Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 80 - Threatening The Villagers

Yu Dong knew very well that no matter what she does, the villagers would come after her without a doubt. In the beginning, she didn't try to create trouble with them because the previous owner was indeed in the wrong but this time - she wasn't in the wrong! She was the one who knew how to build Kang, and it was up to her to decide whom she wanted to teach. What did they mean by forcefully trying to learn things from her?

She understood that this was the villagers way to teach her a lesson and make her obedient, maybe they thought that now that she has turned for the better, she has become a soft persimmon that they could chew and spit as they wanted! They were trying to push her into a corner by harming her crops so that she would have no choice but to concede to their wills

And if she didn't listen, then they would continue to harm her. This was not just a threat, the villagers held no affection for her because the previous owner did them many wrongs, though these villagers weren't easy to bully either. They have retaliated against Yu Dong in the worse ways possible as well, if Yu Dong teased their mers then they would hide in the grooves next to the village entrance and best the original owner until her bones break. These villagers didn't regard her as a fellow villager, they regarded her as an abomination to their village. And they took it for granted, they thought that by letting her stay in the village they were already doing her a great favour!

It was useless for her to give in to them first and then find fault with them! If she wasn't careful with them maybe the next time they might just burn her entire house down with her family in it!

When Yu Dong thought about the situation like this, she became even more agitated. It was only a small matter of not teaching them how to build Kang right? When the original owner was still here and Chen Mi was dying of starvation, many times, Shen Li and Ye Liu went to ask for food from these villagers but other than some nice villagers like Aunt Wang, no one came to their aid. So on what basis were they trying to her to harm her? Did she burn their houses down when they didn't give Chen Mi food? While he was pregnant?

" aren't you just trying to bully us? Yu Dong, I admit what happened was completely wrong but this is something that you have to go through, you don't have any idea because you never bothered about such things before but if you want to live in the village peacefully, you have to maintain a good relationship with your villagers. By refusing the villagers how to make Kang, who knows how many people you offended, how am I supposed to find them ?" Mu Xuan wasn't easy to bully either though her entire back was covered in sweat because of fear, she still didn't want to show weakness in front of Yu Dong.

Yu Dong sneered then took out the hunting knife that she usually carried with her, under the light of the lantern both she and the knife glinted ominously. Suddenly, the villagers felt a chill crawl up their spine, they thought that by doing this they would teach Yu Dong a good lesson and even make her vomit the knowledge that she had about building Kang. After living with Yu Dong for the past two months, they have completely forgotten about her tyrant like behaviour, and now that they suddenly started to remember her tyranny, they couldn't help but curse themselves for thinking of such a plan.

Yu Dong walked closer to Mu Xuan then lifted the knife in her hand and placed it on Mu Xuan's cheek. Though she didn't exert any pressure and Mu Xuan's skin wasn't cut at all the latter was so terrified that her leg went jelly.

Their village had always been peaceful when had Mu Xuan seen anyone threaten someone with a knife before? Her skills in fighting were not even mediocre but Yu Dong seemed to be knowledgeable, from what Mu Xuan has seen, she could more or less understand that Yu Dong must have lunged into the field and attacked the culprit who wanted to burn her crops.

Even with a burned and bleeding hand, she could raise a knife!

" Yu Dong! What are you trying to do! Do you think that you can just act like a tyrant and no one from the village would complain about you to the Yamen?" one of the villagers who saw that the matter was escalating to the point where Yu Dong was going to spill their blood, immediately bluffed. Of course, she didn't have the courage to go to the Yamen but she thought that Yu Dong too would get scared upon hearing the word Yamen.

Yu Dong raised her eyes and looked at the woman who just spoke, under her ferocious glare the woman trembled and retreated back, she didn't know but she was too afraid to move. This - Yu Dong, was indeed a hooligan but she was a scared cat! How come she still looked so murderous?

The woman tried to hide but Yu Dong didn't let her go, she strode towards the woman and dragged her out of the crowd by her collar "Do you want to report me to the Yamen huh? Charge me with assault and attack?"

" no, no! Absolutely not! I was a fool, I got scared, it's not me! I had nothing to do with this, it's Qiu Bai.. He was the one who gave us this idea!" the woman immediately begged for mercy, her heart was beating wildly as hatred surged in her heart. She had never suffered something like this in her life, she was her parents only daughter and they doted on her the most!

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