Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 615 - 615. Cecile vs Jade Thunderbird Elder.

Chapter 615: Chapter 615. Cecile vs Jade Thunderbird Elder.

"[Moon Phoenix Flame Dress]."

The Phoenix woman's body was engulfed in white flames that transformed her hanfu into an ethereal silver dress with feathered sleeves that enhanced her otherworldly beauty.

Her skill, [Moon Phoenix Flame Dress], increased her strength as much as Yasenia's [Celestial Dress] did, deepening her aura several notches and forcing the man to look at her more seriously.

"[Moon Chasing Bow]."

With those words, flames burst around her hands in an arc, materializing a beautiful and intricate bow.

Not finishing there, Cecile used [Moon Feather Enhancement], making her large silver wings burst into freezing white flames.

Finally, Cecile deployed her [Bow Intent Level Two] and her [Void Intent Level One].

The space around her twisted for a second as a deep and mysterious aura manifested around her bow.

The Moon Phoenix felt energies roiling inside her body, making her strength soar. Meanwhile, her aura had gone through a complete transformation, making the temperatures plummet as her figure became ethereally beautiful and imposing.

During those seconds, the man was not idle. He also deployed his strengthening methods, making jade lightning crackle around him.

Then, he summoned a green sword and spoke. "I will teach you the immeasurable chasm between realms."

Cecile didn't react, as the powerful Yin energies made her terrifyingly calm and collected. "

Then, the battle began.

The Jade Thunderbird elder shot forward and charged at Cecile with extreme speed, his four wings flapping behind him.

The speed was barely visible for those in the mid-levels of the Ethereal Soul Body realm.

Cecile flapped her large Phoenix wings and flew to the sky, using [Hollow Moon Steps] to increase her speed.

"[Jade Thunderbolt]."

The space before the man created a circle, and bolts of green lightning zapped toward the Moon Phoenix from different angles, covering her escape routes.

However, Cecile's attainments in the Spatial intent were not only for show.

"[Astral Shift]."

Her body vanished and reappeared two hundred meters to the side.

The man quickly locked on her, but Cecile tensed the bow as she shot her first attack. "[Moon Shredding shot]."


The silver arrow made air around it burst as it carried a monstrous wave of Moon and Wind energies.

The man used his sword and slashed with his bodily strength.


The arrow shattered in pieces, and he continued rushing at Cecile. Cecile didn't stop and flew backward while continuously shooting those arrows.

In the meantime, she deployed her evolved Innate skill. "[Moonlight Ash Domain]."

A hurricane of silver dust engulfed the area, and the man felt his feathers freeze as his body temperature pummeled, making him stiff.

"[Jade Lightning Body]."

With a roar, the lightning around his body glowed brilliantly and made his aura explode, creating a protective barrier around him.

It was like a small green sun being born in a world of grey.

The delay created by the domain allowed Cecile to cast two of her innate skills.

"[Lunar Phoenix Body]."

A beautiful silver glow surrounded her silhouette, increasing her affinity with the Moon to the peak and giving her attacks extra strength and an extremely potent Yin attribute with freezing properties.

Her strength also multiplied while her speed increased explosively.

The man chased after the flying phoenix and arrived before her, slashing ferociously at the exact moment she chanted her second innate skill.

"[Moon Phoenix's Lunar Grace]."

When the devastating strike was about to land on her, Cecile's battle senses peaked, enhanced by the Battle Dance's innate skill.

Her right-wing lightly flapped, making her body twist and dodging the sword. The Jade Thunderbird elder followed her figure with his eyes, and he slashed horizontally.

Cecile flapped both wings, making her body lift just right for the attack to pass below her.

The icy blue eyes easily followed the trajectory of the sword.

Then, the elder slashed continuously, and Cecile graciously dodged it. Just the wind generated was enough to make a few trees in the distance shatter like chopsticks while the fifty maids moved around to protect the spectators with coordinated and easy movements.

"You can't dodge forever!"

The Moon Phoenix kept silent, her face indifferent. 'Hm... If one attack hits me, it will be bad. Although my speed is not inferior to his, my defense is severely lacking.'

"[Astral Shift]."

Her body disappeared again and then reappeared a few hundred meters away while tensing her bow.

The elder was quick to follow after her.

"[Moon Phoenix Meteor Shower]."

This new skill was created after fusing all her previous arrow skills into one. The skills that are named [Explosive arrow], [Piercing arrow], etc.

Using her arm, chest, and back muscles in perfect synchronization, her hand blurred, and a literal rain of silver arrows coated in Moon, Wind, and Spatial energies fell like silver meteors.

Moreover, thanks to her Bow Intent and Void intent, her arrows were precise and had an innate searching and piercing quality.

The elder's expression became solemn as he stopped and used a skill. "[Flash Strike]."


The first arrow collided with his sword, and his facial expression sank. 'Heavy!'


The Jade Thunderbird advanced forward while deflecting the arrows, but Cecile's barrage was extremely powerful.

His sword blurred, and a cacophony of explosions was heard.


Cecile flew around him with extreme grace, and her arm never stopped firing.


'If I continue like this, I will be defeated before landing a single strike!'

He tightened his muscles and decided to receive a few of them to close the distance. "COME HERE!"

With an aura burst, the elder stomped the air and shot forward with blurring speed.

The Epoch Core Body Cultivator showed his monstrous defense as the meteor-like arrows that he couldn't deflect only managed to sink in the flesh without reaching the bone.

Cecile frowned. 'This level is barely able to damage his muscles.'

Her thoughts were interrupted by the man appearing to her right and using his aura to tighten the space around her.

