Mother Chen's suspicious gaze was so sharp that Yu Dong felt her back burn but she said nothing, she could only wipe her tears inwardly and curse the original owner for leaving such a mess for her to clear. She was an upright and honest officer in her past life but now she was being treated like this, how can she be not upset? As an honest officer, she never took bribes and even sacrificed her life for her country, and now she was subjected to such n attitude, where was the justice?

Father Chen however wasn't suspicious at all, he looked at Yu Dong who was smiling politely while the other husbands of her, too welcomed them warmly, in his memory, Shen Li and Ye Liu were so malnourished that the eldest one was always had a sickly complexion, he contently looked around and then spoke to his son " with daughter in law's change you must be relieved of your heavy burden. You and your brothers' complexions seemed to have improved as well, in fact, your complexion seems a bit rosy. Did your grandfather in law finally got some of his conscience and help your family a bit when you were pregnant ?"

" How could he bear to spend silvers on me or my brothers? When my father and mother in law died, their entire family knew that I was pregnant yet that didn't even stop for a second to think how I and my child will survive without a livelihood earner, they didn't even give me anything nice to eat, instead, they always scolded me saying that a mer like me would only waste their resources. It's all thanks to my wife, who underwent some changes and learned what's good for us. Ever since I gave birth, she surreptitiously makes good meals for me, which includes meat and she even brews medicine that is necessary for my healthy recovery. Although I feel a bit tired after taking care of little bun and Mai, I still feel that I am more nimble and healthier than before, father don't worry about me anymore, my Wife treats me really well now"

Father Chen was a bit baffled but he was still happy, his son has long lost his virginity mark and now he even had a son, if his wife still treated him roughly then he would have nowhere to go.

Yu Dong whose heart was hurt by her mother in law's suspicious gaze finally healed a bit when her father in law looked at her a bit more warmly than before. She led them inside and asked all of them to take some rest in Chen Mi's room as she was still preparing the breakfast, now that her i-laws were here, Yu Dong couldn't just serve simple porridge with shredded pork in it, she had to make a proper meal to impress her mother in law. In the end, she went to the backyard and killed two rabbits, the pair have given birth to a litter and she no longer needs to worry about taking a rabbit or two.

Then she gave some copper coins to Ye Liu and Shen Li to go and buy a chicken and some white radishes. Because Ye Liu has just sowed the seeds in their backyard, no matter how powerful her spiritual energy was it will still take at most two weeks for seeds to sprout.

Yu Dong wanted to cook braised rabbit meat, stewed white reddish with pork and spicy chicken. Because these were the dishes that she was most confident with, once Shen Li and Ye Liu left to buy the things their wife asked, Yu Dong, started to prepare the breakfast.

Such a scene was really rare, only Aunt Wang who was a husband loving maniac would be willing to do such a thing but because she didn't know how to cook - Aunt Wan never made breakfast for Uncle Fu, even if she wanted to, so when the Chen family saw Yu Dong skilfully cooking the breakfast for them, every single one of them was shocked especially Mother Chen, she thought that Yu Dong was only pretending to be nice because she wanted to skim on the payment but no matter how much she wanted to pretend there was no need for her to enter the kitchen!

It was the place which belonged to only mers!

Even she never cooked for her husband before! Now as she watched Yu Dong cook for her son, she couldn't help but feel a bit scummy, this good for nothing could make breakfast for her husbands and yet she and her daughters only waited for their husbands to bring breakfast to the table and yet they call themselves loving wives!

Father Chen was the only one who wasn't too shocked, he was but not as much as mother Chen. His son praised Yu Dong so much, that Father Chen was willing to believe that Yu Dong was a really good wife now.

Father Chen's Eldest son in law giggled as he teased his brother in law " Mi, you can finally rest in ease, your wife turned for the best. Now she is not only cooking for you but also treating you very well."

Chen Mi blushed furiously, his entire face turned red as he ushered his family inside his room. Took a turn for the best? haha, yes, they could say that.

When the Chen family entered Chen Mi's room they were even more surprised. The room was not as dilapidated and in a sorry state as they thought, instead it was clean and warm. There was even a fluffy blanket and mattress on the bed! The room was organised nicely, even though the furniture looked old, it was still usable.

But that wasn't what caught their attention, it was the sleeping little bun that caught their attention in just one second. It was given that mers were treated badly by their family, even if their parents were not biased they might still not treat the mers, as well as they, treated their daughters. People like Mother Chen were hard to find, who treated Her son who was a mer as good as her daughters.

But looks like there was someone, even more, crazier than her!

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