Yasenia walked around, giving her routine morning kisses to Cecile, Andrea, and Evelyn. When she reached Evelyn’s side, she kissed her and sat beside her.

Evelyn asked, “What is your plan for today, Yasenia?”

Yasenia thought about it. Then, she looked at Evelyn and said with a smile, “I will go with my dear to decide what tools she needs for tailoring!”

Evelyn smiled happily and hugged her arm. “Awesome!”

When Andrea heard Yasenia, she raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Tailoring? Are you going to change your profession, Evelyn?”

Evelyn nodded and looked at Kali, “We have an excellent alchemist. I rather do something else. Moreover, after I learn tailoring, we will be able to create fancy things together, Andrea.”

Kali was about to get flustered, thinking she had done something bad, when a golden tail appeared between her legs, wiggling funnily. Kali let out a laugh and relaxed. Then, she played with it, thinking. ‘Is Yasenia able to read minds? How did she know what was I about to ask?’

Meanwhile, Andrea nodded and added, “Whenever I needed leather or something similar, I had to hire someone outside. If you become a skilled tailor, I will save quite a lot of time…. Moreover, I can be much freer with my demands and not worry about money.”

Evelyn chuckled, “Although I’m still a novice, so I don’t know if I will ever be able to catch up to you in skill.”

Andrea smiled and said in her deep and clear voice, “Everyone starts as a novice, don’t worry about it. You just need to be patient and have the motivation to learn.” Evelyn nodded.

Yasenia turned toward Anna and asked, “Will mom leave any tools to Evelyn for tailoring? I don’t want to buy something she already has.”

Anna took out a communication jade and asked. Then, she said, “Yes, Lady Tatyana will take back the alchemy tools she gifted miss Evelyn and give her a set of needles, pins, scissors, and an ironing board together with an iron. She will also give a thimble.”

Yasenia looked at novice sewing tools and equipment in a book and said, happily surprised. “So we have almost anything! We may need to buy the needles and scissors types that mom won’t give you, a pin holder, and maybe some machinery?”

Anna said, “Do not worry about machinery, young miss. The new tailoring workshop will have the most basic machinery inside.”

Yasenia nodded and looked at the stunned Evelyn, “Remember to make a budget and a list of what you need the most after revising what mom gives you.”

Evelyn looked at Yasenia and sat on her lap, hugging the dragoness. “I will revise it later. Let me stay like this for a little bit…”

Yasenia, of course, wouldn’t lose the chance to hug her dear, so she surrounded her with her arms and pressed her breasts on her, knowing how much Evelyn liked for her to do that.

They continued speaking for a while, and Cecile decided to train; she was eager to gain control of her new strength. Moreover, she didn’t want to deal with all the questions she would receive when their friends saw her changes.

Angel and Kali followed Cecile. They thought they were the weakest of the group, so they wanted to train and not fall behind. However, their assumptions weren’t completely true. Although Kali and Angel were the weakest in one-against-one battles when it came to group battles, they were absolutely terrifying.

With the protection of teammates, Kali could summon an army that could overwhelm cultivators stronger than herself, and Angel could set up her big formations, becoming a menace on the battlefield. Therefore, they weren’t the weakest.

Nonetheless, even if they knew that they would still go to train. Both of them rather die than become a burden for their dear dragoness.

Selena, Alaia, and Flora went with them. Selena would train Angel in shield-wielding. Alaia was going to teach Cecile how to use her wings. And Flora would teach Kali about summoning and battlefield control. Clara would stay in the house, doing the chores. Anna and Eve were the ones that accompanied them.

While they were walking toward a tailoring shop, hand in hand, Yasenia spotted Oliver waiting for someone. She stopped walking and, out of curiosity, she waited to see who it was. To her surprise, she saw Lucia approaching him, and Yasenia lifted an eyebrow. ‘What are those two doing together?’

