" you three, why did you come out? Isn't it cold at night? What if you catch a cold? " asked Yu Dong a bit surprised that Chen Mi came together with Ye Liu and even brought the kids. As far as she knew Chen Mi was a bit shy and introverted he hardly ever went out, even sending him on a walk was a feat. How can the forever single Yu Dong figure out that Chen Mi only came out of the house because he wanted to spend some time with his wife, at home Yu Dong was always busy either she was at the farms or the vegetable patch in the backyard. And if she wasn't working at the fields then she would be brewing wine, which made it impossible for the mers to talk with her much less spend time together.

So such things as fishing together as a family was something Shen Li, Ye Liu and Chen Mi cherished a lot now.

"It's not that cold," said Chen Mi before Ye Liu could defend himself " I don't think that I will catch a chill with just this much and Little bun and Yu Mai are all wrapped up so they wouldn't be cold either, you don't need to worry about these two or me"

Yu Dong pursed her lips but didn't say anything, the only reason she didn't ask Ye Liu to bring Chen Mi and the kids with him was all because Chen Mi had just given birth a few months ago he was still in his postnatal recovery period and as for Yu Mai and Little bun, the two of them grew up living under Yu Dong's spiritual energy and ate food that was cooked and washed in water that was instilled with Yu Dong's spiritual energy, they were stronger than other kids but still, Yu Dong didn't want to take a risk, things like fever were really scary in this era, without proper medicine anyone can burn up because of fever.

Of course, she had medicine for fever in her space but she didn't want such a situation to arise where her family would have to use those medicine especially Yu Mai and Little bun.

However when she saw the expectant expression on Chen Mi and Yu Mai's faces she couldn't bring herself to refuse them. Fine whatever the three of them were already here and it would be really cold-hearted of her to send them back when they were this excited.

Thankfully, the weather wasn't that cold and as long as the three of them bundled themselves nicely they wouldn't catch a cold.

" Alright, you can play with us but I'm warning you especially you Mai, catching big fish can be dangerous and the river is deep enough for a child like you to fall inside it, so don't run around and be careful... If you fall in the river, Sister won't bring you to play anymore, understand ?" Yu Dong couldn't help but act like an anxious baby momma as she repeatedly warned Yu Mai and Chen Mi. Though the people here thought that Chen Mi was an adult and big boy but to Yu Dong, he was a boy who should be at high school in the modern world rather than being a daddy to a child.

So she was worried that the two might fall in the river when she wasn't paying attention.

" don't worry wife, I'm not a kid. I can take care of little bun and Mai" said Chen Mi shyly, he never received such care from his wife and was feeling really shy when she repeatedly emphasised to him to take care of himself " I will pay attention, don't worry"

Yu Dong nodded then took the net and rice that they were going to use as bait from Ye Liu and walked to the hidden area she chose earlier. Though she could sense the presence of humans around the surrounding with her power, she still wanted to be safer than sorry, so she walked a little deep in the groove and sat next to a big stone that stretched out of the ground.

Then she put the fishing net on an old piece of cloth before spreading the rice, all the while instilling her spiritual power in the rice as she scattered it all over the net. Then she placed the net in the river, she was confident in her power and knew that catching fish was like an easy feat for her and because she no longer had the thought of hiding her identity from her husbands so she didn't bother to mask it anymore. Ye Liu and Shen Li knew about her already, it would be great if Chen Mi could realise it soon, then she didn't have to worry about hiding her powers anymore.

After the net was placed in the water, the spiritual energy from the boiled rice that was sticking on the old piece of cloth gradually scattered around. In a short time, ripples began to form on the surface of the river.

" Woah! third brother in law look! A lot of fish are swimming over to the net. Look there are so many yellow croakers, crucian carps and small fishes! my sister is so amazing, she can catch so many fishes with just rice alone! and It works so well, we can eat fish and drink hot soup now! " Yu Mai shouted in joy, he didn't think about lowering his voice at all because he was so excited.

It was Ye Liu who hurriedly poked his forehead and made him shut up " you little glutton, you are acting like we don't feed you enough. Who was the one who ate half a crock of braised rabbit meat dinner? now you are excited because of fish soup? Aren't you afraid that your little tummy will hurt if you eat so much ?"

Ye Liu didn't want to frighten Yu Mai but the little boy was really too loud. If someone heard his loud shout and came looking at what they were doing then how will they explain this? Such an exciting scene where fishes were pushing each other to swim over to be caught in the net, such a sight was hard to imagine even in their dreams!

Fishing was all about bait, patience and luck and even then most people couldn't catch a lot of fish. Yet Yu Dong's net was filled up in just a few minutes!

The fishes were even eagerly flapping their tails and swimming right into the net!

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