After Ryan successfully retrieved his two items, he exited the auction house with a pep in his step.

'It appears someone didn't have enough cash to splash and wants to take my items the old fashion way,' Ryan thought, sensing two figures following him.

'Although I don't know what two non-cultivators think they can do against me.'

Walking through the bustling town, Ryan meandered between the stalls at a slow pace, allowing his followers to keep track of him.

After exiting the market district, Ryan headed toward a deserted dead-end ally.

"That's far enough," a voice came behind Ryan as he got 3m (~10ft) into the ally.

Turning around, Ryan came face to face with the most beautiful two men he had ever seen, besides himself of course.

Ryan first noted that both men appeared to be in their late twenties.

The taller man was dressed in all black, while the shorter one wore a brown leather jacket and navy blue pants over a white shirt and red tie.

Their skin was pale but, unlike many humans, somewhat golden-tanned, giving them an almost holy appearance.

As Ryan scrutinized them further, he could see feathers sprouting out of their hair.

"We won't kill you if you hand over the geode," the taller man said.

"What do you mean?" asked Ryan with a raised brow. "I'm the one in control here."

The two looked at each other for a moment before turning back to face Ryan.

"It seems we are dealing with another fool after all," they chuckled, advancing towards him.

"No offense, but I was just about to go home, so why don't you try your luck elsewhere? I've had a long day, and although I'd love to teach you a lesson for wasting my time, I can be persuaded otherwise if you leave the items you won," Ryan told them, making the duo stop in their tracks.

"Oh, sure," the short man said, snickering with a sinister grin. "We'll be happy to talk business."

"Please, then, follow me," Ryan walked to the end of the alley, the two following him.

He continued walking until he reached the concrete wall.

"Well, now that's more like it!" The tall one cackled as he began advancing toward Ryan, who remained completely still and calm. "Let's get this party started!"

"Wait," Ryan said, abruptly remembering something.

"Look, Rory, he's scared," the taller one said.

"He's pissing his pants in fear of us," Rory replied, laughing with Albert.

"Can you give me a minute? Thanks," Ryan said as he proceeded to drop to the ally floor in a meditative position.

"Does the boy think he's a monk from the fantasy world?" Albert asked, the two bursting into further laughter.

Ryan zoned out the senseless noise as he concentrated on operating his bloodline. 'This is the perfect chance to test it out on living people,' Ryan thought.

Although Ryan had no problem with defeating these two without his bloodline, he had never tried using it on living creatures before.please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

Finding this situation perfect for testing, Ryan exerted his will on the two.

The two stopped mid-step and stared at each other, frozen in place.

"He's got some type of treasure!" Albert exclaimed after a few moments, breaking the silence of the alley.

'Ah, I see. I don't have power over everything in my domain, just the elements,' Ryan thought as he tried unsuccessfully to use his will to influence the two.

Ryan tried various tricks on his frozen captives but found his ability limiting.

'I need the elements to be present to influence them,' he thought, trying to summon lightning or water.

'I'm already sensing my bloodline dropping to dangerous levels, and it won't do to drain myself too much.'

With that idea in mind, Ryan decided not to exert his will on the space around the men anymore. Taking a deep breath, Ryan stood up, allowing his captives to be set free.

"Looks like your treasure isn't as good as you thought it was,' Rory said as he took a step toward Ryan. "Now what? You're going to fight us barehanded?" Rory taunted as he pulled out a knife from the back of his belt.

Ryan shook his head with a slight chuckle. "I won't need to fight either of you."

'You can take them out now,' Ryan said telepathically to Izzy, who had been standing at the alleyway's entrance for the past three minutes. 'Don't kill them. Just knock them unconscious.'

With one fluid motion, Izzy lifted her leg, sending her knee right into the side of Rory's face while kicking Albert in his crotch, causing him to crumble to his knees and release an embarrassing grunt and groan.

"Did I do good, Master?" Izzy asked, batting her eyes innocently as she finished off the duo with two chops to the neck.

Patting her head, Ryan chuckled. "Yes, but don't let your mind get clouded with false praise. These two weren't the concrete they now lay on. Take them back to the palace and get answers as to why they were here. I bet Veronica has some experience in torture. Let her help," Ryan said, not knowing he had condemned the two to a fate worse than death.

'I bet Hannah would be better, but she's on the mission with Shade and Dianna,' Ryan thought, thinking of the yandere he still couldn't decide whether to keep or lock in a cell.

pαпᵈα-noνɐ1·сoМ After Ryan exited the ally, he once more thought about the boy, Timmy, which he had seen in the auction.

'I can't save everyone... but I can save some.'

Pulling out his flying new magic sword, Ryan started heading in the direction he saw Sophia's beatdown wagon head in.

As he flew above the heads of the bustling crowds below him, one question came to his mind, remembering what Rory had said in the ally.

'Earth and this world seem so similar. I keep hearing about this Fantasy World that has no energy. The people of Ravier say that the Fantasy World isn't real, but they reason that it has no energy. Is it possible that earth and this Fantasy World are the same?'

Ryan thought it was likely, seeing as this world took a lot of inspiration from Earth, 'Or it could be the other way around.'

The only reason he was still hesitant to believe it was real was because of her. 'If Ravier is somehow connected to Earth, does that mean Aliza could have been from this planet?'

Ryan recalled all of Aliza's words once more and got a pang in his chest. 'Aliza always talked about her dreams of freedom and glory but said some things weren't meant to be because of both her mistakes and "heaven's enforced limitations".

He remembered his last thought about her saying cultivation was the only thing harder than wearing high heels.

And he remembered the last thing she sent before she passed away. "If you're real, I promise I'll come to find you one day."

Ryan had written it off at the time as the ramblings of a dying person, but he felt a shiver run down his spine as he contemplated his thoughts.

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