Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 313: Ice dragon and scroll [Maia]

Chapter 313: Ice dragon and scroll [Maia]

Anzeros, Dianne and I had been living in Basson’s barracks for years and there were many things that we would need to bring back if we were to move to a new place.

“If the furniture is not too unusual, you can ask the housekeeper to make it for me. You can bring anything else you want”

Irina advised us. Even if you’re a dragon, it’s going to be hard to carry all the desks, chairs, tables, beds, etc., so let’s do that. I’m sure there will be no shortage of people willing to take them if you leave them behind.

“If we’re going to be moving in earnest, should we say hello to some of Basson’s familiar stores……?”

“It’s a bit of a pain in the ass to explain and it’s not like I’m cutting ties with the crossbow corps, so it’s not like I’m not going to be taking care of them in the future. It’s somewhat painful, but I think we should leave it alone”

Anzeros was right.

“It’s not efficient to go with too many people, considering the baggage we have to pick up. This time, we’ll be retrieving Boyd as well, so we’ll go with the minimum number of people”

When Dianne said that, Naris and Tetes looked disappointed.

“I was thinking that it might not be a bad idea to experience the atmosphere there once again”

“……I’m lonely during the trip”

“N, No, Tetes-chan, what really happened? What do you call such a seriously lonely face……on the contrary, it’s scary?”

“What do you mean scary?”

Certainly, it may be a line that should be said with a smile that can not be grasped subtly if it is Tetes so far. ……Anyway. Originally living in Basson’s corps, the ones who left behind the luggage to be withdrawn……were Aurora, Jeanne and Selenium, in addition to me and Anzeros. For the time being, Luna, Hilda and Laila also have rooms, but it seems that Dianne is in charge of the luggage for Hilda and Luna and Laila are the types who act with their clothes on, so there is almost no worry about personal belongings. When it comes to that, it’s important to take Selenium with us……

“I don’t have a lot of stuff, so you can make your own decisions there. You can throw it all away if you want”

“We……don’t have a lot of stuff because of our lifestyle. I only have a few important tools that I can carry around with my skin”

Selenium and Apple simply said so. ……Well, that’s true. An extreme story, if you have a collar, what’s the rest?

“When it comes to that……Anzeros and Aurora will take you……Jeanne? What do we do?”

“I’m going. ……But can I take Peter with me?”

“Peter too……?”

Peter’s hair is just starting to grow back again. He’s not old enough to understand Celesta when I show it to him and I don’t really want to take him on air travel because babies get sick easily and it’s dangerous……

I want him to meet my grandpa”

“……Isn’t it still early?”

I’d like to take him there at some point, too. Until Peter grows up a little more, I’m still scared.

“I think we can do it with the help of Hilda-sensei”

“Don’t rely on other people’s magic too much. You’ll get hurt if you rely too much on a power you don’t understand”


Jeanne makes a face of unrequited love. I understand her feelings. But that made Peter himself overwhelmed and it wasn’t good. In particular, Peter is a rare half-dwarf. It’s not that I doubt Hilda-san’s ability, but it’s hard to take care of him 100%.

“It is better to wait until Peter is old enough to be weaned before doing anything adventurous. I’m against……putting my family in danger”


Jeanne is downhearted. However, seeing that, Selenium suggested brightly.

“If you can’t take Peter-kun somewhere else, why don’t you bring someone you want him to meet?”

“……Th, That’s……but my grandfather is busy with that”

“I’m sure he’ll understand if you explain that you have to take care of your baby’s health and it’s no use if he refuses to do so. If he’s busier than health”


That’s true.

“I’ll go to the dwarf colony and try to convince old man Dan. If that doesn’t work, we can go when Peter is older. We’ll have time”


After convincing Jeanne, I also thought about calling a bag for a moment. ……It’s a little too much of a detour to stop by Folklore on the Celesta course this time, but you’ll still have a day or so after the moving mess. I’ll have to show my son to my mother.


The members this time were Dianne, Anzeros, Aurora, Jeanne and me. Maia will be flying. On the way back, we take back Boyd and give up the back seat to everyone’s personal belongings……well, if that’s not overwhelming, it’s a letter. In case of emergency, let Maia utilize the aerial storage of the illusion application.

“I’m waiting for a souvenir”

“Me too”

Lantz and Keiron wave their hands to the carriage, which is held in the hands of dragon Maia and begins to rise.

