Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 301: Tetes’ first pervert experience [Tetes]

Chapter 301: Tetes’ first pervert experience [Tetes]

It’s been a few days since the big treatment mission for the cat beasts. Initially, we were upbeat about the miracle of the cat beasts recovering to full health, but as time went by, we couldn’t stay upbeat and started to think about their specific future. No matter how much of a woman they are, they can’t keep playing around once the young ones have solved their health problems. The most realistic course of action is to return to the colony and start working again, but there are several other ways to take care of them. In other words, since they are staying in Polka, which is more cultured than the colony, they can pursue their new dreams as young people. They can get a job here, or they can study different cultures. They were originally treated as outsiders due to illness or injury, so finding a place outside the colony would have little negative impact on them. Laila, who had a duty to Grandma Donna, seemed to be willing to look after their choices to some extent and the cats’ territory was experiencing a bit of a boom in employment.

“I’ve always wanted to be a waiter at a restaurant”

The blind cat girl (apparently named Cute) seemed to have been hired at the new bar, which was short on staff.

“I’m your senior, so keep asking. And be respectful”

“……Does Savory want to act like a senior?”

“I, Isn’t it. It’s okay to think you’re a little superior!”

Polka´s young men’s union and Isaac´s Celesta group are also very supportive of Savory and Cute becoming the double signboards of the bar. Even so, 200 crossbowmen are stationed here for the winter. In Polka, where the only recreational activities are drinking and hot springs, they tend to be busy. Even with the temporary recruitment of Johnny, Keel and Tetes and Naris, it’s not enough, so I heard that the wife is planning to recruit other cat beasts, but I don’t know what will happen……

And of the three formerly seriously injured, Marone is currently running around as Hilda’s assistant……or rather as a maid. And the last one, a cat beast named Nelly, who had lost one eye, turned out to be a bit of a surprise.

“How did it go, Anzeros?”

“She is stronger than me if its bare-handed”

Anzeros, who returned to the inn while clearing the snow, muttered a little moody.


“In fact, it makes me feel the shock wave, so even if I have a sword, she might be able to do it if I´m not careful”

It seems that Nelly is a very skilled warrior. Human beasts are certainly warriors, but…no way, naa.

“Although she is limited, being stronger than Anzeros-san……even if she scouts for the special duty force from now on, it is almost an immediate class……”

Dianne, with a bitter smile, stabs a nail in Aurora that screams.

“I’m not going to scout, I tell you. It took a lot of work with Luna, but its a bone to teach the manners of the army from now on. We’ve already got a good amount of strength in Becker and Kingfisher, so there’s no need to bring in new recruits at this point”

“That’s true, but”

“Well, if she wants to join the Celesta army, I’ll write her a letter of introduction for the next Ace Knight exam……”

Luna shook her head at Dianne’s suggestion.

“Nelly is a family person, so maybe she’s not interested in that. I think she’ll be happier if we get her a baby and send her back to the colony”


For a moment, the atmosphere in the inn’s dining room was indescribable. No, no one blames me for doing naughty things with cat beasts.

“That girl……I wonder if she wants to be conceived by Andy”

“The last time I was by Breakcore, I told her to use contraception, but Nelly refused me”

“Well, given the circumstances, it’s not surprising that she’s got a crush on Andy-san”

“Andy is such a starry-eyed……fellow, after all”

When Anzeros, Luna, Aurora and Dianne say with admiration, I cant help but think that it’s a little strange. In addition to the unprecedented number of female slaves, there are also girls who are genuinely happy to be impregnated, such as Nelly and girls who will let you have sex with them just for the fun of it, such as the Blue Dragons……I don’t know how many girls have already welcomed me into their homes. I wonder if it’s okay to have this situation once in a while. I wonder if the balance of luck will be lost and a terrible swing will come.

Well, even though I think so. Whenever a pretty girl embraces me, I’m the one who unintentionally staggers.

“Oh……have you been in heat……?”

“Can I fuck you, Sharon?”

“It’s not something you want to ask a slave after you’ve taken off so much……?”

I worked hard in the blacksmith shop and took advantage of a short break to take Sharon, who was observing, into the barn and fuck her from behind, stripping only her tits and ass. Sharon again showed off her delicious body without underwear and she was always willing to accept my advances, so it became a habit. I think I’m probably the most frequent cummer when I’m working at Jackie-san’s place.

