow. "I am. It seems that I will end up surviving~. I told you my sincerity and efforts would not be in vain."

Tatyana tsked her tongue. "You are balancing on the edge of a knife, so be careful not to trip, or the fall might kill you."

An elegant and calming voice appeared at their side. "Can you two act a bit more like a senior?"

They turned their heads and saw a graceful purple-haired and purple-eyed woman. Ebirah materialized, her crystal-like pink shell on her elegant and beautiful tail shining with iridescent brilliance, and she launched herself toward that woman. "Mom!"

Coraline smiled softly and hugged her little dear. "You've become much stronger. I'm so proud of you, my love."

Ebirah giggled with a shy expression and hugged Coraline tightly.

Coraline said. "Little Yasenia, let's go to my place to discuss things. You've caused quite a few undercurrents."

Yasenia nodded and guided her girls after Coraline. Tengliu naturally followed.

On the side, Sarah used her system and analyzed the two new arrivals.


Sarah had already prepared herself to be met with the usual message telling her that it was impossible to measure, but to her surprise, it worked. 'This is strange. People that are related to Yasenia are usually full of question marks.'

Sarah smiled. 'Well, let's see.'

[Tengliu Stormfeather. (Female)]

[Titles: Matriarch of the Storm Feathered Harpy Clan (Distancia World Title). Most talented Cultivator in the last millennium (Distancia World Title). War Sage (Distancia World Title). Political Behemoth (Distancia World Title). Strongest Seer (Distancia World Title). One Woman Army (Universal Title: Unlocked after fighting against five hundred cultivators at the same level without external aid and remaining victorious). Fated To Chase The Stars (Innate Title). Blessed By The Heavens (Innate Title). Unmatched Beauty (Innate Title). Profound Wisdom (Innate Title).]

[Cultivation Level: High-level of the Epoch Core Realm.]

[Constitution: Fate Threading Storm Body.]

[Bloodline (Mutation): Storm Feather Destiny Harpy Queen (High-level Divine Rank).]

[Stats: ??? (Strength gap too big to measure).]

[Threat Level: Insurmountable (0.0002% Chance of winning).]

[Notes: The harpy with the best talent ever born from the Storm Feathered Harpy race. A Natural Born Ruler. Born to lead harpies to prosperity and beyond. Her wit, intelligence, methods, strength, and quick cultivation speed allowed her to become one of the most influential cultivators in the Distancia World in no more than a millennium, rivaling even the old monsters hiding in the continent. It is quite a waste that she was born in the lower heavens, as it has limited her cultivation speed and progress. If she had been born in a Higher World with a robust background, her current achievements would be immeasurable.]

[Capture Value: 15,000,000 Shop Points.]

[Affection: 0 (Indifferent)]

[Perk <Good First Impressions> failed because of mental resistance. Initial Affection will not be changed to 10.]

[All charm-related skills will be invalidated against her even after the skill <Resistance Denial> use.]

[System Note: Proceed with extreme precaution. Tengliu's eyes can see through most lies and intentions. You won't be able to outsmart her.]

Sarah's eyes opened so wide that they almost popped out. 'What the hell are all those titles!? She even has a talent for the highest grade, a Universal Title! My God, what a monster.'

Sarah saw Tengliu stop, and her heart almost stopped for a second, remembering her previous experience with Tatyana.

Tengliu felt somewhat strange, as if something had analyzed her, and looked around. 'Hm? Was it my imagination?'

However, there was nothing inside her massive spiritual sense that matched this feeling, making her puzzled. 'Are there old monsters hiding in the vicinity? I should take precautions.'

Tengliu heard Yasenia's voice. "Is there something wrong?"

Tengliu shook her head and smiled, trying to hug Yasenia's arm between her breasts, only to be bonked by her tail. She protested. "Misser! In the past, you allowed me to be close to you!"

Yasenia laughed. "That's because I was weak~. Now, I don't fear you."