Evelyn and Andrea stopped walking when they saw Yasenia stop. They looked at Yasenia and saw her looking in one direction with a teasing smirk. They followed their gaze and saw a smiling Oliver speaking with Lucia. Andrea chuckled and asked, “What is the dragoness verdict?”

Yasenia freed her hands and rubbed her chin, “Unfortunately, just friends. Should we approach? I may be able to help big bro to get the beauty, hahaha!”

Evelyn advised, “Isn’t it better if you ignore them? Knowing Lucia’s naivety, she might overthink and interpret your approach as you getting jealous. So… In my opinion, if you approach, it would crash Oliver’s chances of getting together with her.”

Yasenia could totally see it happening, “You are right. Let’s ignore them. If they get together, it will be nice.”

Yasenia grabbed their hands and left that spot, not caring anymore about them.

They passed through the outer part of the Academy, drawing fanatic screams from some girls, and went to the nearby city with Anna and Eve in tow.

Meanwhile, at home, Angel and Kali fought against their personal maids.

Selena slithered forward and struck her sword against Angel’s shield.


The strength behind the sword strike made Angel grunt, and her feet left the ground; she was sent flying tens of meters back. Selena reprimanded, “Put strength in your legs and lower your waist! As a shield user, even if the hits are heavy, your feet must not leave the ground!”

When Angel managed to get up again, she saw Selena before her, already making a rising strike. It was so swift that Angel couldn’t even position properly, so she only managed to put her shield before her.


Angel flew high up in the air, her shield arm terribly hurting. ‘I was sent flying again… How is my arm?’

She checked it midair; her shield arm had slight fractures because of Selena’s heavy strike, and some blood veins had burst. However, Angel only did as much as a grunt with her blue eyes still filled with determination.

While she was airborne, Selena appeared behind her and slashed at her unprotected back. Angel reacted fast and barely managed to put her shield in the way of the sword before it impacted.


Angel let out a short, painful scream and flew down like a bullet impacting the ground heavily. However, her eyes hadn’t lost their focus yet. During the exchanges previous to this one, she had been placing [Glass Nodes] all the time! “Cough, cough, I’m not done yet! [Glass Prison-]”


Nonetheless, before she could activate it, the sound of glass shattering echoed, announcing the destruction of some [Glass Nodes]. Angel’s energy didn’t have a place to go because her formation was destroyed and began running rampant inside her body, making it damage her internal organs. The pain was too much, and a pained scream left her mouth, “Ah!”

Selena appeared before her and tapped some acupuncture points, forcefully letting out her overflowing energy. Then she said. “Not bad, miss Angel. You blocked well that back attack.”

Kali ran beside Angel and began treatment under Flora’s guidance.

By the way, Dr. Ava came from time to time to impart classes and left different assignments for Kali to resolve until her next visit. For now, Kali has been doing quite badly, unable even to get a passing grade. This showed how difficult and demanding Dr. Ava’s teachings were. However, Kali’s knowledge and skill in medicine have been upgrading by leaps and bounds.

While Angel fought, Cecile could be seen slamming into the ground painfully from time to time because of Alaia’s teachings.

Alaia was ordering Cecile to follow her by flying, and with Cecile’s poor flight control, the turns, accelerations, and sudden stops Alaia made were making Cecile slam the floor, rocks, or trees quite often…


After a big collision with the ground, Cecile stayed in the crater she made, looking at the sky. ‘I’m getting more hurt by just flying with Alaia than normally training…’

Alaia appeared before her with a smile and said, “Not bad; it seems that miss Cecile is quite natural when flying.”

Cecile looked at her from the ground with a deadpan expression, “Oh… Is that so…”

Alaia laughed, making her voluptuous body jiggle, and said, “Today is basically your first day flying. The fact that you can somewhat follow after me is quite commendable.” Cecile sighed and stood up.

This training continued until Yasenia, Evelyn, and Andrea returned.

By the time Yasenia and the rest arrived home, Angel, Kali, and Cecile were completely beat, with their energy reserves nearing zero. Yasenia looked at them, lying on the ground half-dead, and chuckled. “How was training?”

