Guide to raise my cutie husbands

Chapter 74 - Who Won’t Want Her?

Second sister Chen chimed in immediately when she heard her eldest sister and mother talking about Yu Dong " that's right, every meal that sister in law gives us is not lacking in the slightest. I saw it, whatever they eat, we always have a share of it. That's really nice of her, do you remember our last employer? She only gave us twenty cents, and yet she wouldn't give us a decent meal. The porridge that she gave us was so watery that it was equivalent to working on an empty stomach for the entire day while she cooked meat for her family, I'm so glad that sister in law changed for the better and know how to take care of Mi. If not, only God knows what kind of conditions we might have been working in "

Daddy Chen lightly hit his second daughter with his chopsticks as he reprimanded her softly " what are you saying? Pei! Pei! Don't say such unlucky things, it's really good that your sister in law is willing to change, there is no need for you to talk about the past anymore. As long as a person is willing to change, then there is no need to talk bad about that person"

Second sister Chen rolled her eyes and then stretched her chopsticks to pick some fried chicken, only after taking a generous bite of her fried chicken and rice did she finally speak, " Father, I'm not talking bad about sister in law nor am I trying to cast an evil eye on her, I was just saying that its good that she is willing to work and earn a decent amount of money, nothing else "

" that's right, little Han is right. It's good to work for the family, and I'm really glad that our daughter in law was finally able to see the light and took on her responsibilities" said Mother Chen as she nodded her head, agreeing with Second sister Chen. She smiled gently, as she remembered how well her Chen Mi was treated at the Yu house. She wasn't blind and could see that compared to Yu Dong who wore old clothes that were patched and frayed, her mers and Little bun wore clothes that were comparatively new and were made of the softest material available in the market. Even the little boy named Yu Mai had more than three sets of clothes! Because he got them dirty while playing with the goats in the backyard, generally the parents would restrict their kids by asking them not to dirty their clothes, yet Yu Dong let her brother play as much as the latter wanted instead she bought two extra sets of clothes so that her brother could change in a clean set after he gets tired of playing.

Such extravagance when had anyone seen it?

" as long as she treats your brother nicely, there is nothing for us to worry about," said Daddy Chen as he served his wife another bowl of coarse rice " Your brother is really happy with his wife, though he was reluctant to stay with her, in the beginning, I think after Doing Dong changed, he started liking her more"

" of course he did, a wife who could earn so much money as to feed him meat every day, who won't want such a wife? Certainly not me" whispered Second brother in law sourly, as he heard the conversation going in the hall while he ate his meal in the kitchen, he was really upset after seeing Chen Mi do so well. When he was first married in the Chen household, he saw Chen Mi being treated like a little ancestor even though he was a mer. At that time the second brother in law felt like he was fed a huge lemon, so when Chen Mi was sold and married off to a hooligan like a woman, among the Chen family members, he was the happiest one. But then Yu Dong, that hooligan changed for the better - not only did she change for the better, but she also had the ability to earn so much money!

If he knew that Yu Dong was so good, he would have smuggled his brother into her household as well. At least then he wouldn't have to beg for alms like this, everyone was eating plump chicken legs and meat while he was eating what was left behind.

Actually, the second brother in law wronged the Chen family. Though Yu Dong gave a lot of chicken, she could only cook a limited amount as she wasn't that rich to feed both families, and the Chen family had so many members, yet they somehow distributed the meat among themselves so that everyone got a share. Though second brother in law was selfish, he was a good father, he gave all his chicken to his daughter and son, which was why he could only eat the leftovers.

Eldest brother in law who came to bring more rice, heard him complain and rolled his eyes. Among the two of them, second brother in law suffered more at his maternal home for being a mer. So he was always jealous of Chen Mi who was treated well by his parents, hearing he complain Eldest brother couldn't help but sneer inwardly ' if you have the ability say it in front of your wife, let's see if you can still walk tomorrow morning! Feel wronged yet won't stop munching on the food that mother brought from Mi's house, how shameless !'

Though eldest brother in law had friction with the second brother in law Chen, he didn't say anything because he didn't want to create a ruckus while everyone was still eating. He was still the more sensible one!

Though to Chen Han and Chen Dai, Yu Dong was the best employer, to the villagers she wasn't, at first all of them were waiting for Yu Dong to go mad and start attacking her in-laws just like before but instead -

Nothing happened!

Now Yu Dong's house was more or less completed yet, there was no trouble at all, how can that be?

The villagers were stunned !

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