Harem Tournament of Champions

Chapter 206 Fuck Her Like You Mean It! •



'Yoru!!!' He hissed in his thoughts, glaring daggers at her as she looked around the dungeon to register all in her thoughts.

Several seconds go by until finally, the door is locked shut, trapping everyone inside again.

Once locked, the Yoru removes her mask allowing her long black locks to fall freely past her waistline. She stares intently at the women before speaking aloud.

"Now you will obey my commands or suffer for your disobedience! You have already seen what happens to disobedient slaves don't make the mistake of thinking I won't repeat myself!" Yoru spoke sternly commanding obedience from the frightened captives.

They looked terrified, not sure whether to believe they would ever be rescued. They didn't know anything about this place nor did anyone else outside of their territory.

Ni looks over at his fellow male prisoners. He wanted to alert the new captives of the dangers of falling for such a trap however decided otherwise, deciding instead to keep quiet. It seemed pointless since none of them understood why they ended up imprisoned anyway.

Besides, even if someone managed to escape somehow, how far are they really? How likely does one think it would be to find their way home considering the circumstances surrounding them?

No answer came forth in his thoughts, leaving him puzzled, pondering further questions concerning their current predicament.

The others all fawned over Yoru's beauty, staring openly and admiring her unclad figure which left Ni slightly disgusted having witnessed firsthand just recently exactly what she could do to those unfortunate males.

His gaze shifts towards the other side of the room where the ladies stood frozen in fear, afraid to move fearing punishment should they dare defy orders given by the mysterious lady known simply as 'the leader'.

Mina notices Ni eyeing her causing her cheeks to flush bright pink embarrassed by his attention.

She seemed to be the only one not affected by the power wielded by Yoru. The reason is no doubt due to her strong sense of self-preservation along with an innate ability to resist mental manipulation.

Her face flushed scarlet when suddenly, the floor began shaking violently knocking some people out cold onto the ground unconscious. Others fell forward landing flat on their stomachs gasping for air and trying desperately to regain composure after experiencing sudden dizziness.

Ni had to force his feet to stay grounded and not reach out to Mina, for fear that she might be used as leverage against himself. Instead, he kept his distance standing next to the wall, unable to look anywhere near the direction of the center aisle.

The moans from the lady that approached the masked male earlier grew louder making the sexual tension between them unbearable. Her hips swayed back and forth seductively enticing him into doing things beyond comprehension.

Releasing the restraints on his wrists, the chains fall to the ground with a heavy clank sound.

Seeing this, Yoru smiles devilishly, amused by how much control she holds over everyone present.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm Noticing the moisture seeping out of Mina's cunt, she smirks thinking about using them, later on, to spice up her sexual activities. However, right then and there, all thoughts are put aside because she wants nothing else except to make sure that Ni gets hard first.

Mina wakes in a daze, realizing immediately who is holding her captive. However, before she has time to react, Yoru pushes her hard against Ni pinning her wrists above her head using her strength.

Then placing her mouth right beside Mina's ear, Yoru whispers loudly saying; "Watch closely now!"

In response, Mina opens her eyes widening in surprise, noticing Ni's erect cock sticking out stiffening fully ready to penetrate her wet slit.

"I'm sorry Mina." Ni apologizes sincerely.

She looks deep within his soul searching for an answer to why he had suddenly given in to such a thing. But finding none, she simply nods accepting whatever punishment awaits her.

Her face flushed red hot, embarrassed yet curious to find out exactly where they planned to begin.

She watches intently, mesmerized by the sight of his large cock sliding inside her tight hole causing her insides to quiver uncontrollably.

The moment his hips touch hers, she moans deeply unable to contain her excitement. Her inner walls clench together squeezing his cock and making him moan aloud.

His balls tighten, drawing blood rushing to his groin and increasing its size even further. It becomes harder and thicker filling her cunt inch after thick inch.

'Thel, I'm sorry I couldn't hold off anymore,' he thought, feeling guilty knowing full well that he should've waited longer. 'It just happened too fast!'

Ni continues thrusting slowly sliding deeper each stroke bringing forth new sensations never experienced before. His pelvis smacks against her ass cheeks creating loud slapping sounds echoing throughout the room.

Feeling his cock throbbing between her thighs, she begins moaning louder, becoming lost in ecstasy.

Her breathing becomes heavier becoming increasingly loud arousing those nearby listening attentively.

When at last he reaches the deepest part of her body, she cries out loudly releasing pent-up emotions from years ago. A flood of intense feelings rushes through her veins flooding her brain and leaving her completely numb.

All sense of reason leaves her mind clouded by passion. Unable to think clearly, she lets loose screaming incoherent words not caring whether anyone heard her or cared.

Yoru notices Mina's reaction and decides to push things along faster so she orders someone to bend over so she could sit. Once seated, she spreads Mina's knees wider giving Ni better access.

She looks over at her partner, seeing his arousal show in front of him, he thrusts faster into the lady's willing cunt taking advantage of her position.

'That's it, fuck her good! Fuck her like your life depends upon it!' Yoru encourages while watching her partner pound away relentlessly driving himself ever deeper.

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