Angel looked toward Yasenia with moist blue eyes and whined, “So difficult….”

Yasenia approached her, and Angel directly put her arms forward, asking for a hug. Yasenia picked her up and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. “My baby has worked hard. Tonight, I will reward you nicely and lovingly.”

Angel began thinking of colorful things and her cheeks slightly reddened. While Angel had her thoughts flying, Cecile and Kali stood up and approached Yasenia. They all moved to the living room, and everyone picked up their profession books and began studying.

Yasenia sat beside Evelyn, learning about Spirit Tailoring from the beginning with her, Kali sat to her right, and Angel on her lap. Cecile and Andrea were across them with their respective books, Andrea with blacksmith and Cecile with a book about archery, hunting, and beasts. All of them had their respective maids helping them.

Alaia spoke to Evelyn with exaggerated sadness, “Miss Evelyn! How could you!? You left alchemy aside! What will I do now? I don’t know anything about spirit tailoring. I’m useless!”

Evelyn thought about it and asked, “Will someone take your position?”

Alaia hugged Evelyn from behind, pressing her big bosom on her back, and asked sensually, “Do you want someone different~? Miss Evelyn~.”

Evelyn stuttered a little, “I-I don’t, but a teacher for Tailoring would be nice….”

Yasenia raised an eyebrow teasingly, “Blatantly flirting before me again? It seems that your previous punishment wasn’t enough~.”

Evelyn defended herself, “W-What do you mean by flirting!? I’m totally not happy about her big breast pressing on my back!”

Yasenia and Alaia burst into laughter. Alaia straightened and said, “There is already someone coming here to teach miss Evelyn about tailoring; she will see your talent in the profession and advice you if continue forward or not.”

Evelyn became a little sad, “O-Oh, so you will leave….”

Alaia smiled gently and kissed her cheek. “Worry not, miss; I won’t leave. Combat training is much more important than professions. Therefore, I will still be your personal maid and teach you about the spear. Moreover, a personal maid’s most important duty is to protect their master, and not many are stronger than me inside the mortal realm maids.”

Yasenia asked, “Who is coming?”

Eve answered, “She is new inside the maids and didn’t have the chance to appear before young miss before. Moreover, she is quite weak. The only reason she managed to become a maid is that her tailoring skills are extraordinary. Moreover, she is quite a good teacher and has already produced some skilled tailors for our maid division.”

Yasenia nodded, “There isn’t anything strange with her, right?”

Anna answered, “There isn’t. She will just pass here one or two hours daily to teach miss Evelyn. She is human and has normal dark hair and brown eyes. She is still nameless.”

Andrea, who had been listening, lifted an eyebrow, “Nameless?”

Leila, who Andrea was petting, answered her. “Yes, when we join to become close maids to the young miss, we lose our names and identities outside. Only when we reach a certain level do we regain a name. Lady Tatyana is the one who renames us as a symbol of graduation and gaining her trust.”

Kali was surprised and asked, “Is training to become a maid near Yasenia harsh?”

Eve answered calmly, “Seventy percent of the maids in training die, twenty-three percent become either traumatized or crippled, a sixth percent lose their sanity, and one percent makes the cut to be normal, nameless maids. To become higher ranking, harsher training is delivered.

Eve looked at the maids that made mistakes, Clara, Alaia, and Selena, and said coldly. “The only reason Clara, Alaia, and Selena are still here, after their mistakes, is that the misses were happy with them and that compatibility between the misses and them is excellent. However, there won’t be another chance.”

Meanwhile, our girls were shocked and looked at their maids with a whole new level of respect. If becoming a normal maid was that harsh, reaching the personal maid level should be an accomplishment to be proud of for their entire life.

Not to mention them, Anna and Eve, who were the personal maids of Yasenia herself and head maids, should be monstrous cultivators even between same-level cultivators.

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