Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 538 - 538. Andrea’s Attempt at Explaining Ebirah’s Situation.

Chapter 538: Chapter 538. Andrea's Attempt at Explaining Ebirah's Situation.

With a comfortable pace, both groups arrived at a meeting hall with an opening toward outside, where the giant purple lobster stood imposingly.

Yasenia's group sat on the right side of a long table while the Lobster clan people sat opposite to them.

Yasenia smiled and opened the conversation. "Respected Elder, let's get to the point and how we came across Princess Ebirah."

Finnegan nodded thoughtfully and listened closely.

"For this, we'll need the help of one of my most trusted humans."

Finnegan and the rest focused on the woman sitting on Yasenia's right. Andrea was wearing her armor, looking dignified and imposing. The Quasi-Transcendence rank of the armor made the air around her much more imposing as her heroic face commanded respect from others.

Andrea bowed her head and spoke slowly. "Third Elder Finnegan, this one is called Andrea Dravory. My surname is taken from the Matriarch's family name as proof of trust and my skills."

Finnegan nodded. "I can feel that the aura around you is deep and rich. I can tell at first glance that although you are a human, you are no less than many other Beast Humans."

Andrea lifted her head and used her armored hands to place her hair behind her ears. "Hearing this from a senior is something happy to be about. I know all of you must be eager to meet with the princess, but please bear with my explanation before I reveal her to you. She is currently in the middle of something important and will have to come out even if we didn't want to in about two or three hours."

Finnegan asked. "Why is that?"

Andrea smiled. "Thanks to our nurturing, Princess Ebirah is about to enter the fourth beast realm."

Finnegan and the others were surprised. One of them frowned and commented. "Impossible. The princess was just at the beginning of the third realm a few months ago. Are you telling us that she managed to reach the fourth realm in just fourth months? That's absolutely bonkers!"

Andrea was not flustered and answered calmly, her deep and attractive voice spreading across the hall. "Why would we lie to you about something that easy to prove?"

One of the other two Epoch Core Realm Cultivators spoke calmly. "Either way, why is a human speaking about this? Do you look down on us, Lady Yasenia?"

Yasenia answered with a smile. "What might be the problem for a human with mid-level Ethereal Soul Body Realm cultivation strength to speak, elder?"

The lobsters and the lamias were surprised, and a few gasps were heard.

"A human has reached such heights?"

"Ridiculous, she looks too young."

Yasenia sighed and looked at Finnegan. "Third Elder Finnegan, I would ask for you to put an order to your clan members."

Finnegan frowned and said. "Lady Yasenia, you are making ridiculous claims."

Yasenia's eyes showed a bit of disappointment that Finnegan didn't miss. "Lady Yasenia, please keep your manners."

"Do I look stupid?"


The people discussing looked at Yasenia with a dumbfounded expression.

Yasenia asked again with a neutral expression. "Lord Finnegan, do I look stupid? Do I give the airs of a fool?"

Finnegan was a bit caught off guard, but he answered adequately. "Not at all. Why would you ask?"

"Then, why would I claim these outrageous things as truths in front of your group when I've been nothing but respectful this whole time? You only have to send an Epoch Core Cultivator and spar with Andrea to prove my points. Other points are also easy to disprove once Princess Ebirah appears."

The lobster people became mute as a few felt a bit of embarrassment.

Yasenia sighed. "Either way, I want to create allied connections with your group since I take Princess Ebirah as part of my close family, like a little niece or sister. Hence, I want you all to keep quiet as Andrea explains things and not interrupt. Everything she will say is the truth without any modifications."

Finnegan nodded seriously. "Excuse us, Lady Yasenia. We were rash and made some inappropriate comments."

Yasenia nodded. "Andrea, stop presentations and get to the point. Let's not lose more time."

The lobster clan felt the change in treatment and were a bit regretful. Now, they would probably hear truths, but without the whole story.

Andrea nodded and began explaining her experience in the Secret Realm, how she met Ebirah, how she almost killed her at first, how she spared her because of her ability to find ores, and how she became close and gradually gained affection for her.

Many of them frowned at the thought of how close to death Ebirah was at first, but as the story of Andrea and her continued, their expressions relaxed, and they showed a hint of gentleness.

Andrea didn't care and continued with a modified version of the events. Naturally, what Yasenia said about telling the complete truth was a lie.

"When we entered the Volcano's cave, we advanced too deep and met with powerful Lava monsters. They were quite a lot, and although I could fight them off with my strength, it was insufficient to protect Princess Ebirah."

Finnegan frowned and asked urgently. "What happened?"

Andrea smiled awkwardly. "Lord Finnegan, please take what I'm about to say next seriously and understand all words. I don't want to be your enemy and break that little girl's heart."

Finnegan nodded seriously.

