Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 323: Immoral ceremony 1

Chapter 323: Immoral ceremony 1

The forced march to connect the mother and the current Polka is complete in one way or another. The rest is left to Asti. Even if I leave the details to her, I don’t think my mother would be reckless with a dragon and……Asti is smart to begin with. I’m sure she’ll use her own judgment and make the best of it. Now……I just need to do one last job before I leave for Renfangas.

“Jackie-san, can I borrow a corner of your workshop for a minute?”

“Oh, Bocchan. Where’s your mom”

“She’s back at the Baron’s mansion. ……I’d really like to spend a little more time entertaining my mother, but my mission is about to begin, so I need to make what I need to make”

“Hmmm. ……Give you a hand, kid?”

“No, this is my job……”

I begin to make a new collar in front of Jackie-san and Grandpa Dan. As expected, I’m getting used to making them. This time it’s for Tetes, Cute and Marone.

“……Is there a new increase in women?”

“It was quite a while ago. The problem was too delicate to make it at an inopportune time”

“……Well, if Jeanne’s okay with it, then yeah”

“That’s all right”

It’s a big introduction to the world in the barrier prison erotic paradise.

“Old Dan, if you ever want to go home, just let Airi know. She’ll take you home”


“She’s one of the four adult blue dragons who come to our house, a little hard-eyed and masculine in the way she talks. She’s been to Laila’s palace”

“……M, Muu. I don’t know, but it’s also a dragon that works at owner´s order”

“I don’t mean to say that I give her orders……but rather, she helps me out when she’s not busy. Dragon riders are respected by the dragons, so even if they don’t have a contract with you, they’re willing to help out in their own way”

“I’ve heard a lot of stories about them, but……dragons can wipe out an entire colony of an ordinary race with a single blast. What kind of nerve to casually ask for help? And moreover……to be doing it with impunity.”

“……Well, I was exposed to a lot of amazing things at the time, so I got along with the momentum”

Now that I think about it, how could I have fucked Maia in the circle of dragons and moved straight into sex with Asti and the others? If I think about it calmly, they were all huge beasts that could have eaten me alive and if I had recognized them correctly, I would not have had time to get a cock erect. Maybe that’s part of the reason why they think I’m 「Great」.

“But if you go out with them, they are not scary people. Of course, you can’t underestimate them, but at least I don’t think dragons are ferocious beasts”

“……In a way, the black dragon is not wrong”


“That means you’ve got big courage”

“N, No, I’m confident I have a relatively small courage”

I don’t think I’m braver than the Masturbation Brothers, Keiron and even the ladies of the warrior group, at least I don’t think I’m braver than the girls of the warrior group.

“Weak people get strong when they have power. Or they shrink back for fear of it. Those who are less flirtatious are essentially on the same level as the strong. Kings and generals are examples of this. At least, you neither fear nor underestimate these extraordinary people. That’s a big deal in itself”

“I, I wonder if that’s true”

“Hmph. ……Well, you don’t have to be in a hurry to realize it. Courage and bravery are not good things if you are aware of them. The mind that tries to conquer fear can neither be shown nor wielded when there is no fear. It’s just like a weapon. There are fools in every age and in every place who make the mistake of doing so and they cause trouble all over the world”

“Y, Yes”

Beyond Grandpa Dan’s words, a glimpse of Neia comes to mind. She who has courage, the hero. ……Just an exotic title, that’s all I can say.


“Excuse me, business starts at eight bells……oh, master?”

“Savory, can I borrow Cute for a minute?”

I finished the collar and headed to the new bar anyway. Savory blinks at my sudden arrival and calls for Cute, who is running around in the tavern behind me, wiping tables.

“Cute, master wants to see you”


“I’m not here to have sex with you”

“Eh, no?”

Savory makes a curious face. ……Well, to have a play that makes you get fucked hard before work and served with semen in your womb, which is not a bad idea if you ask me, but I’d like to do it.

“I made Cute´s collar, but I’d like you to try it. I thought I’d give it to you while I still can”


“I’ll tell you first that everyone else wears it all the time, but it’s something you can take off if you feel like it or if the situation calls for it. Even if you don’t wear it, you’ll still be my girl”


I stroke Cute’s sandy-colored hair (not tied up today) and as I’m about to put a collar around her neck……Savory grabs her hand firmly.

“Wh, What are you doing!”

“Eh, I’m wearing a collar, but……”

“That’s like I’ll give you a flower without any weight……that’s pitiful for Cute!”



“……N, No good?”


Cute is also dubious. Cough, Savory straightening her posture.

“That’s right. This is the sign of a female slave, right? It’s not just a name tag, you know? When it was my time, you put it on and stick it in right then and there. Laurier was in front of everyone”

No, even though it’s away to the counter, let’s not say that we’re going to butch in where the tavern owner’s wife is also present, Savory.

“……Because the eight bells are already ringing”

“Sales are up to the eleven bells, so why not do it after that? Let’s give it properly. ……I’m sure I’m right, Marone-chan and Tetes-chan, right?”

“You’ve got a good grasp of it……”

“I’m a customer service person, so I have to remember every little detail. ……I remember that the master’s mansion has Jeanne’s grandfather. If that’s the case, we should all get together at our place or at the cat beast’s mansion……”

“Do we have to get together……?”

