Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 316: Reserve Wings [Juline and others]

Chapter 316: Reserve Wings [Juline and others]

“I’m not used to sleeping on the ground. It’s too cold for my old bones”

Old Dan woke up very late in the morning. The cold is completely different here than in the desert. Besides, I made him travel a long way yesterday. It must have made him tired. I didn’t dare wake him up too early.

“The hot spring is always open, so you can go and take a bath whenever you want”

I’ll recommend him to take a hot spring bath as well. The cold was not all that painful. The contrast between the cold of winter and the warmth of the water is not so bad at this time of year.

“Where’s Jeanne?”

The old man scurried around the dining room, but only Laila, Dianne (who had slept with me, so it was just the three of us) and Tetes and Naris were there.

“She´s at the Baron’s mansion to take care of Peter”

Dianne answered. Old Dan had a complicated look on his face. He seemed to be wondering whether he should interfere or not. I know what he wants to say.

“There are a lot of people in the Baron´s mansion who always care about Peter and the Baron´s wife, Selenium and Apple also love Peter……in addition, the building is magnificent, so it’s not cold”

Even with all the work done by the elven carpenters, it still doesn’t completely block out the cold and provide the warmth of a normal spring……t’s not surprising that the elves didn’t develop such technology, since they don’t live in places where they would shiver from the cold in the first place. The Baron’s mansion has thick walls and heavy doors and the wood for heating is never stopped. It’s a room temperature that you can go to anytime.

“However, it’s a bit strange to have parents commuting to take care of……that´s it”

“Well, that’s because, in a sense, Selenium and Apple are also parents”

“……I don’t understand how that can be acceptable”

When old man Dan sighs and says so, the women in the room giggle.

“Laila. Heat up some soup. For old Dan”

“Ho. Wait a minute”

Laila stood up and put her hand on the bottom of the pot of soup that Jeanne had made earlier this morning. Seeing that, Dan-san jumped from the chair he had climbed up (A dwarf has short legs, so even an ordinary chair can’t easily get his hips on it) and started in a hurry.

“Yaya, what are you making the black dragon do!?”

“No, because Laila is bored, so why not?”

“You can’t warm the soup with the heat of the black dragon in the desert……you’re right!”

It seems to be a terrible thing for old Dan. But Laila grinned.

“Hoho. Then you can boast about it later. That you are the man who drank the soup boiled in the fire of the black dragon”

“U, Umm……if the black dragon says so, then……”

“More than that, Laila. If you don’t warm it slowly while stirring, the soup will burn”


“I, It smells like it’s burning”

“Naris-chan, why don’t you stir it for her?”

“Me!? I, I’m kidding! How much do you make a challenger when you get close to the black dragon using fire!?”

“Laila, give me the ladle. I’ll stir”

“Ho, my hands are full holding the pot……”

“I, I’ll do it”

“You can’t reach it without a step stool, old man!”

After a few twists and turns, Laila warmed it up and Dianne stirred it up. A soup heated by a dragon and stirred by a war god. In a way, it might be a legendary dish. It’s a bit burnt, though.


After guiding the old man to the bath, on the way back home, I proposed to Dianne a proposal that I had been thinking about for a while.

“Why don’t we go to Folklore and call my mother”

“Folklore. ……If you invite too many people at once, it’s hard to clean up after them. Can’t we do it after Dan’s case is over?”

“Umm……wouldn’t that mean we’d have to wait until after the mission?”

“That may be the case. You know this is not the time to be taking care of too many things, right?”

“I know, but……”

Dianne was right, we would have to kill another day just to repatriate old Dan after this. I can’t just show Peter to my mother and go home. If possible, it would be nice if she would be willing to live in Polka again, but I’m sure she’s already stabilized her life there. It would be a bit selfish of me to drag her back to Polka, abandoning her job and social life. If we have two or three such troubles at the same time, there is a possibility of something more happening. It’s hard to keep the tension of the task force up when we’ve just ordered to resume the mission. But, you know.

