Chapter 357: Dragon Rotary

Two dragons flying in the sky. For those who are not used to dragons, that alone is quite a spectacle.

“Lucia-san is surprisingly not intimidated by the dragons”

“I’d expect her to be a little more surprised”

Keiron and I whispered to each other while holding down the sleeping Becker, who was still lying on the ground. However, even though we whispered, the inside of the carriage was quite noisy due to the draft, so we had to make a decent voice and eventually it reached her.

“I’ve actually seen dragons several times. There was a dragon palace near my hometown”

“Hee. Have you ever talked to them?”

“I didn’t, but they were……pretty nice people. The next day, they would leave a treasure on the altar in return for the drink and meat that was offered at the festival”

“……Did you have any trouble dealing with them?”

“I was very troubled, but I couldn’t just turn them in, so I had them taken back to the water god church”

“I see……so there is a religious institution”

The water god church is a religious organization that is the state religion of about half of the countries around Lake Valerie. Lake Valerie is governed by 10 pillars of water gods and thousands of spirits in a national manner and as long as they are treated politely, the people around Valerie are promised peace and prosperity. In a way, it’s like a unifying worldview to Celesta’s belief in spirits. ……Yes. The belief in the spirits of Celesta has a different worldview or setting in each town. There is a childish setting that the spirit they believe in is ten times more powerful than the spirit of the neighboring town.

“Ho. If you have nothing to do with dragons, how do you plan to dispose of the treasures? Unless you want to sell it to the highest bidder, it would be better to carry it with you”

Chibi Laila appeared on my shoulder and pointed out in disgust.

“Well, that’s right. There are some people who have a terrible eye like Boyd, which is difficult to handle and I wish I could spread that knowledge in the future”

“In the first place, it will be handed over in good faith. If you explain the reason why you can not receive it, you should not be able to stand up even if you turn it back”

“Common sense says that’s true, but maybe it’s different for dragons……it’s normal people to worry about it”

“Ho. While pretending to be respectful, treat the dragons as barbarians. Well, it can’t be helped if you think about what happened a hundred years ago”

Laila’s lamentation is understandable. If you trust the intelligence of dragons, you don’t have to be so sensitive about it.

“But as a material, there are many interesting hidden treasures and if more of them become available, they will develop in various ways……”

“I think only Master can come up with that kind of idea”

Tetes tells me and scratches her head. ……If you are a craftsman who has seen a hidden treasure, I think it is a natural idea.

“Kuaa? Well, the bottom end, Catalina. Why didn’t you go through with it?”

“You mean I’m the underling?”

“Is there anyone else?”

General Kingfisher assured me, but the lowest in terms of rank is Hilda-san and Tetes and Keiron are of the same rank. Well, that’s all right.

“It’s our fort”

“Kua? What’s that”

General Kingfisher tilts his head. He looks a bit like a pigeon. ……Well, I guess we’ve gone all the way before this person was there.

We reached the fort and Laila landed. We push the supplies into the warehouse in dragon form, then Maia, that is, landed. General Kingfisher, who had fainted from the pain in his wings while trying to fly lightly, still turned his head and looked around.

“Unknowingly, such a magnificent fort was built……o, ooo?”

He looks at the bathing area at the far end. Anzeros and Almeida were bathing there. Without Laila, it would be cold, so I think it was done for the purpose of tightening up, but when General Kingfisher cheered, the two embraced themselves.


“Wh, What’s with the General……”

General Kingfisher, who had been watching the event with fascination, hurriedly turned away when he noticed Lucia-san getting out of the carriage. By the way, Keiron and I are carrying out 100-man commander Becker together. I thought about it and realized that we would be leaving again soon, so I felt it was fine to leave him on the carriage, but once he was out, there was nothing we could do about it. We can’t just leave him there, so we take him back to our quarters.

“……I was surprised to see Becker and Kingfisher get hit. I thought they wouldn’t be so easy to beat”

Dianne’s sigh made General Kingfisher feel sorry.

“Kua. I’m sorry”

“No, I was just evaluating my opponent. You are stupid, but strong. Even I couldn’t easily cut off your wings or Becker’s arm. But I’m glad I kept my older sister there. Anyhow, you made it back alive”


“It’s good to be in contact with that person and no one is dead. Besides, I was just getting ready to make a scheduled flight to Polka. Kingfisher, you should get some rest”

“Emm……well, what’s this Polka thing? Your older sister told me to go there”

“……You won’t believe it until you’ve been there, but it’s a hot spring with the greatest cure for all kinds of wounds and illnesses”

“Again. It’s so convenient that a hot spring can easily heal injuries……”


“Emm……are you serious?”

“Was I such a no-brainer in your mind that I would suggest a hot spring cure as a joke?”

“No, that……I, I´m going”

General Kingfisher straightened his posture. It would be a problem if he came up to this point and was told that he wouldn’t go, but I think Dianne is special to this person. After General Kingfisher left the room, Dianne looked at me.

“So, about the matter of your contact with Ulysses III……you said that he said something in a way that impressed you with his longevity, didn’t he?”

