Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 330: Knight girl quartet 3 [Tetes Sharon Naris Almeida]

Chapter 330: Knight girl quartet 3 [Tetes Sharon Naris Almeida]

Tetes, Sharon and Naris. Three beautiful knights breathing hard with their dewy genitals pointed at me.

“10-man captain Smithson……no, Master……?”

“Huhu, should I say Master too?”

“Y, You’re still fingering yourself inside of me unreservedly……continued, aren’t you?”

At the feet of the three of them is Almeida, who is rolling around with a dazed look on her face and letting go. She is barely conscious, but the semen I have just poured out has taken her sanity and she is not likely to revive yet. Around her, the other female slaves continue to watch, leaning against the wall, drinking quietly or dozing off. It’s Dianne, Hilda and Laila who are drinking……while Luna is on the couch, leaning against Apple and dozing off. Maia quietly brings a blanket for Luna, which is a very funny situation.

“Ho. Naris, be moderate in your greed. Even if our master is a good-for-nothing, sleepless nights will destroy your body”

“I’m the one who wants to mix in……”

“We´re in no hurry. It is of no concern to me or Maia if you are too shy to open your legs for fear of being seen”

“Yes. I don’t even need an illusion if Andy-sama is okay with it. I’ll beat anyone who gets in my way to have sex with him”

Please don’t say anything dangerous when all you have to do is hide.

“I, I’m also……your property now. I’m not saying I’m like the two of you, but a little bit of recklessness is……”

“Knight Chief Sharon, don’t get in a groove! ……NNyu, what are you doing, trying to shut me up, do you like exposure play so much?”

Naris is pissed at me. She’s unreasonable, even though she’s the one sticking her hips out. Well, I don’t mind exposure play.

“No, I can’t just fiddle with Tetes’ asshole, wipe my dick on Sharon’s ass and only let my hands rest in Naris’ pussy……”

“I don’t care if you’re resting!”

“It, It’s time to give me some mercy……”

Sharon touches my ball sack over her crotch. ……If I can’t use my hands to put it in, I can’t adjust the angle of the cock subtly. I guess it was a mistake to block both of my hands.

“Then you can change the angle of my cock……”



A hand reached out from an unexpected place. Or rather, from below.

“A, Almeida”

“……Do you want to put in……Knight Chief?”

“Y, Yeah”

“You are such a greedy……improper lady”

Almeida is apparently somewhat flustered, perhaps because pleasure has once consumed her consciousness. She grabs my cock carelessly and pulls it out with the slowness and insouciance of a baby innocently playing with its hands, then thrusts it into Sharon’s vagina.

“Haa, nn……?”

“You’re just like me……so flirtatious……?”

“Huhuhu……yeah, right. We’re always the female slaves who want you to stick your cock in us”

“So……yeah, I’m going to be teased by a cock like this and make babies for the rest of my life……”

“Yes, me, Almeida and Tetes as well……all keep begging for it……?”

It seems their euphoria was synchronized. Their voices, which were both quite enraptured, overlapped with Tetes’ charming voice, which was becoming busier as she approached her climax. I begin to slowly fuck Sharon from behind.

“Ha, aa……ah, that’s hot……hard, you gave Almeida and Naris so much……?”

“I don’t think he’ll be satisfied with two or three shots……mou, he’s already caught my cunt in preparation for the second shot……”

“I’m counting on you……Smithson-san, please give me also plenty inside……?”

“I’ll let it out even if you don’t tell me. It’s too much to ask for anything other than me when you have such a naughty body to invite me”

I lick my tongue and look at Sharon’s voluptuous, glamorous body. I like the modest proportions of Tetes and Naris, but Sharon’s body is exceptional. Her body makes me instinctively want to seed her. Like Apple and Selenium, her body is full of female charm. I think her fiancée is definitely impotent for giving her up. As if to check the inside of the womb of this beautiful body full of charms, I pull my cock in and out at a seductive speed, pleasuring Sharon.

“Andy-kun. But you know, dash is good too”

“Older sister, I told you not to interfere in any strange way”

“That’s fine, everyone but Apple isn’t pregnant right now anyway. I’m sure Andy-kun will get all wet and sore from your extra cum☆”

“……I, I’d rather be injected while my uterus is being pushed”

“Ho. I am fine with either. Pets are at the disposal of their owners”

“I, for one, prefer to be fucked in the middle……”

While listening to the conversation in the open air, I become a little more interested in going out.

“Sha, Sharon. ……Can I try to make your ass gooey so I can cum inside you later?”

“That……ah, but……”

Sharon looks a little sad, but when she locks eyes with Almeida, who is slapping below her and receiving splashes of love juice on her face, her voice changes a little. Almeida offered advice from below.

“It is also very much like you and I to soak up the scent of our master’s slick cum all over our bodies……?”

“……Right……yeah, Almeida”

Dimly in tune with Almeida, Sharon nodded. I too began to shake my hips, moving my hands from side to side with even more intensity, accelerating toward that moment. Sharon’s vagina, which is growing in anticipation of her next submissive experience, sweetly clamps down on my cock, greedily swallowing it and drooling all over it. Almeida, who is under Sharon, must be bathed in it, but there is no sign of avoiding it. Then I move away from Sharon’s ass while trying to spread my two inserted fingers in Tetes’ ass. My cock bounces and I’m almost ready to cum, but my hands are still clamped down on Naris and Tetes’ holes and I can’t pull out, so I can’t come any closer and I instantly despair. But.

“Ah, Almeida, make me cum!”