"Tsk, tsk. Should I remind you in another spar to control that arrogance of yours?" Tengliu protested, but inside, she was smiling softly. It was always fun being around Yasenia.

[Host. Although I can't measure Yasenia's liking toward Tengliu Stormfeather, her feelings toward her appear to be neutral.]

Sarah blinked. 'I see. What about the other one?'

Her eyes moved toward Coraline and analyzed her.

[Coraline Clawthorne (Female)]

[Titles: Queen of the Sun Engulfing Ore Lobsters (Distancia World Title). Strongest Sun Engulfing Ore Lobster (Distancia World Title). Protector of the Sea (Distancia World Title). Ruthless Queen (Distancia World Title). Fate Destroyer (Universal Title: Gained when altering a fundamental sequence of major events by sheer raw strength and influence). Mother of a Destined Legend (Universal Title: Achieved when your actions influence Fate in a way that your progeny met an exceptionally fortuitous encounter that changed their Fate). Monarch's Wisdom (Innate Title). Combat Genius (Innate Title).]

[Cultivation Level: High-level of the Epoch Core Realm.]

[Constitution: Profound Ore Devouring Physique.]

[Bloodline: Sun Engulfing Ore Lobster (Low-level Divine Rank).]

[Stats: ??? (Strength gap too big to measure).]

[Threat Level: Insurmountable (0.0001% Chance of winning).]

[Notes: The Lobster Queen was never a blessed individual, but her extreme wisdom always made her make decisions that ultimately changed the destiny of not only her race but her child. Although on the outside, people think that the Lobster King is in charge because he has a harem, the one who controls the power is her. The only reason for the harem is that Coraline took over 2,500 years to give birth, so she allowed her husband to accept concubines. In the Distancia Continent, people willing to offend her can be counted with the fingers of two hands. Her love for her only daughter is unmatched, so if you don't want to suffer hell, do not target her progeny.]

[Capture Value: 20,000,000 Shop Points.]

[Affection: -50 (Cautious)]

[Perk <Good First Impressions> failed because of mental resistance. Initial Affection will not be changed to 10.]

[All charm-related skills will be invalidated against her even after the skill <Resistance Denial> use.]

[System Note: Coraline has been observing the Astral Sky Sect with the Astral Sky Sect Leader's permission to look out for threats for her daughter, and she has noticed your actions. She is wary of you making contact with her daughter and seducing her.]

Sarah gulped. 'I've met the big bosses of the Continent, it seems. Moreover, the last one is wary of me.' A chill climbed up Sarah's spine, and she turned to look where this feeling came from.

To her dread, she saw Coraline looking straight at her with confusion.

Sarah made her best attempt at hiding the chills going around her body and nodded. 'Not even the Fate Harpy noticed me. How did this one look at me!?'

However, to her relief, Coraline shook her head and turned to look at Ebirah, her face gaining a soft expression as mother and daughter held hands and Ebirah told her stories with enthusiasm.

Sarah sighed, her body covered with cold sweat. 'Analyzing high-level people is no good for my heart...'


Author: They are not millennial seniors for nothing.

Yasenia: I wonder how my status looks...

Evelyn: I mean, I wonder more how Tatyana's status looks.

The rest: Agreed...

Tatyana: Fufufu, sadly, it will remain a mystery~.

Author: Do you want to-?

Tatyana: They are a mystery, right?

Author: ...

Tatyana: I said... Right?

Author: Yes, my Lady.

Author: L-Let's summon today's dear. I summon you!

Arfa42: Hello!

Evelyn: Hello!

Arfa42: So, Sarah, Can the talent from the system that is given to a harem member or another person be taken back? If it can, what effect does the person get? Like back to original talent or lowering original talent.

Sarah: Well, I don't know... System, answer.

System: [It's not possible to retrieve the talents given.]

Arfa42: I see.

Author: And that's all for today. Bye-bye~.

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