"Ebirah's life force was seeping faster than my medicines could heal her. With no choice left, I used my human bloodline's heritage."

Drasha was present and was curious. "Human bloodline's heritage?"

Andrea nodded seriously and spoke. "This is something that may put my whole race in danger, but as long as I'm able to come as truthful and gain your recognition, I'm willing to say one of our deepest secrets."

Yasenia interrupted. "However, before she continues, I want all creatures present to make a Heavenly oath promising you will not divulge this information directly, indirectly, or accidentally."

An old man looked at Yasenia indifferently. "Although the lamias at your side look strong. We are more than enough to fight them back, while Lord Finnegan is leagues above everyone here in strength. Young Dragon, you should understand that you are not the person with an advantage in this conversation."

Yasenia threw him a disdainful look and didn't bother to answer. "Third Elder Finnegan Clawthorne. You are Little Ebirah's Uncle and direct family. The only reason I'm this respectful and willing to give you the lead in this conversation is not out of fear or respect toward your clan. It's only for Ebirah's face. I've made deals with the Nine Sects and talked to groups superior to your lobster clan."

Yasenia saw that he was about to speak and interrupted by releasing her [Empyrean Dragon Authority].

The thick and authoritative presence coming from the Progenitor Dragon Queen made the mentally weakest people so terrified that a few muffled screams were heard.

"However, my patience is limited. I'm putting down my pride as a dragon and king of beasts because I like and adore Ebirah. Therefore, choose wisely. Will your group make the oath or not?"

Finnegan was extremely strong, so besides feeling pressured, the effects of Yasenia's aura were not visible. He just felt constricted for a few seconds until he calmed down. The air around was denser, and breathing was a little more difficult as the torrential aura of the Ancient Level Bloodline beast washed everything with her colors.

Yet, he was quite nonchalant about it.

Finnegan looked at his subordinates and saw that many were sweating with trembling pupils as they looked at the indifferent and calm dragoness. "We agree, Lady Yasenia. Please, reign your aura before you mentally scar my juniors."

Yasenia snorted, and the aura dissipated.

Then, they all made the oath with a bit more detailed work to avoid loopholes.

Yasenia nodded, and her facial expression relaxed, returning to the previous calm and lightly smiling one. "Andrea, you can explain without fear."

With all eyes on her, Andrea felt anxious that her explanation and effort would be in vain. She didn't know how reasonable these people would be.

When she was about to speak, Yasenia's hand slowly grabbed hers. Her tensed shoulders and body instantly relaxed as if a warm current reached her heart and spread across her entire body from there.

With a calm and confident voice, she spoke. "Us, humans, have techniques to create bonds with beasts. These techniques do not work on beast-humans, only on pure beasts like Princes Ebirah or Matriarch Yasenia."

"The bond we can create is a sharing bond where life and death interconnect, and the beast's and human's fate intertwine into one."

Of course, Andrea didn't say that it was a slave-master bond. It would be stupid and suicidal.

Finnegan frowned and then opened his eyes widely. "You made this bond with the Princess?"

Andrea nodded. "It's a mutual agreement bond. Not only that, the party initiating the bond must always be the beast. However, it is impossible to break once done, except with radical methods that hurt both parties. The worst scenario is not even death, but becoming a complete cripple without the ability to speak and hurting the soul."

This part was the truth. Only Demonic Practices could create this "bond" without the beast's consent. Moreover, the Demonic Bond could be erased much easier if the beast managed to regain their mind, creating a massive backlash to the demonic cultivator.

Finnegan's aura was turbulent as he looked at Andrea with a frown.

Yasenia squinted her eyes. "Remember what we told you before? I know how this kind of thing is dangerous. However, the technique for it is not common, and besides my clan, I have not heard of anyone else possessing this technique."

Yasenia knew that others from the Sky Continent were roaming the continent, so this part was also a lie.

Finnegan took a deep breath and asked. "How much power do you have over Princess Ebirah?"

Andrea shook her head and answered. "I honestly don't know. The only reason I used the technique is that without sharing my vitality with her, she would've died back then. I have never used the bond once to push her to do something."

Finnegan looked deeply at Andrea for a few seconds and released a breath. "I'm honestly not convinced. I can tell you are speaking the truth and feel your closeness with the princess. However, it is hard to accept that the Princess of a race is tied to a human as an equal."

Andrea smiled. "It doesn't need to be revealed. This bond is basically impossible to notice. Once Ebirah emerges, you'll realize that perceiving it will be almost impossible even when you know about it."

Finnegan relaxed a bit more and asked. "Where is she right now?"

Andrea heard the question, and her anxious heart settled down. 'It worked. Thank goodness.'

One person frowned. "Why do you know that technique?"

