Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 573 - 573. Mysterious Force And People Not Controlling Their Mouths.

Chapter 573: Chapter 573. Mysterious Force And People Not Controlling Their Mouths.

An hour later, the time for the auction to start was approaching. Having spoken enough with these powers, Yasenia and Tengliu moved toward the VIP room, followed by Carbira, Ghana, Cecile, and Tatyana.

"Child, do you prefer to go to my room or to yours? Although I've previously said that I preferred mine because it is better, you might want to go to yours because you are used to it."

Yasenia asked Carbira. "Is there that much of a difference?"

Carbira nodded and then shook her head. "The top thirteen VIP rooms are reserved for the top ten of the thirty-three clans, nine sects, and three empires that might come to our Auction house. The fourteen, your room, and those until the fiftieth are assigned to the top powers or ones who contribute the most."

Cecile blinked. "The math doesn't check out for the first thirteen rooms."

"Well, the VIP rooms from the fourteenth to twenty-third are also for that, but the top thirteen have discounts, benefits, and other services the others do not have. The reason is that there is a hierarchy even between the top powers. Moreover, our auction house is allied with a few, so we give preferential treatment to those close to us. Lady Tengliu's race is one of them. She has the ninth VIP room."

Tengliu blinked, confused. "Do I have dealings with this auction house?"

Carbira opened and closed her mouth several times, but she didn't know what to say.

Yasenia laughed. "Maybe there has been someone that has been impersonating you, Aunty Tengliu."

Tengliu snorted and used a communication device for a few seconds. "Hm... I see. It was thirty-one years ago. No wonder I don't have a recollection of it. Those years were somewhat chaotic."

Curiosity tickled our dragoness, and she asked. "What happened?"

Tengliu frowned. "We found some strange beings, quite strong. However, before we could attack them, they left."

Cecile was confused. "Strange beings?"

Tengliu nodded. "Dark grey skin with white markings."

Tatyana's aura got out of control for a moment, showing a wave of killing intent that froze the rest for a second.

Even Yasenia was affected by the momentary loss of control and asked with a stutter. "W-What happened, Mom?"

Tatyana frowned and shook her head. "Nothing. It's not something you can do something about, even if you know. You are too weak." Yasenia flinched a little at her brusqueness.

"Tengliu, if you have any news about those things, tell me.... Also, is the discovery of those things recent, or did you discover them much earlier?"

Tengliu frowned. "It shouldn't have been more than a century or two since the first sightings."

Tatyana crossed her arms and pondered in her head for a few seconds. The others didn't speak and waited obediently.

Her eyebrows relaxed, and she nodded. "Hm. I see. It's quite recent. Let's go to the VIP room. Number nine, was it?"

Carbira saw that Tatyana was asking her, and she hastily nodded.

Yasenia grabbed Tatyana's arm and used her ultimate technique: Tail wags and puppy eyes while hugging her arm between her voluminous chest.

"Can you please tell me, Mom?"

"Of course... Not! Don't brainwash your mother with your cuteness!" Tatyana's brain almost malfunctioned and agreed.

Yasenia sighed. "Since this didn't work, you really won't say."

The other four felt their eyebrows twitching. 'How was Tatyana able to not react to that sneak attack? I had the impulse to tell her myself even when I didn't know the answer!'

Yasenia looked at Tengliu and smiled. "Let's go to your room, Aunty Tengliu."

Tengliu smiled and tip-toed to pat Yasenia's head. "Okay~. You are so cute, little Yasenia."

Yasenia didn't dodge since this person was a proper senior. Although they have their differences, the first step to fixing them is being accepting of the other person.

She just sighed since the woman was completely naked, and the gesture was too alluring for a few. "Aunt Tengliu, can you stop? You are making me appear young."

Tengliu laughed and stopped. "Well, you are young~."

Without any more delays, they entered Tengliu's VIP room.

A quarter of an hour later, six people entered the room.

"Welcome, Lady Tengliu, we are at your service."

Yasenia blinked rapidly as three naked males and three naked females appeared before them and made a respectful bow. They weren't harpies or something similar, so their nakedness had no sense whatsoever.

Tengliu asked Yasenia with a teasing smile. "Although I didn't expect this... Do you want to have some fun together?"

Tengliu knew Yasenia's answer and asked jokingly. But even then, the Moon Phoenix's cold aura couldn't help but leak, making those six feel chilly.

Yasenia sighed and hugged Cecile, making the frosty expression melt quickly in a slight smile of comfort. "You know I don't want anything to do with them. As I said, that act is something I reserve for my closest people. You can enjoy them alone if you want before the auction starts, though."

Tengliu shrugged. "Even in my culture, having sex while having a conversation is rude. If you are not going to join, I can send these away. Carbira, please return them to wherever they came from."

"Yes, Lady Tengliu!"

Yasenia crossed her legs seductively and leaned on the side, her figure involuntarily alluring.

One of them muttered while exiting outside. "What bad luck, fucking that dragon woman would've been a delight."

Yasenia sneered. 'Stupid.'

Carbira's face became shocked while Ghana and Tengliu lifted their eyebrow. 'These fools.'



Two utterly cold and emotionless voices ordered simultaneously. One of them was freezing cold, and the other could make the soul tremble.

Even Carbira instinctually froze as blue and red eyes landed on those six.

Tatyana and Cecile stood up and approached them. Cecile asked while standing in front of those six. "Who was the one that spoke?"

They naturally knew, but Cecile wanted to see if they had the guts to say the same to her face. If they did so, the punishment might be reduced.

One of the women, someone from a canine race, took a step forward confidently and spoke. "I was. Do you have any problem?"