When I suddenly had an idea and screamed, Almeida obeys……and adds one more push of pleasure and my cock succeeds in spewing out a large amount of semen.


“N, kuu……what a lot……chupu……?”

The semen splashed onto Sharon’s buttocks and back and then, chuckling, Almeida let it splash onto her own face. All the juice from the second half, which begins to lose its momentum and drip, drips onto her own breasts and Almeida sighs contentedly.

“Hot……it’s not bad to be splashed……?”

“Al-chan, that’s unfair……you and Naris-chan were licking cum off me earlier……?”

“Ah, by the way……is it a matter of cheating or not cheating to have someone lick you!?”

“Hua……n, chuu……there’s still some left……”

The four of us are a bit at ease with what is going on and enjoying each other’s company.

Finally, I point my cock, dripping with love juice for all three of them, at Tetes, who is in full heat after having her anus stirred up by two fingers.

“I want to spray Tetes’ ass too, so Naris undresses her. Almeida opens her ass for me……Sharon”


“You adjust the angle of my cock and have it push into Tetes’ ass”

“I understand……Tetes, I’ll put it in”

“Y, Yess……they’re all trying to force me to have sex with you……?”

Tetes mutters with heartfelt joy. Naris peeled off Tetes’ clothes one by one, her mouth agape with disappointment.

“I was forced to do it. If you don’t want to, I’ll take over”

“……This is outrageous, this is the most exciting……ah, they are all going to treat me like a naughty slave……I really am a slave to my master’s flesh and blood……?”

“I don’t get it”

Naris twists her head.

“……I understand a little”

“Naris is not ready yet”

“Eh, what a bad vibe I’m getting!?”

Almeida and Sharon seem to be on Tetes’ side. ……Despite the chatter, my cock is guided by her colleagues’ hands into Tetes’ small, wet squirt. I’m not sure how much I’m going to be able to do without using my hands, which are wet with intestinal juices and love juices, to penetrate Tetes’s ass.

“Huaaaa……ha, enters……kitaaa……? Master´s penis……?”

“It’s a powerful thing to swallow……this close up”

“She’s got such a happy voice even though its the ass……huhu, I wonder if Tetes is the sexiest of us all”

“……M, Me too, if you want to do it, I’ll give you my ass……”

I start moving my hips harder when Almeida almost makes a strange declaration with her momentum. Nupoo, byupo, nupuu……and the violent violation of that hole began in front of Almeida’s face.

“……S, So much……”

“Te, Tetes, are you okay?”

“Yess……I’ve Master prepare it a lot……I love Master’s cock so much, with this hole……its in love with my hole……?”

Sharon and Almeida swallow their spit at Tetes’ rapturously strange expression and Naris looks honestly dubious.

“……That 10-man captain Smithson. I’m in love with my hole”

“Next time I’ll make you fall in love with my womb”

“That one, too, I’m already doing that one……m, more, love me harder……Master……?”

“Tetes’ nether region is so lovey-dovey”

“I’ve never known anyone who could make me so naughty……aaaa, it feels good, I love it, I love Master´s sex……I dont know who makes me so naughty?”

“We all don’t know anybody than 10-man captain Smithson”

“That’s not what Tetes is talking about. It’s Smithson-san who will let you be at ease and let you be a whore……and accept you no matter how much you get into sex”

“I’m sure you can find one or two of those perverted wankers if you look for them……”

“Well then, Naris, I’ll see what you can find”

“I don’t want to go out of my way to find an adulterous pervert! ……W, Well, yes, if you think about it……10-man captain Smithson, you’re right”

Let’s not have weird chit-chat while we each push each other around in the nude.

“That part of you, Andy-san, is part of your charm, isn’t it?”

Apple follows up by smiling while stroking Luna’s hair. If she says that’s the biggest attraction……well, I can’t argue with that, but it’s true, I’m a little lonely.

“Tetes, I’m going to spray you too……you ass-hole slave, and you’re going to smell plenty of cum too!”

“Y, Yess……I’ll be able to smell the naughty smell of me……marking, please……?”

I give the last spurt as Tetes’ sphincter tightens around me. My cock pumps in and out, shaking Tetes’s small body and pushing her to the edge of climax. Then I pull out my cock, this time after the ejaculation has begun.


“Nha, aaa……?”

A lot of semen flies to her buttocks and back. It also flew into the hands of Sharon and Almeida, who were gathered on either side and some of it splashed onto Naris’s body.

“Huhaa……a, hia……?”


“It’s bitter and fishy……but I kind of……don’t hate it……?”

“You can really ejaculate as much as you want. What’s going on with your balls?”

Each of the four enjoyed the semen.

“Good, next it will be Naris again”

“D, Don’t you ever take a break or something!? I’m sure the people around you are not too busy, so you can go over there for a palate cleanser!”

“You’re not going to continue until your pussy dries up, are you?”

“No, I mean, psychologically, after four people have been fucked, it’s not like I have to do all the work, or I can take a breather and just naturally want to get fucked again or something, nkuu……n, chu, haa……I, I´m not cheap, so please check a word before kissing……”

“Oh, Naris, you don’t run away when I resist you with my mouth, do you?”

“If you’re a gauntlet, you’ll be able to leave as much as you can before Andy approaches.”

“Naris-chan’s rejection is just a pose?”

“I, I’m serious sometimes, you know! Don’t spread rumors!”

Sometimes? ……Even though it is so, Naris is still cute, resisting with her mouth while being easily pushed down.

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