“I mean……it’s the third time today, but is it okay, Sharon?”

“Huhuu……I’ll work hard to stay connected from morning till night, if you’re up for it……?”

“……Don’t say things like the dragons”

“Huhu, a female slave……its only natural that the womb is constantly smeared with semen all the time?”

……Y, Yes. Well that’s the sound of words. I think that’s what everyone thinks.

“Marone is also asking for a collar, by the way……”

“Ahh……sha, don’t whisper like that while ejaculating……?”

I may be a little insensitive or paralyzed as I mutter while poking Sharon’s womb.


After finishing the afternoon work, I was a little worried about when to make a collar for Marone, and returned to the inn. Marone seems to have already crossed the flexible line……no, it’s not like any of the cat beasts that have offered their chastity to me, but in Marone’s case, she’s as mentally attached to me as Luna. Even though I can’t take her around on missions like that, I’m willing to declare her as mine, but I’m afraid that if I hurry up and make her a collar, even the girls who might not stay in Polka might start a collar craze. It’s normal for people to think that this is ridiculous, but it’s really possible with cat beasts that have been getting a boom in calling their masters without any resistance. But I don’t want to rush them too much……

“Welcome back, 10-man captain Smithson?”


Almost unconsciously, I opened the heavy door of the inn and found a girl standing in the doorway.

“Would you like a drink?”

She offered me an unfamiliar metal bottle. The person offering it to me was Tetes.

“……Hee, so this is the distribution prototype for 『Stormy Whale』……”

After returning to the room with Tetes, I inspected her offering.

“We’re going to try metal bottles in addition to barrel distribution. I’ve heard that metal bottles are easier to make than glass for the gold clan……”

“That’s a metal you don’t see very often. It’s light”

“I’ve heard it’s not iron, but……you know exactly what I’m talking about, 10-man captain Smithson”

“I’m a blacksmith……more or less”

I don’t know what Tetes thinks of me. ……Anyway, the unusual metal bottle was passed around by a child of the cherry blossom clan that Tetes met at Baron’s mansion.

If you sell them on something like this, you’re going to sell for the bottle if you’re not good enough……”

“Metal bottles may become the norm in Trot someday”

“No, I don’t think you can beat ceramic, glass and barrels. It would be hard for humans to make them”

Although bottles are often sought after by enthusiasts due to their rarity, it is the business that bottles that are easy to process and materials are used regularly.

“Thank you. I’ll give you a drink”



“It’s alcohol, right?”


Tetes is a little embarrassed, but she’s looking up at me.

“Are you trying to ignore it on purpose?”

“…………A, Ah”

I pondered for a moment. Maybe it was because the source was special, but I tried to take it as a normal gift. ……Oh yeah. This is a signal to teach her how to have sex. Then.

“……Tetes, that reminds me, I, next……”

“Yes, I’m ready……”



It’s refreshing to see Tetes look so embarrassed and it makes me a little nervous.

Well, the place is the place.

“N, haa……so, rry……I’ll prepare for a moment……”

Anus, it’s much more embarrassing than genitals. Next time, Tetes said that she would prepare herself, so she waited for me to declare that I would commit her. But……really. I mean, right now she’s taking off her pants and skirt in front of me and putting two fingers in her ass to show off and apply something. If she is not at all embarrassed to do this, I think she is missing something as a human being before she is a woman. And then there’s the idea of welcoming the cock of a perverted man who’s ten years older than her……and too far apart to be called a brother. She can’t be embarrassed by this.

“T, Tentatively……the lotion that is commonly used in the south……Hilda-sensei told me about it……”

“Is it made by Hilda-san?”

“That……m, might also be something that is typical of her since she is that person”

Tetes also understands Hilda’s mischievous nature. The fact that she is using it while saying that is probably due to the strange trust that Hilda-san will not go in the direction of interfering with eroticism. I agree with her. Tetes sticks out her small body and small butt as if to offer it. The truth is, I don’t have an abundance of asshole play and I don’t have any special techniques that differ from vaginal play. If this happens, I have no choice but to be prepared and commit. I’m impressed with her determination. If it’s a vagina, it’s going to be broken by a man someday. Unless she’s sworn to never sleep with a man in her life, it makes sense to use it and endure it. But the asshole. Clearly, it’s not a place you would normally put your dick inside. It’s barren and there’s no guarantee that it will feel good. I declared that I would commit Tetes while she’s still a virgin. A little approach with another man and this humiliation wouldn’t have been necessary. Tetes took it seriously and smeared her asshole with mucus, spreading it open for me with both hands. Is it willfulness? Or is it because she is, as she says, unimpressed with sex? I felt such a strange emotion. This beautiful young girl, a young genius swordsman and the younger sister of one of the country’s most powerful people, is obediently excited to see her asshole widening.