“I’d like to show my mother my grandchild’s face at least once……”

“I’d love to ask her about it, but I can’t……”

Dianne looked troubled. I’m not sure if I’m being too egotistical.


Dianne looks in trouble right now. After all, I wonder if I’m too much.

“Maia. What’s up?”

“That story, after all, without me and Laila, we can’t go back and forth to that country……isn’t it?”

“Thats right. Also, if something goes wrong during the mission, I can’t take responsibility”

“I’m sure Irina and Christie will take care of the responsibility and all that. They’re both real experts at that”

“……No, that’s not why you should rely on……

“It’s not embarrassing to ask someone you trust to take care of the people you care about. It is also the role of the master to give work to his slaves, Andy-sama”


I was advised by Maia. I often forget that Maia is older than my mother, so she can say that much.

“But there’s no substitute for wings, is there?”

When Dianne pointed this out, Maia shook her head.

“There is?”


“At least, if you just want to move, you don’t have to rely on me and Laila, right?”


About an hour later. Maia and I were on the hillside of the snake mountain range, near the border with the ancient barrier of the northern forest. In front of us is a cave that is almost closed by snow and thick fog.

“……I wonder if they will listen to us”

“Don’t worry. Dragon riders are really great. If Andy-sama bows down and asks, I’m sure they’ll all accept”

Maia’s idea was simple. Bring the dragons of Misty Palace to Polka and use them as legs for Grandpa Dan and my mother. I think that’s a waste and I think that’s selling too cheap. But Maia insisted that I was a great man and that it was okay. It’s not like they’re going to take it away from me now, so I can just ask for it. ……Even though I know that Laila and Maia are here, I’m still a little nervous about being in a cave with a dozen dragons. I’m not going to ask them to help me with my personal business. I’d rather just say no. Even if I wanted to leave, I could ask Dan to wait for a little while and then I could carry him back to the cave on my return, which should happen from time to time during future missions and I could still hold off on reporting to my mother. I told Jeanne that we could show Peter to her when he was a little older. It’s not like we’re talking about the unveiling of Peter alone.

“H, Hey Maia……”

Just as I was about to say no thanks, a beautiful naked woman appeared from behind the rock wall in front of me.

“Oh my. I knew it was Maia. And also Maia´s lord”

She ruffled her beautiful blue hair and smiled. It seems that she had noticed our approach from inside the cave. It’s not surprising. ……The already sensitive dragon’s ears can’t miss the careless footsteps of the snow and my voice.

“Ah, he, hello……”

Juline, I think. Maia’s cousin, who, unlike Maia, is a well-grown woman of perfect proportions. She’s not completely naked, though. A red jewel hangs below her belly button on a fine chain wrapped around her waist and she wears gold and silver rings on her right arm and left leg, respectively. Aside from the accessories, she is not wearing any cloth at all and her very shapely breasts, crotch bush and butt cleavage are not hidden at all. People call that almost completely naked.

“I can’t believe you’re here in person”

She smiled and giggled. I ask for something very private from now on and I wonder what to do if she gets sick and says, 「Please use your dragon for that」. It’s not necessarily a useless worry……I believe in dragon oaths and covenants, but I also know how free and unconventional dragons can be without such commandments of promises. It is possible that Maia’s preconceived notion that the dragons would obey her solemnly is her own.

“Oh, you know what, Juline”

“Are you here……to commit one of us, by any chance?”

“……Ah, no……”

I’m not sure how much they think I’m a brave dick, stepping into the palace just to somehow fuck a dragon girl again, let alone when I´m coming to hold her.

“You can’t actually come to the Dragon Palace in such a casual and impure mood……”

“Oh, withering. When I was in the barrier prison, you picked up my ass so bullishly”


It is true that I have done such things in the previous nude festival in the barrier prison. Because she loved being fucked in the ass.