Everyone paused and realized. 'Right, why would a human know such a technique?'

Andrea frowned. 'How do I answer?'

However, Andrea didn't have to worry, as her dear dragoness was sitting right beside her to cover for these things.

Yasenia looked at the woman who spoke and spat coldly. "Have you listened to her tale at all?"

The woman became a bit stiff, but she still didn't understand. "What does her story do with her knowledge of the technique to subjugate beasts?"

Yasenia squinted; this time, she used her [Empyrean Dragon Authority] and boosted it with [Monarch Intent].

The woman felt like a hammer hit her head, making her face twist with pain.

"Why are you changing what the technique does, woman? Subjugate? Haven't you heard that the beasts must initiate the connection? Haven't you heard that it can save the life of a beast? Why would I allow my humans to learn such a technique when they can use it on me if it were not safe?"

Everyone else realized that Yasenia's words had truth in them.

Yasenia's expression became colder as she asked. "What are YOUR intentions? Are you using misleading words to create a rift between our powers? Maybe you come from another clan and want to harm Princess Ebirah?"

Ghana smirked with praise. 'That's the Matriarch for you, hahaha. A few sentences, and she has reversed black and white. I wonder how much of what she said is the truth.'

Using his energy, Finnegan coughed and smashed against Yasenia's aura, dispelling more than half of it.

Yasenia looked at him. 'As expected, seniors at his level are basically immune to most things I can do.'

Finnegan looked back at her intensely as if telling her it was enough.

Yasenia stopped using it. "I'll give Elder Finnegan face." Then, she answered his question nonchalantly. "Ebirah is inside Andrea's soul."

Everyone there became silent.


Author: Well, well, well. The first hurdle for the clan to accept the connection is cleared! Now, will Andrea manage to convince them to keep Ebirah by her side?

Andrea: Of course! Little Ebirah is my little sister, and I'll take care of her.

Author: What if she wants to leave and visit her parents~?

Andrea: ...

Yasenia: Don't put my darling in a difficult spot, Author!

Author: Hahahaha.

Tatyana: Since you are laughing, don't mind me.

Author: Wait-.

Tatyana: I summon you!

Author: QAQ.


Tatyana: Welcome to the [Celestial Theater]. You are the winner of the first official Trivia Question, right?

JTZERO: Yep. I've come here to ask you and Yasenia a few things.

JTZERO: Hm? Official?

Author: That's right. I made one Trivia on Discord before the one on the chapter. Sarah was the winner of that one.

JTZERO: I see. Well, speaking of Sarah, that's my question for today!

JTZERO: Tatyana, Yasenia, if you ever meet Sarah again, what are your plans for her, and will you try to remove her system/inner senior for Yasenia's benefit?

Yasenia: System?

Tatyana: The inner senior you noticed inside her.

Yasenia: Oh!

Tatyana: What do you think, little treasure? I'm honestly clueless as to what I'll do. It depends on how she behaves.

Yasenia: My plans are speaking with her and reconciling. I was a bit too harsh with her.

JTZERO: What about the system/inner senior?

Yasenia: It is impossible for me, knowledge- and strength-wise to mess with something so powerful.

Yasenia: Moreover, to extract something that's tied to her soul is basically like ripping her soul apart. She would probably die the moment I did so if I were able to do it.

JTZERO: Oh? So dangerous.

Tatyana: More than that. That... "inner senior" is something created by the heavens. Messing with it is very dangerous. If it is a problem, killing Sarah would be best.

JTZERO: I see. So you wouldn't touch it.

Tatyana/Yasenia: No, it is too dangerous. Also...

Tatyana: ...

Tatyana: Hm? I feel like a few words I said were redacted... Did you hear what I explained about the world-

Author: Tatyana.

Tatyana: What?

Author: Do not explain those things. That information you almost released is quite a big deal.

Tatyana: You are quite stingy.

Author: I mean, I need to keep my dears hooked, knowing that there are still many things to discover!

Tatyana: Right, even the main difficulty we'll have to overcome has not appeared yet. This is my guess, but is it the...

Author: Anyway! Let's leave it here before Tatyana spoils half the novel~. Bye-bye!

JTZERO: I feel like you placed a delicious candy before me, and when I bit, you snatched it away. Very hateful.

The girls: Bye-bye~.

Tatyana: Fufu~, you can't always stop me, Author~.

Fourth-Wall-Chan: Tatyana is too bad. I feel like swish cheese, full of holes!

Author: Oh, my poor baby. Come here so I can fix you.


Author Extra Note: Here is our dragoness portrait! I hope you like it and it charms all of you~.

P.S. I wasn't going to post it, but the work is so good that I can't help but do it so that all of you have a clear image of Yasenia's face. The HD version is on P.a.t.r.e.o.n!

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