Yu Dong rocked little bun in her arms as she gulped, she wasn't scared of fighting zombies but three angry husbands, well that was scary as hell! She knew that there was no excuse that she could give to her husbands for returning so late at home, and for causing them unnecessary worry " that - I'm sorry. I got a bit carried away and -" forgot that I need to return home before you three start worrying. But of course, Yu Dong couldn't say that, she couldn't just go ahead and tell her husband that she got home late because she was playing the hero can she? If she told them that, then she might have to kneel on the durian!

However, some sort of explanation must be given or else her good reputation that she rebuilt after great efforts would be crushed to the bottom once again.

But, before she could think of anything, Zhu Qian who saw her being questioned because of him and his family, exited the carriage as he hurriedly spoke " don't - don't blame her, it was because of me that she got caught up. I was the one who dragged her in unnecessary trouble"

Though Yu Dong saved Zhu Qian purely out of her righteousness as a former officer,

Zhu Qian didn't know that. To him, Yu Dong helped him because he asked for her help and that made him full of gratitude towards her " I - I asked her to help me and that got her entangled with my mess, if not she wouldn't have gotten so late-"

On one hand, Zhu Qian was earnestly explaining what happened and on the other hand, Shen Li, Ye Liu and Chen Mi were too stunned to speak. They didn't hear a word of Zhu Qian's explanation, all they saw was a young mer stepping out of the carriage and their minds started to glitch at once.

A young mer, stepped out of the carriage that their wife was riding that could only mean one thing! It was a danger alert!

Ye Liu was very upset he only got closer to his wife and now another mer was here to snatch his wife's affection! Shen Li and Chen Mi were even more upset, they haven't even gotten a chance to get close to their wife! How can their meat be snatched right when it got so close to their mouths? What kind of justice was this?

" Qian Qian, help me down " Lang of course could see the shocked faces of her new master's husbands and knew that they had misunderstood the situation. She didn't blame them, Yu Dong was a really good catch if these mers didn't keep a close eye on their wife they might leave a loophole big enough for a concubine to sneak in. Of course, Lang had full faith in Yu Dong's good character but she didn't trust the other mers, having worked in the brothel she has seen a lot of mer who would try to get pregnant with a rich heiress child and then create trouble for that woman.

Such schemes were not new in the society and Yu Dong with a good stable income and a brick house was a rather attractive catch!

Zhu Qian heard his wife's voice and hurried back to the door of the carriage where he helped Lang, supporting her arm as she stepped out of the carriage " Why did you come out? Shouldn't you lay down and rest some more? Your leg isn't healed yet even the doctor said that it was a miracle that your leg was alright, how can you just put unnecessary pressure on it? Just stay inside! "

Zhu Qian was a classic example of timid outside but a tyrant at home much similar to a paper tiger. Because Lang treated him quite well, there were times when Zhu Qian wouldn't hold back in scolding her at all, like right now.

Lang looked at her husband in exasperation, sometimes she couldn't help but get annoyed because of Zhu Qian's obliviousness to everything around him. It was clear that the three masters of them took him as a threat, even she could understand that much yet Zhu Qian the subject of their threatening glare couldn't feel a thing, how surprising and annoying it was!

She sighed and then looked at Yu Dong's husbands before bowing as she greeted them " hello, I'm Lang Yi, you can call me Lang. And this is my husband Zhu Qian and inside the carriage, our daughter Lang Ru is sleeping. She currently has a fever and cannot come out to greet you masters. Once she gets better, I will bring her to formally meet you three"

In a short speech, Lang cleared the misunderstanding that aroused because of Zhu Qian's ' gratitude speech'. Only after listening and seeing Lang did Shen Li and the other two heaved a sigh of relief.

This wasn't their wife's lover!

Shen Li, who was quite embarrassed coughed as he smiled at Lang and Zhu Qian " I - I see. So Dong Dong brought you here for guarding our fields right ?"

Lang nodded half leaning and half standing straight, she didn't want to look weak in front of her new master who supposedly bought her to guard her fields. If she was weak, how would she protect her master's fields? However, Lang never exercised and she was nothing but a small farmer before she separated from her family. When had she suffered so much pain? so how could not be hurting when her leg was broken?

She learned against Zhu Qian before answering Shen Li's words " master is right. Mistress brought me here to take care of her fields but as you have already heard, she saved my life and protected my daughter and husband, I would be forever grateful and would do almost everything she asks me to the best of my potential !"

Lang's sombre and serious speech was met with three surprised and approving glances while the last one was full of stunned surprise as her lips curled in a faint mocking smile before Yu Dong smiled " we will talk about that later on. First we need to treat your injuries" she took out a string of copper cents and handed it to Ye Liu before saying " go and buy some chicken and white noodles for us from Aunt Wang, as an apology I will cook something good for you and brew a nursing chicken soup for Lang"

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