Heaven, Earth, Me

Chapter 518 - 518. Dance Of Destruction.

Chapter 518: Chapter 518. Dance Of Destruction.

Yasenia heard the shouts of a few seniors and saw them retreating while heavily wounded.

The plant monsters were resilient, numerous, and had many underhanded methods of attacks besides physical blows.

That was one of the reasons Plant Summoners were so respected back in the Sky Continent. A plant summoner can create armies of creatures with varied and dangerous traits and many other tricks.

Yasenia could observe the whole battlefield as her strength and power right then were enormous.

She had activated most of her strengthening auras. Leaving aside [War Intent], [Monarch Intent], [Celestial Intent], and the Assimilation Skills.

Her Dragon Body floating above in a human-like manner looked like an Ethereal Being looking down at the world.

Angel was lying on one of her claws, looking up with adoring eyes at the gorgeous creature that looked over the world like a supreme creature.

"Creatures of evil, you've challenged my patience enough today."

The creature Tatyana controlled was exchanging blows with the five seniors and looked at Yasenia for a second. The image of the celestial dragon flapping her wings majestically mid-air and radiating a profound and otherworldly aura entered her retina, making her laugh aloud.

"And what will you do, dragon? You are bound to die under my claws! HAHAHA."

Yasenia placed Angel on her neck so she could ride her comfortably while grabbing her neckpiece.

"Monster, I shall exterminate you. [Celestial Firmament Battle Dance]."

When Yasenia activated this skill on top of every other buff, her profound and aloof aura rampaged in a storm of Sun, Moon, and Star energies.

Yasenia flapped, and her body basically vanished from the spot and appeared before one of the injured seniors was about to die to the plant monsters.

The senior saw a blur followed by a giant dragon appearing while the golden eyes radiated an imposing light.


Yasenia then began rampaging mid-army while clawing, slamming her body, or using her maw and tail to strike the monsters around her.

Her enormous size made it look like a giant kicking pebbles around, and plant creatures could be seen flying all around.

Yasenia advanced through the thousands of creatures as they jumped at her and trampled everything in her way.

A large creature jumped to her side, and Yasenia flapped her wing, smashing it from above and slamming it into the ground with a giant bang.

A tree as tall as Yasenia with a humanoid shape punched toward her face, and the dragon calmly headbutted it with her horns.

The wooden fist exploded, and as the splinters moved before Yasenia, she opened her mouth and released a [Sun Dragon Breath].


The creature became charcoal.

The dragoness saw a giant mantis-like creature using the blades to try to cut her tail, and she sneered. "[Sunrise]."

Yasenia moved her hips, and the dragoness's tail shone with golden light as it flashed upward, slicing the creature in two and igniting it the next second.

A five-meter-tall bulky humanoid plant creature roared with a distorted voice as it charged toward Yasenia.

This creature was one of the strongest, well into the Unification Realm.

Yasenia turned her body as her claws sliced the ground in an upper crescent arc. "[Dusk]."

The attack that would transform every bit of Sun energy into Moon energy inside her body shot out in five golden crescents with silver edges.

The plant creature used vines to create an intricate shield bigger than it and placed it before its body to block the attack and continue to charge forward.


The creature felt every fiber in its body scream as the strain and power from the blow made it almost fly away.

Tatyana thought. 'I need to stabilize it and counter-Huh?'

Tatyana looked up through that monster's eyes at the thing that had cast a shadow above it.

She saw a silver-eyed dragon looking down at her with monstrous killing intent and indifference while it slammed down its enormous claw.

'So beautiful.'

"[Moon Dragon Claw]."

An enormous explosion of Moon energies froze everything in a five-hundred-meter area.

Tatyana felt her connection with that creature cut, signifying that it was dead. Remembering those murderous eyes made her heart shudder with delight, and her mouth opened burst a maddened cackle.


No matter how seriously Yasenia sparred or fought with her dears, her gaze always had a gentle touch and pampering tone.