Cecile quickly turned around. 'I can only block.'

The Elder roared. "[Lightning Intent Level Two]!"


The crackling of lightning surrounded them as his sword accelerated and slashed toward Cecile's neck.

Cecile placed her wings before her and reinforced herself as much as possible. "[Spatial Moon Freeze]."

A solid silver barrier appeared around her before the sword arrived.


The loud explosion was followed by the sound of the barrier shattering and landed on Cecile with weakened strength.


Pain coursed around her body as her wing bones cracked, her flesh sliced, and her body shot backward like a shooting star.

The man pursued and appeared behind Cecile, ready to strike again.

"[Astral Shift]!"

He slashed nothingness and tried searching for Cecile.

He looked back and forth and only looked upward when a wave of energy smashed on him from above.

Above him, Cecile was tensing her body while a massive phantom bow appeared behind her with three arrows knocked on it.

"[Harmony Intent], [Moon Freezing Catastrophe]."

Her strongest attack, coated with her strengthening techniques and intents, manifested.

Cecile's presence became illusory as her presence became connected with Heaven and Earth, giving her attack somewhat of an "absolute" quality. Her blue eyes flashed with silver light, overlooking the World as everyone looked up in awe.

Then, while looking down from a high altitude, a feeling hit her.

The world around her was obscured by her ash domain while freezing and solitary. This made her understand the fifth and most important intent that had been evading her for the last five years.

"[Moon Intent]."

Behind her, a massive Phantom Moon manifested, giving the awe-inspiring aura a solitary and otherworldly feeling.

All this occurred in an instant, so the Elder only began reacting after the Phantom Moon appeared.

He wanted to dodge but felt the aura of the world locking him in place, making him frown. It was the extra quality of the Harmony Intent.


Cecile released her fingers, and the massive attack descended.

The giant arrow was released from the phantom bow, and the world was bathed in silver as a massive cascade of silver light descended in the shape of an arrow.

The man felt the pressure from the overwhelming attack falling onto him and used all he could to reinforce his body. "Don't underestimate me!"


The spectators saw the silver wave throw the flying senior cratering down into the ground, followed by a giant explosion that damaged the solid floor of the arena.

However, to their surprise, with extreme speed, the elder appeared behind Cecile with a heavily injured body and swung his sword toward her neck.

Cecile answered coldly to the elder's previous statement. "I wasn't underestimating you."

"[Phoenix Intent], [Lunar Fire Storm], [Lunar Void Flame Enhancement]."


The elder's heart sank as a massive gale that soon ignited in brilliant white flames pushed him upward. "AARGH!"

A scream of pain escaped his mouth as the ruthless Moon Phoenix Fire Tornado froze each and every cell of his body. The Phoenix Intent gave Cecile an understanding of her bloodline while enhancing its properties.

This made the already freezing flames even colder.

While the temperature was a factor, the coldness of cultivators was different, as they used energy to pierce defenses.

So, even if they had extreme resistance, an attack that created -50 degrees Celsius for a mortal, with energy, it could be highly lethal for cultivators. This is what allowed cultivators to damage each other with heat or cold, making these kinds of attacks work even against high-level cultivators.

Naturally, the elder would not allow himself to be frozen to death. "[Solid Boulder Body]!"

His skin took a greyish tone, and he endured the [Lunar Fire Storm]. He looked toward the phoenix, ready to attack, but to his dismay, he saw Cecile already releasing an arrow.

"[Flashing Moon Arrow]."

The elder felt extreme danger and moved his chest to the right.


An arrow pierced his chest without him being able to react. 'So quick!?'

His cultivation exploded with a loud roar, and he charged down again toward Cecile with increasing speed.

Cecile flew to the side, trying to avoid him, but an attack from above was slightly trickier.

When he was arriving, she extended her wings, stopping herself abruptly, and used [Hollow Moon Steps] to kick the air and shoot in the opposite direction.

The Jade Thunderbird elder's eyes turned bloodshot as he sliced nothing but air one more time. "STOP RUNNING!"

Cecile answered with an arrow. "[Moon Shredding Shoot]."


The arrow smashed him on the shoulder, cracking his sturdy bones and making him fly backward.

The people around looked at the battle with their mouths wide open.

It looked like bullying!

You managed to close the distance. Well, she can teleport.

You can block her teleport. No worries, she can send you flying with different skills and also has a sturdy defensive skill to block your attempts and teleport again.

Then, her skills make her surroundings a frozen hell, plus her arrow skills make you feel like the stars in the sky are falling on top of you.

Even if you managed to injure her, her regeneration skills and passive traits were absurdly ridiculous.

Moreover, the attacks were nonsensically strong. Remember that she was damaging a person one big realm above her.

Cecile chased after him and used [Moon Phoenix Meteor Shower] one more time, raining silver death from above.


The elder felt as if countless hard punches were raining on him while the Moon Phoenix's freezing energies finally began taking effect, making his movements sluggish and internal organs malfunction because of the extremely low temperatures.

The man was stunned when he looked at his reddish-purple hand. 'I-I'm shivering of cold? I need to do something quickly!'

Naturally, trained as a hunter by Clara, Cecile easily saw the state of her prey. 'My energy is still at sixty percent. I should be able to finish him.'

Moreover, with her natural regeneration, the injuries she had suffered a while ago were already healed.

The elder descended and a massive explosion of lightning surrounded him, making the aura feel heavy.

Cecile squinted and then sneered. 'Wrong Choice.'

Her third innate skill unfurled with a massive explosion of white flames.

"[Moon Phoenix Dignity]."

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