“It’s okay. If you come to the palace just to enjoy my body. You’re the one who’s allowed to do that”

“See, Juline says that too”

“……If Maia says so, then you are here for sex, aren’t you?”

Juline rubs against my body. Her skin is surprisingly cold because of the cold outside air, but that doesn’t mean it’s frozen and when I take off my gloves and gently grab her chest, I feel a certain softness.

“Ah……? Maia´s master……can you please fuck me here……?”

“N, No, I’d like to enjoy it in a warmer place……”

I’m not really here to have sex with her, though I did touch her tits reflexively because they were nice.

“I really want to ask you for a favor……ngu”

“N, nnn……ha, hamuu……? Please tell a bedtime story……?”

The inside of Juline’s mouth is warm, unlike her skin. No, the skin also gets warmer and warmer as I rub it with my hands.

“Maia, your master is going to hold me, so can you help me find a warm place……?”

“Yes, but……are you sure, Andy-sama?”

“……I’m going to fuck her if I have to”

When I twist Juline’s nipples a little bit, Juline is in agony and delights and Maia shrugs her shoulders.


“……I dont know? I heard it was a habit”


“Juline’s so dirty, she’ll fly in every morning and wait for you in front of the house with her ass in the air”

“And if she does, will the lord commit me?”



“Don’t do that. Because that’s what broken people do in the human world!”

If it’s really done, Polka (or rather, the Polka ambulatory team), whose morals are starting to drop even just lately, will really become an erotic hell. Only dragons can complain from the side of dragons.

“I’ll fuck you if you’re a proper guest in my house. I’m going to pour a lot of semen into you”

……No, wait. I’m not sure what I’m saying, but there’s something wrong with what I’m saying. It’s like a house that rapes and squirts semen all over its guests.

“Then I will visit you……but, for now……?”


Another dragon emerges from the depths of the cave. A bearded, mature dragon. It’s Broll-san. He too has a bare cock and metal accessories.

“I could hear him talking. Asti and Michela are setting up a warm bunk in the southern masonry”

“Well, I wonder if aunt cousin and mother……think this is a racket”

“Don’t worry, I’ll fuck them all”

I assure her, grabbing Juline’s ass forcefully. Maia shrugs again. Broll-san folds his arms and laughs gaily.

“It’s rare to find a man of the human race with such a raging sexual appetite”


“Well, that’s good. Enjoy the daughters of my clan”

“Th, Thank you”

With a bit of trepidation, I put my hands behind my back on Juline’s chest and squeezed them as I walked past him to the back of the cave. Broll-san smiles contentedly as he leaves us.

At the back of the cave, Michela and Asti were applying something to each other’s bodies.

“Welcome, Maia´s lord”

“We are now making preparations,so……please wait while enjoying Juline’s body”


“It’s a slushy water with a potion dissolved in it. Juline’s body is cold, isn’t it? We don’t mind the cold, so we’ll stay at this temperature, but if you apply……this, your skin will burn and soon it will be at a temperature that is easy for humans to commit”

“I’ll put some on Maia too. We’ll entertain the lord together, won’t we?”

“I didn’t come here for that, but……Andy-sama seems to be up for it, so let’s do it”

Maia takes off her clothes and wants to apply some sticky liquid to her body. Juline, on the other hand, is writhing as I squeeze both her tits and play with her labia mercilessly.

“Ma, Maia’s……lord……? Raw rear, pierce my ass……and shake it many times……?”

“It’s good, but it’s not wet……”

“Let me lick your cock……and I’ll smear it with lots of drool……? And slick it up with my whole tongue……I’ll make it so you can shove it up my ass……?”

I’m not sure if they used some kind of magic to warm up the mat that Asti and Michela had prepared, but it was warm enough that it didn’t feel cold. On top of that, on one hand, Maia and her mother smear mucus all over their bodies and on the other hand Juline sucks my penis. The masonry was not much of a blindfold and I could see the eyes of several dragons flying at me from afar. They were all convinced that I was doing it and then went back. Too hawkish. But in the midst of all this, I rip my son away from Juline´s long tongue, which was sucking my cock like crazy and grab her by the buttocks and pull.