“So it’s important, okay? I’ll call you when I know more”

“No, I’ll at least go around and tell people”

“Its alright. There are quite a few female slaves who come by a bit. Marone-chan, Oregano and others come to get their supper, and……Irina-sama and Naris-san come every day”

“……I guess it’s the heart of Polka without me knowing it, here”

I was a bit surprised to see Savory, who seems to be working hard behind the scenes to manage and oversee the female slaves, just like Selenium. She may be more competent than Fennel and others in this kind of arrangement.


After relaxing in the hot springs and dealing with my mother and Peter at the Baron’s mansion, I wait for the eleventh bell of the night. The temple of Polka rings a bell every two hours, so the eleventh bell is ten o’clock at night in the urban style.

“I wonder which way it ended up……Maia!”

I called out to the sky as I walked down the snowy road, and Maia stooped and appeared out of nowhere.


“Do you know where Savory and the others are? Maybe they’re all here”


Maia listens closely as she stands tall barefoot on the snow.

“……I didn’t quite hear Savory’s voice, but if it’s Selenium or Naris, that way”

The direction she pointed to was the cat beast house.

“I mean, has she even called Selenium……?”

“I was with Irina and Hilda when I left the baron’s mansion, so I’m fine”

“……All I have to do is put collars on the three new people”

I mean, Naris, you are not a female slave and you don’t have to be present.

Then I and Maia open the door to the cat beast house.

“Here they come……”

“I, It’s cold, close the door quick!”

Naris gets angry and hurriedly closes the door. Most of the female slaves were gathered in the living room of the cat beast house……or rather in the hall just inside the front door. Naked.

“Why are you taking off your clothes all of a sudden……?”

“Because it was like this at my time”

Laurier says, holding herself slightly squirming. As expected, the nudity festival at a stranger’s house in Polka is different from the mood of the festival.

“I’m a female slave, so this is how it’s supposed to be done”

When Savory said it, about half of the people in the room nodded in unison.

“I guess that’s how it is……”

“I guess you didn’t have to be present, Naris-chan”

“No, let’s say those things first! I’m not the one who told her to take off her clothes on the spur of the moment, Tetes-chan! How dare you tell me to get dressed and leave now!?”


Tetes was sitting side by side in the middle of the circle with Marone and Cute. Of course, they were all dressed without a stitch of clothing. Her hair, which is usually tied up with a hair clip, was down and she was wearing nothing in earnest. The same goes for Cute and Marone, who are wearing no decorations or artifacts on their bodies.

“Then I must undress too”

Maia also quickly takes off her clothes and throws them away, becoming a part of the circle teetering. I wanted her to take off her panties slowly, but there was no time to say so.

“Did you make up a rule or something about Tetes and the others letting their hair down?”

When I asked around, Christie and Selenium nodded.

“After hearing about it from Savory, I thought it was time to stylize it”

“Well, in a sense, it feels like I’ve decided on it right now. I’m going to throw everything away, expose myself to Andy-san and ask him to put a collar on my neck”

“Stylization means……you’re going to add more?”

“……Eh, is it a deadline already?”

Selenium gave me a look of heartfelt wonder. No, I haven’t made a definite decision either. I’m afraid that if I stay any longer, I’ll be out of work for a long time, or there might be some other problem.

“Ho. Well, that’s good. It’s up to you to decide if you want more women”

“Put a collar on them, Andy. All three of them are waiting for you”

From the end, Tetes, Marone and Cute. Three girls sitting on the carpet, not allowed to put on a single piece of clothing, waiting for the slave’s collar. If I only think about this place properly, it would definitely be a tragic composition, but all three of them are waiting with embarrassed, expectant faces and even smiles on their faces, which is an extraordinary sight.

“Then, Tetes……chin up”


I am the only clothed person in this place. In the middle of all the beautiful naked women who expose themselves unabashedly, I wrap the proof of my carnal desire around a 16 year old girl.



Then, Marone. I scratch her passionate red hair and claim ownership over her slender neck. And finally, Cute. The youngest female slave is given a reserved bill of sore love.

“……Now Cute is my female slave. You’re going to be teased with my cock all day, every day from now on”


Cute opened her eyes and shivered a little as she imagined it. Then Aurora and Luna hear it and shrug their shoulders.

“You said those things again. I really wish you would do that every day”

“Yeah. I don’t mind”

Sorry, every day was a bit much.

“Yes, yes, then you can give them a vaginal cum shot, Andy-san?”

“The three female slaves, hands on hips up. Swear before us that you submitted your wombs”

Selenium and Christie’s instructions fly. Or rather, stylize it so much.


“P, Please……?”

“It, It’s not the first time I’ve been raped in front of everyone watching……but it makes me really excited……?”

Three girls wait for me with their asses up in the air.

“Come on, Andy, take it off and undress”

“Let me help you”

“……I don’t know if I’d go this far to do it”

Anzeros, Sharon and Almeida swarm in and start stripping me of my clothes. I glanced at where the clothes were going and saw Oregano and Fennel neatly folding them, including the other girls’ clothing and I felt somewhat cut off from the retreat.

“Come on, Andy-san……let’s make friends?”

Apple urges me on with a cheek kiss and I advance behind the three youthful butts.

“Please start with me……?”

“Not once, but as many times as you want……?”

“Nya……pl, please……female slave pussy, do as you please……?”

Each of the three seduces. I cleared my throat and grabbed Tetes’ ass first.

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