However, this was the first time in her life that Tatyana saw the real Yasenia when she was battling, and her body could only tremble in euphoria. 'If you look at me with such an attractive gaze, I won't be able to hold myself, little treasure~.'

The five seniors fighting the quadrupedal creature didn't know why it began cackling madly with that monstrous voice.

Suddenly, they felt a chill going up their spines as the creature's mood changed.

The creature's mouth curved in a deformed manner. "Be careful~. I feel so aroused that I won't be able to control myself~."

The vine monster's shape also began losing the hound-like shape as it became more dreadful, showing the true shape of the heart of the controller.

A twisted and corrupt heart that only had a single light within it.

Elder Yu shouted. "Be Careful! It feels-."

Elder Yu's whole body chilled as he felt the feeling of death warping around his existence.

Out of pure survival instinct, he slammed his hammer with his most potent technique toward his back in a wide arc.

When he looked back, he saw in slow motion how the mouth of the creature was about to engulf him while his hammer traveled. He thought in despair. 'My attack is too slow! When did it appear behind me!? I will die, I will die!'

A golden light fell from above and slammed onto the upper part of the maw, closing it with the punch and giving Elder Yu enough time to strike it.


The malformed Soul Hound was blasted flying, and Elder Yu looked at his savior. He laughed. "Elder Mao, you are truly reliable."

Elder Mao from the Golden Body Sect frowned. "Don't become distracted. It appears like the real battle starts now."

The creature stood up with a dent on its face and shrieked.


Meanwhile, as Yasenia rampaged around like an unstoppable force and Tatyana continuously pushed the Elders to the brink of their Death, our girls fought around the battlefield after being flung away from Yasenia's back.

Andrea summoned the black armor with golden edges and put on the helmet. This time, unlike the previous common-looking armor, it had a draconic theme.

The gauntlets ended in claws, the shoulder protectors had a dragon face engraved, and the black horns on the helmet shone with an ominous light.

Her halberd had also changed colors into a black-golden halberd.

Andrea saw many creatures rushing toward her and spun her halberd twice while looking around with a straight back. "I've been waiting to fight for a while."

Andrea began activating two of her innate skills, [Phantom Light] and [Light Absorption].

A yellow ball of light appeared above Andrea, increasing the temperature around her. Then, our heroic woman summoned her elemental armor around her, [Chromosphere].

Magma bubbled and coated her armor in a thick and dense layer, following the shape of her armor and making her look like a semi-draconic magma being.

"[Combat Armor Enhancer], [Combat Weapon Enhancement], [Searing Mantle], [Alloy Weaver Intent Level One]."

The creatures rushing toward her had to stop, and the temperature around Andrea had become hellish. And she was yet to finish deploying her skills.

Andrea saw a Unification Realm plant creature rushing toward her and muttered. "You should be a good opponent. I can feel upper levels of Unification Realm strength coming from it."

Andrea flexed her legs and took a step forward.

The floor below Andrea cracked under her monstrous strength.

"[Solar Charge]."

Andrea pushed against the ground and sunk it in a small crater as she shot toward the plant creature, which had the shape of a rose with a thick body and thorned vines around it.

Andrea's aura and temperature were so high that the floor became a molten trail wherever she passed, and every lower-level creature in her path ignited like oil that was exposed to a torch.

With the sound of rustling leaves, the rose creature created an area filled with thorny vines that lashed at Andrea.

Andrea sighed. "I hoped you would be a little smarter, but this will sadly end in a single blow. [Heaven Born Flame: Star Born Searing Flame]."

Andrea used her charging momentum to grab her halberd with both hands and swing it in an arc.

Andrea's scarlet Heaven-born flame ignited, surrounded by the glow of white starlight across the length of her halberd and combined with every other aura and skill Andrea just used.

Andrea stopped abruptly and finished her slash. Then, the world before her became a blazing inferno.