“He, Here I go, Juline……!”

“Please……have it your way?”

“O, Ooo……!!”

I pushed my cock into her asshole with a thrust. I’m not sure if she’s used to having my cock in her ass so many times, but she doesn’t seem to be in any pain. The other two dragons and Maia, on the other hand, had finished applying the slime and were crowding around my body as I fucked Juline.

“My lord……?”

“Please seed us, too……?”

“……I hope you’re having fun, but don’t forget your purpose, Andy-sama”

“Ah, yes……you know, Juline……”

Feeling the tightening of the sphincter, I talk to Juline while slipping and reciprocating. But Juline is engrossed in her pleasure. I’m not sure if she’s listening to me.

“Haaaaa? F, Feeling good, the lord´s dick……nice, my ass is the best?”

“You know, I need a favor……”

“Ha, Hahiii……?I’ll do anything you want……so, do it harder?”


For the time being, I try shaking my hips as requested by Juline. Michela and Asti rub their warm and squishy boobs on my arms.

“You only fuck my daughter……I´m also delicious?”

“Maia, I’ll give you a back and forth service later”

“Okay, but……you have to listen to Andy-sama”

“Hey, Juline……if you’d like to come to Polka……help me transport some of my friends……”

“Yess……I’ll do anything? I’ll do anything you want……?”

“……Andy-sama, you’d better cum and then tell her more. Juline, you’re not listening to it seriously. Crazy about the penis”

“Good……your cock is so hard……it’s ruining me……?”

Nyuru Nyuru Nyuru

And the big breasts of the left and right moms jump while licking my arms and armpits.

“You are going to help Maia and Laila the black dragon do what they always do?”

“It’s easy. Let’s call Airi, too……we’ll all be able to fulfill the lord’s wishes……and play with him again?”

The mucous water’s fiery effect made me hot all over and I ejaculated into Juline’s asshole first. Juline screams and cums with that blow. Maia, who was attached to my back, blurted out.

“The first one, finally. ……It’s been a long time since we’ve had mothers?”

Nodding vigorously at her murmur, I pulled my cock out and rolled Asti over next to a weakening Juline. At the missionary posture where the whole body touches, she stands by receiving a slimy play from the front.


While enjoying the beauty of the mother who grew up Maia with her whole body, I will continue to enjoy it from the second round onwards.


“Eh. These people are Maia’s clan, from here, Asti, Juline, Airi and Michela”


The four dragons who were to stay with us each shook hands with Grandpa Dan.

“They’re all dragons!?”

“Yes, they are”

“What’s going on?”

“……You’d be surprised how many dragons will listen to him when you ask”

“That’s Maia´s lord?

“I’m indebted to you”

“I’d rather be indebted to you, starting tonight”

“Airi. I don’t do deviations that often. Just because you got left out by the lord during the day”

“I don’t care about that”

For the time being, each one of them wears elf clothes, but Airi is obviously appropriate. Rather, it seems that she just wore a cloak and nothing was worn underneath and every time the cloak shook, I could glimpse from her eyes to her crotch and cleavage. Somehow, from the atmosphere, it seems that old man Dan noticed that these people were looking at me with the same eyes as the female slaves.

“……Is this all the other person in the lower body?”

“I don’t know if that’s the way you want to hear it, but, well……”

“I mean, I passed through I don’t know……it’s a persuasive power that went around”

Grandpa Dan rubbed his temples and sighed.

“Jeanne got caught like this……”

“You know, Jeanne and I do make love outside of the body, right?”

“……I’ll pretend I trust you”

I’m not sure what to say……yes. After all, it’s hard to congratulate a girl’s guardian, this situation.

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