Cecile's icy blue eyes shone with hidden murder, and Tatyana asked calmly. "Any of the others think like her?"

One of the men frowned. "Why are you stopping us? Wasn't it just a comment?"

Cecile cut him with a cold voice. "Yes or No."

The medium-height and muscular male from a reptile race took a step forward confidently.

Yasenia rested her face on her chin, curious.

"I did. We were specially selected to have intercourse with Matriarch Tengliu. That dragon woman should be thankful she would taste our bodies reserved for someone as influential as Matriarch Tengliu."

Tengliu rolled her eyes. 'Did he think that saying those things, I would be moved or something?'

Tatyana laughed, but her eyes weren't smiling at all. "I usually don't bother because killing a few people can lead to trouble. But you six do not have any backing. You are just recreational sex dolls that can talk. Holes and poles to be publicly used, right?"

Yasenia almost choked. 'My heavens, that was brutal.'

Carbira was much more sensitive toward aura, so she was terrified by the hint of killing intent she could sense from Tatyana and Cecile.

Cecile spoke coldly. "No need to waste words, Tatyana."

"Any more people who want to step forward?"

The other four took a step back and shook their heads quickly. 'Did these two forget their brains back at home? Who would Lady Tengliu value more, a pastime or her actual guests!? Are you silly?'

Cecile nodded and waved her sleeve. After a gust of wind, their bodies became encased in two ice blocks. "Ghana, carry them back and give them to Kali after explaining what they did."

Tatyana poked the two ice blocks, and a black miasma sunk into their bodies.

Yasenia asked. "What's that?"

"A Soul Eroding aura. It will eat away their souls at the most painful and prolonged speed until they die. Although messing with souls is not something the heavens like, it doesn't matter much if the soul is released after death and without any deformities."

Carbira and Ghana shivered while Tengliu's heart skipped a beat. 'They have some devious means.'

Tengliu sighed. "Such a shame that they are so stupid. Their bodies were high quality."

"You can tell?" Yasenia asked, intrigued.

Tengliu smirked. "Did you forget my intent, dearest?"

Yasenia realized.

The other four realized that they were nothing more than "bodies" for Tengliu, but they didn't speak.

Carbira stuttered, her vertical eyes spinning with a bit of apprehension. "What do I do with the rest?"

Tatyana looked at Carbira and smiled gently. "Don't be scared, girl. Yasenia is very fond of you, so you are more than safe."

Carbira's fear transformed into happiness, making her pearly black eyes move up and down while her mouth arched.

Tengliu muttered. "Cute."

Yasenia nodded. "Right?"

Carbira heard them and blushed.

Then, she sent away the other four and returned right before the auction began.

Ghana also did not lose time and rapidly sent those two back to Kali.

Kali's reaction after hearing Ghana's words was hidden by her veil, but the terrifying aura around her was enough to tell her that those two would not have peaceful deaths.

Kali broke the ice and grabbed them by the scruff of their necks, looking at them up and down with interest. Then, she walked toward her room, muttering. "One of my test subjects just died a few days ago, and I wanted to find someone weak. These two come right in time to test body resilience to excessive medicine or body healing factors using different elements to injure them."

Ghana, who heard her mutters before leaving, felt her feathers standing up. 'Kali is usually gentle and very nice to be around, but some of her words are really disturbing. Thank the heavens my sisters and I became their allies and didn't provoke these protective women with their comments.'

Remembering the few times her sisters spoke about having sex with Yasenia and many other unhinged comments, she realized how much patience and care Yasenia and her lovers gave them.

Then, remembering her own and her sister's attitude when Tengliu appeared, she felt a prick in her heart. 'We were quite... unfair.'

After she arrived at the auction house, she saw the hostess was about to begin. While sitting in the room, she looked at Yasenia and spoke softly. "Yasenia, thank you."

Yasenia blinked and was confused, but Ghana didn't elaborate. Seeing that Ghana's attention was already on the stage, she didn't ask and didn't take it seriously.


Andrea: Those two had to open their mouths before the two most dangerous ones.

Evelyn: I can only pray.

Angel: Prey for what?

Evelyn: Your scary eyes force me to say that I pray for their slow and painful demise.

Angel: Hehehe, as it should be.

Author: Well, let's begin. I summon you

WPOmega: Yo!

Author: Hello!

WPOmega: Well, without further ado. Valeria recently revealed her ability to grow a functional penis that presumably allows her to impregnate others. My question is, are there techniques that allow similar without unmanageable effects for the girls to search for?

Tatyana: And the answer is from?

WPOmega: Whoever knows~.

Valeria: Well, I can do so because I'm a representation of life. Although... now that you say it. I've never impregnated anyone.

Yasenia: ... Then, why did you decide to ram yourself into me?

Valeria: looked juicy and pleasurable and I was not disappointed.

Tatyana: From what I know, something like that is not possible. Even if a woman grows a male member, they can only spray female ejaculation.

Mirrory: No idea.

Valeria: From what I know, there shouldn't be something like that without resorting to very risky techniques. Moreover, you need to find a female with a Yang constitution, something that's extremely rare, so people don't really focus on creating something like that. However, there must be a person, somewhere, and at some point during the excessively long history of cultivation that created it.

Valeria: The difficult thing would be getting our hands in that technique if it exists.

WPOmega: I see. Thanks for the answer.

Yasenia: It would be nice to find it~. I want to carry my dears' children, hehe.

Author: Well, while Yasenia is hugged by all the girls and pampered to oblivion, we are going to say goodbye!


Author: En, as I said, she is even purring.

WPOmega: Wow, that purring is so deep. But... it tingles the ears so nicely~.

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