A titanic wave of Sun energy combined with her skills and Natural treasure to form a horrendously hot attack that scorched everything in a five-hundred-meter area before her.

The rose creature and everything else before Andrea were engulfed in this hell and shrieked as they all died.

Andrea looked around and saw Evelyn's lightning strikes in the distance. She also saw her dear dragoness slaying waste in the army and spotted further in the distance an army of plant creatures fighting against other similar beings.

"Hm, let's group up with Kali and Evelyn. The first should be Evelyn."

"[Solar Walk]."

Andrea's footwork changed as her speed increased many folds and vanished in Evelyn's direction.

On the other side of the battlefield, where lightning was raining, Evelyn looked like a creature that manifested from a storm.

Her whole body was covered in blue lightning armor as her spear and body crackled with blue lighting.

Her blue hair flowed around her as her violet eyes looked around with a mischievous smirk at the corner of her lips.

'Sierra, follow my act.'

'Sure, I wanted to go out and fight.'

She pointed to the sky with her spear and shouted. "Guardian beast of our Lady, Sierra, come to me!"

A gigantic white thunder crackled in the sky and fell like a cascade of electricity, exploding against the ground. Then, from the middle of the lighting, a howl that pierced the battlefield echoed around.


Sierra's enormous white body manifested as the Wolf Queen's body crackled with white lightning bolts.

The spectators had just been left in awe after Angel's, Yasenia's, and then Andrea's feats, only to see a giant wolf being summoned from the sky.

This left many flabbergasted.

Jorey was even more stunned because she knew who that majestic and beautiful white wolf was.

'She can summon their Guardian beast whenever and wherever she wants!? What kind of humans does Lady Yasenia command!?

Evelyn spun her spear, and her mouth maintained her playful smirk. "Now, shall we begin?"

Her innate skill created the lightning rain around Evelyn [Electric Light Disaster]. Then, the armor around her came from her [Thunder Light Armor].

Evelyn pointed her spear, and her violet eyes shined with a beautiful luster. "[Thunder Light Overcharge]."

The blue lightning around her was consumed by white lightning as her strength, perception, and speed multiplied again.

Evelyn charged forward and used [Thunder Light Charge] to flash forward so fast that she became a white lightning bolt.

Evelyn appeared in the middle of tens of creatures and then muttered. "[Luminous Spear Barrage]."

Flashes of light surrounded Evelyn.

Then next instant, though, all the creatures around her had their bodies filled with scorched holes.

Evelyn blinked. "Hm? They couldn't react to my speed?"

Sierra flashed and appeared in front of another chunk of creatures. "[Wolf Queen's Claw Storm]."


With the sound of thunder, Sierra slashed everything around her at no less speed than Evelyn.

Evelyn perceived the Unification Realm creature nearby and laughed. "I thought I couldn't try this skill, but I feel quite happy that you appeared."

Evelyn flashed in the direction of the monster with [Flash Lightning Steps] and saw a creature that used twelve stalks to walk around. The shape was elegant and elongated, looking like a serpent created by plants.

Evelyn didn't care about its appearance, though.

'These skills are still in their first forms and will evolve, but they should not be weak.

She spun her spear three times and used the first combat and enhancement skill she learned from her [Heavenly Thunder God Inheritance].

"[Storm's Descent], [Light Lightning Body]."

The world around Evelyn was silent for a second before the crackling sound of thunder inundated everything.

Then, Evelyn became a storm. Her eyes shone with electric light. Evelyn felt like every single particle of electricity around her was under her control.

Her white lightning armor was enhanced by golden lightning and shaped into a better and more defined form.

Evelyn muttered. "I see. This is... [Storm Intent Level One]."

Then, she slashed with her spear at everything hundreds of meters around her as she controlled every lightning and light bolt to annihilate everything in the surroundings.


The clamorous sound of the storm eradicated everything around Evelyn in an instant.

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