“What a cool thing, even though you’re an untrained woman”

“……I don’t get angry even if I change my mind and put it in front of me……”

It’s strangely cool and direct as usual, but it doesn’t look good while pointing at the butt hole. Rather, whether it’s a shame for that figure or an expectation for an act, a cheerful face and a tone that can’t hide the rise with excitement fuel me.

“I don’t like it. Your asshole”

“……I thought you were going to say it. Somehow”

“I’m going to use your asshole as much as I want. If I feel like it, I might use the front, but I’m going to use your asshole to teach you the pleasures of a woman. Maybe……will make you unable to cum in front of it?”

I grinned and threatened her, half seriously thinking.

“……Vagina, put out……it’s not cool, I’m going to be a woman who cant be satisfied unless you ejaculate in the rectum……are you going to do it. This me”



Tetes chewed up my weird threats on her own. From that voice, her facial expression and her appearance, it seems that she seems to be serious.

“……I’m looking forward to it”

She said, provoking me. Something inside me snapped.

“Ha, Hahahahahaa!! You’re a real pervert, you know that!”

It made me happy from the bottom of my heart. I grabbed Tetes by the buttocks, fumbled with my cock, and thrust my hips in a fumbling manner. It was awkward, but all I could think about was fucking that hole in my excitement.

“Hukuu……a, haaa……”

“Loosen it up, Tetes……Tetes Buster……!”

“……I, I’ll do my best……?”

This is the first time I’ve ever had anal sex with a rare female blacksmith, who is also a younger girl and an elite aristocrat from a small country. Such a girl is eager for such a perverted play. She wants me to ejaculate into her rectum. What kind of foolishness is this? Foolish……sweet invitation?

“Tetes……I’ve got everything in. My baby-making stick in your ass”

“……F, Finally everything……right……”

“That’s right. Your ass is sucking my cum-launcher into your mouth……lewd”

“……You’re willing……to put semen out……?”

“Of course. ……I’ll be looking after you from now on, slutty asshole girl”

“KKu……ha, wait……tt……?”

For the first time, Tetes had a female face. I’m sure she’ll be able to understand what I’m talking about when I say 「Slutty asshole girl」.

“……After all……wa, wait……I understand……may, be……?”

“What did you know just by putting it in your ass? ……I’ll use this hole!!”

“Hi, kyaaaa? Agu, a, gahaaaa……?”

I begin to force my way back and forth inside Tetes’ ass. As expected, I used Hilda’s endorsed lotion and even in the tight and heavy tightening hole, I managed to make my penis rampage. Tetes was pressed against me, her hips thrusting high as she was tossed about wildly. From behind, I could only see her profile, but I could see that she was in full rut and ecstasy rather than pain. I can see the overwhelming fascination with my cock that enjoys violating her own excretory organ.

“……N, No……I made a mistake……finished doing……aaaa?”

“Made a mistake……?”

“No, this is really……really, butt……butt, I like……I love the piercing……?

“Go ahead. ……I’m going to be the guy who loves your asshole”

“Hiua, aa……”


Perhaps because I’ve ejaculated so much in Sharon during the day, but I’m still in a somewhat relaxed state of mind, and I start ejaculating into Tetes’s rectum.

“GGa, hua, aaaa……aa, hiaa……”

Tetes accepts it while cramping……and faints. ……Well, maybe……this is a little too effective for her.


“Hilda-san. ……What did you give Tetes?”

I took it for granted that she had probably put something in Tetes’ lotion.

“……What did I give her?”

“Lotion. ……She said”

“A, Ah……that, developing an ass……yes, lotion?”

“……Didn’t you put something in there?”

“Eh, ……ah, should I have put something in there?”


“……Tetes, she was feeling unusually well, so I was worried”

“Ah. You did it, finally?”

“It’s the butt”

Yeah, yeah……but it’s the kind of stuff that’s available for play in the adult entertainment industry around Talc. But I don’t think there are so many ingredients.”


“……Ability, maybe? Huhuhuu”

“No, wait……”


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