“I just bought something for you the other day! We’re about to resume our mission, so be patient!”


“Damn Smithson”

It’s a little too brazen for my taste.


“Did you not have to wait for Laila, Dianne?”

“It’s not like I needed Laila’s help. And we’re on the same course, we’ll meet up when she finds out……”

『I saw you, Laila-sama. What do you say?』

Maia´s illusion voice echoes in the carriage.

“Are we close?”

『The other side has noticed too. I’m going to turn right……catch up with them on course in maybe two minutes』

“We’re still north of the baby snake, right? Can’t we signal the rendezvous with something like a squeal?”

If we were south of the snake mountain range, the dragon’s cry would risk causing a panic, but at our current position, we should be fine.

『Even if you don’t say it out loud……you can communicate with illusions if you just talk a little』

“Please. Explain the move and help if possible”

When I gave the order, Anzeros looked worried.

“I’m sure Laila is tired from all the flying”

『You don’t know much about dragons, Anzeros. I can fly for a month or so if I just want to fly』

Maia countered. ……You can’t measure up to our standards.

“……Sorry about that. But don’t you think you’ve been using her a little too much lately?”

“No matter how good Laila-san is, she should work a little less”

Anzeros and Aurora suggest this. That’s for sure. I couldn’t even mix her up with the naked village.

“I’m sure Laila will be happy to hear that”

“Right. It’s nice to hear that, unlike the new kids, Anzeros and the others have plenty of time on their hands”

『Dragons are happy creatures, though, if they are used well by their riders. ……I´m diagonally behind her now. I’m going to keep flying”

“More than that, put out Chibi Maia and talk. It’s hard to talk to Maia like that”

We crossed the small snake and went straight to the plain of Trot. The two dragons flew through a journey that would normally take days to complete on foot.

First, we landed at Basson’s barracks.

“Ho. For now, it’s just me and Jeanne who are going to the dwarf colony”

“Andy and the others should get ready to move”

“…… You’ll be moving in, too”

“I’m carrying what I need in my pack. You can dispose of what I have left as you see fit”

“Laila-oneesama has most of my stuff too”

……There are many children who are not attached to things.

“It’s not like Anzeros or Aurora are going to say, 『I don’t have much』”

“I’m……well, pretty good about taking care of things”

“Most of them are costumes and books, things that could be bought elsewhere, but……well, many of them are a bit regrettable to throw away”

The two of them are not that far removed from the world, as expected. That’s good.

“I’ve got a lot of memorabilia and stuff, too……would it be more convenient for me to take care of your and Laila’s personal belongings?”

“What am I supposed to do”

“Maia can help Andy with that. When you have more time……you can go and do whatever you want”


After a quick check, we watched Laila and Jeanne take off again and then dispersed to our respective rooms.

I had checked my luggage a while ago and took out what I thought I would need to live in Polka. However, when it comes to moving completely……I’m a little regrettable, but I have to bring out everything I can bring out. This room has been my only private since I was promoted to 10-man captain.

“Andy-sama. There’s a lot of stuff in here”

“Ah, that’s……a prototype for a accessory”

“What’s that?”

“Belt buckle. Is that a pierced earring?”

“Can I wear them?”

“Not good. I don’t like skull buckles on girls because they’re not cute, and earrings hurt”

“……It’s Andy-sama’s work”

“I’ll make you another one when I’m free”


Get along with Maia and squeeze out my personal belongings and pack them. Well, most of them are clothes and accessories.

There are some things that Maia might have trouble with if I show them to her.

“……A lot of scrolls”


It’s a set of erotic picture scrolls I’ve bought.

“Can I see it?”

“N, Not good”

“……Not good?”

“It’s just porn”

When I think about it, there’s nothing to hide, so I say it openly. It’s the sneaking around that makes you look suspicious. If you are open about it, you can go……

“……Is it interesting?”

“N, No, it’s not interesting”

“Is it informative?”

“Because it’s fiction, not really……”

“……Why do you care so much about it”

Please don’t ask philosophical questions like that. I have my own doubts about it. But I can’t help but feel guilty about treating them so carelessly, the ones that made my heart skip a beat when I was still young (four or five years ago, anyway). It’s like a monument to my heart.

“Do you rub your penis like that perverted duo when you see them?”

