Mu Xuan too understood what Yu Dong was trying to do but she could only purse her lips and suffer the humiliation. When Yu Dong came to her house, Mu Xuan did the same exact thing to embarrass her. However, somewhere deep in her heart she felt resentful of Yu Dong, no matter what she was still her elder and the village head, Yu Dong should still be respectful of her no matter!

Qiu Bai was right, this girl not only was she completely undisciplined but also unfilial! Just look at how rudely she talks with her! Does she not care about the rules of society?

While Mu Xuan was scolding Yu Dong, she completely overlooked the fact that in front of her sat Mother Chen and Daddy Chen who were drinking milk with a generous amount of sugar in their drink.

It wasn't that Yu Dong was unfilial but she couldn't be bothered with Mu Xuan who no matter what she did, she will always be in the wrong. Even if Yu Dong was to go ahead and serve her head on a silver platter, Mu Xuan would still complain about her, so since Mu Xuan was going to complain then why not just give her a reason to complain?

Yu Dong could more or less understand what was going on in Mu Xuan's but still, she didn't say anything nor did she invite Mu Xuan to sit down and have some milk. Yes, she had an adequate amount of milk in her house but she had nothing to give to people like Mu Xuan who would still come and bite her on the ass when her back was turned, no matter how well she treated them.

So, Yu Dong simply stood at the door waiting for Mu Xuan to speak. Mu Xuan who also u understood that she wouldn't be called inside, felt anger bubble in her heart. But she didn't snap at Yu Dong, compared to her Yu Dong's family situation can be considered lacking if Mu Xuan tried to find trouble with Yu Dong because of this, she would be called petty and someone who tries to take advantage of her villagers. So, she took a breath and spoke as politely as she could though her teeth were itching to turn around and leave " Yu Dong, I heard from the villagers - that you are teaching your sisters in law how to make Kang?"

" that's right, I learned it from Boss lady Song," said Yu Dong, she knew that Boss lady Song was someone whom the villagers couldn't meet that easily. They needed to show something rare and unique only then they will have the opportunity to meet Song Yixu. And she had stayed long enough with the villagers to know that only Aunt Wang's oldest daughter was a bit a promising in the entire village. So, she wasn't worried about the villagers trying to pry the truth from Song Yixu, so she easily bluffed her way through it.

When Mu Xuan mentioned the Kang the Chen sisters too looked in her direction, they somehow knew what was coming.

And sure enough, when Mu Xuan spoke she talked about the very thing that they were afraid about.

" Yu Dong, you ah... Don't you think you are in the wrong ?" said Mu Xuan sounding a bit reprimanding as she spoke " this - skills about how to build a Kang is something that should be kept in our own village. Don't you know that how precious the skills of making Kang are? Such goodies should be kept within our own village so that our village can develop !"

Yu Dong didn't know about this matter before, it was only when Mother Chen told her how these Kang building skills were like hot cakes in the capital and town city, did she realise that somehow she invited a lot of trouble for herself. So she was long prepared to deal with Mu Xuan and the villagers, she licked her lips and put on a helpless expression " Village head, you see when you rejected my proposal I was in a lurch and I had no other choice but to look for my mother in law. As you know I made her family really upset and she wasn't willing to come either. It was only when I told her that I would teach my sisters-in-law how to build Kang that she was willing to come. I have given them my promise, I can't do anything now. If I break my promise then it will truly cause trouble for me and my family, I have patched things up with my mother in law with great difficulty, I can't let the relations turn sour"

Mother Chen was a smart woman, and not to mention this trouble was because of her daughter, so after casting a blaming glare at her eldest daughter she immediately played along with Yu Dong" exactly, I came here only because she promised to teach me how to build Kang, how can she go back on her promise and teach such precious skills to the villagers? I was the one who came to help her when you guys refused her, are you trying to kick us to the corner after taking advantage of her"

Even Chen Mi who was sitting silently spoke up when his brother Liu kicked him in the shin" wife, you cannot do this. If you dare to break your promise, I will leave with my family! And I will take little bun with me too! You can't just treat my family as a joke ."

Shen Li too knew what was going on and then he put on a reluctant expression as he tried to intervene " Mi, you can't say something like this to Dong Dong, she is our wife -"

" so what if she is our wife? Mi is right, mother Chen came to help up when we needed it the most, if the wife goes back on her promise then even I will leave with Mi! To repay someone's kindness with betrayal I can't stand it" Ye Liu chimed up, he was known for being shrewd so he wasn't worried about being talked about. His sense of justice was really good as well, he would never stay silent when something wrong was happening especially when it comes to his family or his family members.

Yu Dong inwardly cheered for her husbands who put on excellent performance but outwardly she kept displaying a regretful expression " you see village head, I really can't teach those skills to the villagers. If you agreed before I promised my mother in law then maybe something could have been done"

Mu Xuan panicked, she didn't think that she would face such a resistance so she immediately said " it's alright., can't you teach our villagers together with them?"

Mu Xuan thought that she was really smart for thinking so fast but, hehe, her opponent was Yu Dong.

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