“Yes. Well, it’s only an impression and since it’s that King Ulysses, it might be a bluff too……”

“No, perhaps that man would not use a strange trick in such a place. Instead of smearing lies on lies and hiding his hand, he trusts his enemies and allies and tells only one lie. It’s a way. Such a guy is too naive for the point of lying. It only buys him sympathy”

“I see……”

‘So let’s assume we trust him. If that’s the case, I can see his intentions to some extent. It’s not as blatant a suicide……as last year, but it also makes sense as a reason to step forward on your own. The new prince, Ruth and others who have been entrusted with the care of Trot´s monarchy are increasing and it is likely that he intends to take on the dangerous work himself”

“You realize that it’s a dangerous job……more than we know Rainer Exceliza”

“Yes. There is a part where we were off guard in terms of strength because we have a dragon. If anything happens, we will be able to do something with force. If you think about it without that, there is certainly a lot of anxiety. Neia had too little knowledge of what a normal country looks like. There is plenty of room for doubt”

Maybe we were indeed too proud. Even if there is no plan, there are many things that can be done strongly, so I’m sure it will be possible.

“It is a politician who expects the worst. In that sense, no one is looking at Kalwin more sternly than that old predecessor of ours”

“I doubt he’ll get ahead of us, but……we should learn that kind of attitude, shouldn’t we?”

“That’s right. Once again, let’s take all precautions”

Dianne nodded.

A regular flight to Polka is basically a blue dragon’s on-duty movement. We, or rather the four female dragons who are cooperative with me, maintain at least one person in this fortress and take turns carrying around supplies, letters and personnel who wish to move. In other words, Airi will bring the goods to the fort where Michela is waiting and then Michela will fly home, leaving Airi behind. Waiting for the arrival, Asti flies from the other side. On the way back, Airi goes to Polka again and touches Juline over there……and so on. It sounds like a lot of work, but it is not so tiring for dragons and they seem to do it just to get rid of the lack of exercise.

“I heard that in case of emergency, the remaining dragons in the fort can handle the situation, so Andy can do what he wants with them without worrying about Laila and Maia”

“That would be helpful……”

I listened to Dianne’s explanation using the stone tablet all the way through and I was finally convinced.

“Ho. He said he would like to go around before the work comes to a close”

“Yeah. Laila and Maia will come with me, won’t they?”

“Of course”


First, we’ll go to Polka and make sure to show myself to the female slaves. Then I’d like to meet Breakcore. I want to go to the cat beast colony, Talc and Basson. I may just go around having sex, but that’s okay. I don’t mind it or think it’s a hassle. I’m going to a dangerous place from now on, so don’t forget……I don’t mean to be sad.

“I’d like to take Neia to a lot of places”

“Ho? That girl?”

“She doesn’t seem too keen on the idea”

I straighten my collar as I declare to the dubious dragons.

“Ah, I’ve decided to make her my female slave, too”


“……Eh, have you had sex with her yet?”

“I haven’t”

“That’s unusual. It’s always the case that the other person falls in love with you and you make her your female slave after the fact”

“……Is she really that attractive?”

The two dragons are inclined to tilt their heads. Whether she is attractive or not. By that standard, she’s certainly cute, but it may not look like she’s out of the ordinary. Most of the female slaves I’ve caught so far are by far the best in terms of ability, appearance, or family. There is little need to force Neia into such a difficult position. I am sure that it is true if it is said that there are already enough slaves since there are already too many to go around even if I shake my hips all day long. But.

“I’ll definitely impregnate her. I’ve made up my mind”



I show my determination, not logic.

“I’m going to drop a person like that, who doesn’t know how to depend on others, in eroticism and turn her into a useless woman. I’m going to have a baby in Polka and make everyone adore it. I’m going to immerse them up to their necks in the community that Selenium dreamed of and make them fit in better than anyone else. Then I’m going to make her a dirty little female slave who can live off of my cock without any kind of mission”

“……Hoho, you mean pity”

“……Laila, did you hear what I said?”

“I know that when you say something violent, you’re shy. The point is, you’re going to teach that stubborn girl love”

“……Isn’t that a little too sweet, even for a summary?”

Laila grinned and overheard my subtle emotional protests.

“I don’t mind dropping her, but sometimes I’m thirsty if you don’t share your love with us, right?”

“Yeah. I can’t get pregnant because of Hilda, but you can put your dick inside anytime, anywhere”

Maia stares up at me and says something healthy.

“When we get to Polka, I’ll put it in both of you”


“Ho. I heard that?”

The two dragons are delighted. They are smiling and laughing like sisters. It’s too healthy and innocent for a smile that just wants my penis. ……I remember that Polka has cat sisters who are okay with pregnancy and are innocently waiting for a cock. Luna’s cousin sisters also don’t hesitate to let me fuck them in the colony and I’m in the midst of a moral hazard all around me.

“Ah, I don’t know if I should be too much of a coercer of these things……but I’m also willing to push you down whenever I want to do that……okay?”

Then Dianne came into the conversation, clearing her throat. ……Come to think of it, she and Hilda were the first sisters to share my dick.

“Of course I will do so in the near future”

Of course she has no complaints about that, I’m very happy. ……So I don’t have time to think about my territory, King.

- ToC -

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