“……There was a time when I did”

It wasn’t two years ago that I lost my virginity, so it’s not an old story.

“……If you tell me, I’ll make you cum for hours, as much as you want”

I’m not sure what to say when Maia says that with a slightly troubled face.

“Then let’s have do the last sex here”

“Are you ready to clean up?”

“I’ve already wrapped up most of the things I need”

I hugged Maia and kissed her. Then feel free to put my hand in her clothes, grab her butt directly and the other hand then hugs her head.

“N……ku, u……”

“……Maia is cute”

“D, Don’t compliment me too much……”

“If I compliment you, will you have fierce sex with me?”

“……I’ll do anything without a compliment”

“I’d be happy to have fierce sex with you in a good mood”

“……Th, Then I will”

“You’re so cute, Maia. ……I’ll take it off”

“N……take it off”

I carried Maia to the bed, pushed her down, stripped off her clothes and slowly pulled down her panties.

“Andy-sama when you take off my panties, you look really fun……”

“No matter how many times I look at it, Maia’s pussy is beautiful, cute and looks delicious”

“……It’s all yours, Andy-sama, so you can do whatever you want with it”

“I’ll do whatever I want”

I thought that I would get angry if Dianne and others suddenly got angry, but I couldn’t stop, I messed with her crotch wrapped in Maia´s pale hair with my fingers and while listening to the pant voice, I tasted it with my tongue, sometimes licking her modest boobs.

“……S, Still……cant you put it in?”

“Do you want me to put it in?”


Maia nodded, her eyes a little puffy.

“……Andy-sama’s cock can be plunged into me at any time……if I could, I’d rather be fucked in my spare time……?”

“……Nasty, Maia”

“Nasty, not good?”

“That’s the best”


As I stared at Maia’s sly smile, I thrust my cock as hard as I could against her wet labia.

“Hukuu……a, huaa……?”

“Maia……I love you, my little female slave……”

“……The same as Tetes……?”

“Not good?”

“Tell me more……pet, meat urinal, toy……everything is fine……?”

“Then……so it is”

Shake my hips. Holding her down on the bed with care, shake each other’s body and sprinkle the odor. Nasty, yet cute, to Maia who greedily keeps my hips.

“How about my cute lover……?”

“L, Lover……”

“Yeah, that’s a thing, isn’t it?”

“……Th, There……there is, but……?”

She said so, her back rippling and her vagina clenching.

“……The worst thing is said……?”

“Don’t say it’s terrible”

“Because……my breasts are the most exciting……my stomach is so sweet……?”

“Oh, you’re so cute……!”

I pushed Maia up as hard as I could, rocked her in close contact, kissed her repeatedly and ejaculated.

“Huwaa……a, aaaa?”


“……A lot, came……Andy-sama´s sperm……?”

I finished my ejaculation in the back of Maia´s womb and put on her pants without wiping my semen from her crotch.

“I wonder how many people will notice”


“Can’t we just play with this?”

“……You can do it every day”

I hugged Maia again. And then I decided to get rid of the erotic picture scrolls. It’s a good farewell because Maia worked so hard. ……It’s a good idea to throw them into Lantz’s room.

After a while, I went to the girls’ barracks to check on them. ……Mikagami makes a red face when Maia approaches.

“E, Emm……d, do you use the bath……?”

“It smells really naughty”

“Ka, Kate! You can’t be so delicate!”

……You’ve made me feel self-conscious.

“……That kind of thing is deliberate in Andy’s case, so you can complain normally, Mikagami”

“10-man captain Smithson Anzeros”

Anzeros looked dumbfounded. Aurora and Dianne came out of Hilda’s room and made the same bitter expression.

“I can smell it”

“It’s refreshing when it’s so obvious”

“……Andy-sama. I’ve been found out”

“We’ve been found out”

“10-man captain Smithson! That’s a little vulgar!”

“I don’t know if older sister can say that”

What? Is Mikagami’s older sister unexpectedly strong in dirty jokes?

“Well, I asked Maia to take care of Andy, including that, but……I haven’t disposed of Selenium and Jeanne’s room yet. You can go have fun at least one more time”

“100-man commander Dianne! P, Please don’t encourage that kind of thing too much!”

“Older sister, you can’t be too angry or it will hurt your child”

“……Andy-sama, do you want to do it again?”

“Let’s do it”


“So I can’t hear that!”

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